[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] OOC Thread

xarvh said:
Wlf, JayTee, you can both declare our actions (and cyl, too!)
Well I'm going to wait to see if I'm still alive after his shots :D

With those 18L he's packing he's going to roll something like 19 dice of damage vs poor Malek.

This must be what Vietnamese farmers felt like when they got mowed down by door gunners... and JayTee must be that one farmer with the rpg :D
Meh, motes don't change much vs that type of combat specialized opponents in this specific configuration.

Siham only has 10 personal and 6 peripheral on Malek (that represents only 2 more perfect defenses in 2.5).

The real issues for Malek are:

- way too many commitments (36 / 55) and that drains his mote pool

- no perfect defense (main problem when facing combat specialized opponents)

- he took the aggro because VH knows he's going to come after him so he shoots the greatest threat he is aware of
Less a matter of motes and more a matter of +5 damage. Also, no Perfect Defense? Are you trying to die? O.o
JayTee said:
Also, no Perfect Defense? Are you trying to die? O.o
Sorry, I was busy trying to make thousands survive. :D

Historically I got switched from Night to Eclipse and had to take on a whole lot more than I originally planned for and spread myself thin.

Malek was to be some sort of masked vigilante / master thief-spy, and I had to turn him into a "fast provider of foods and materials" + fixer / facilitator + warlord + diplomat.

Most of the time I trade personal power for instant situational utility because it helps resolving problems the dominion or the circle have at one point and we can't just make stuff magically appear (...like a Land Ship).

Latest example: I could have picked 7SE with my last xp, but then I wouldn't have had; SPREADING NIGHT’S SHROUD to help Rhapsody being stealthy to help with the rescue, Traceless Passage to help moving the mortals (for all the good that's gonna do me now anyway :tongue:) and Keen Sight to facilitate the rescue effort.

I also made some bad investments... or rather investments which haven't paid off yet but took with them a huge chunk of my xp (War charms and Melia mainly).

If I was to reroll him like you guys did with Rhapsody and Siham, trust me, he wouldn't look anything like he does now. :D
Yeah, it's a bit different when you have a whole chunk of XP to spend and don't have any in-game play under your belt. But, there are advantages you have too. Many many.
Oh yeah, I'm not whining about anything.

I'm just explaining how and why it is that I don't have essence 5, willpower 10 and perfect defenses :)
Fair point, I suppose I got off lucky thanks to coming in late. 200+ XP to spend right off the bat was hella useful in getting Siham 9/10ths of the way towards full on mad scientist.
Arynne said:
Dude, don't do stuff like this when your mate with the Perfect Defend Other isn't around. ;)
Trust me, Malek's never leaving home without Flicker ever again. :D
JayTee said:
Fair point, I suppose I got off lucky thanks to coming in late. 200+ XP to spend right off the bat was hella useful in getting Siham 9/10ths of the way towards full on mad scientist.
It was an advantage to start from scratch in an environment that did not ask of you to fulfill its needs, but IIRC you had to preserve some connections with what your predecessor had built previously.

Anyone could have built the characters several different ways depending on the context, and the consequences would have been very different with each choice.

I made choices and I mostly feel like they have helped the dominion survive/prosper, which was the point, so I'm content with myself so far, even if it means Malek can't fight on equal ground with meta assassins.

I have not turned him into what I wanted him to be when I started this game... but as long as I don't fuck up (I do feel like I have in this current scene), the xp will continue to flow my way and hopefully one day he'll get there.

And ff he dies, well, I'll enjoy making another character with a different feel like Norts did (great job btw on Kalak :) )
@JayTee -- it'd be worth it for Siham to pull up Infinite Mastery on the Firearms. It will pay for itself after just a few attacks.
Kacie said:
@JayTee -- it'd be worth it for Siham to pull up Infinite Mastery on the Firearms. It will pay for itself after just a few attacks.
Seconded, that's what that bastard must be using to get 10+ suxx for each of his attacks.
Any person who wants to survive / do something in a fight should have it btw either for defense, or offense... ideally both. :)
Folks - there are only 2 must-have charms for Exalted combat. Your perfect, and Infinite Mastery. Get them, love them, use them.
Speaking of offensive Charms, where do y'all stand on Lunar Hero Style? Book version, house-ruled version, or "screw this, I'm going with Tiger or Snake Style"?

Edit: And for those of us who don't have Infinite Mastery? :P
I must admit I forgot it even existed and got seriously bad ass since 2.5 myself.

It's still a simple charm, but the applications are great for both MA and War since it offers bonuses for both attack & defense.

@Kacie : thanks for the reminder
Arynne said:
Speaking of offensive Charms, where do y'all stand on Lunar Hero Style? Book version, house-ruled version, or "screw this, I'm going with Tiger or Snake Style"?
Edit: And for those of us who don't have Infinite Mastery? :tongue:
Where's the house ruled version again ?

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