[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] OOC Thread

Doing some math here:

Shellcaster has a base range of 50 yards.

Heaven's Eye Marksmenship adds 150 yards to the attack (50+150=200) Plus an additional 50 yards for each Aim dice added (3x50=150)+200=350 yards added total.

600-350=250 yards worth of distance that I need to close.

Conclusion: Firearms Charms are bullshit compared to Archery Charms. Wtf.
IIRC, you can shoot at Range with no penalties, Range x2 with -1 external, and Range x3 with -2 external.

Plus, you should have an MM Range bonus.

Unless the Firearms have it different than Archery weapons, you get +50.
It's in the rules.

If it's a projectile weapon and not a flame weapon, the maximum range is the weapon's range x 3.

50 yards means it's a projectile weapon so you can shoot at 150 with a penalty + 150 through your charm + 150 more from aiming.

You still need to cross 150 yards so 10+ ticks of running.
(50+50)x3 + 150 + 50x3 = 300 + 150 + 150 = 600

I was thinking "should it be 700? Naaaaah! Too much. Let's cut it down to 600m".
I'm thinking more "There is No Wind" removes range calculations entirely and makes it "Can you see the target? Yes? He's within range". I think I'll port it over as an upgrade to Heaven's Eye Marksmenship, if there are no objections.
I checked the Firearms charms and they seem pretty good... There's even one that HALVES the DV! O_o

All in all, I'd prefer you not to add stuff from Archery.

You can shoot at 600m anyway.
I looked them over myself, and I have to admit they are pretty good. The only three charms I'd like to port over from Archery would be "There is no Wind" as an upgrade to Heaven's Eye Marksmenship, "Accuracy Without Distance" as an upgrade to Lightspeed Trigger Technique (The DV halving charm) and "Inexhaustible Bolts of Solar Fire" as an upgrade to Lightning Hands Reload.
No problems with Inexhaustible Bolts of Solar Fire because there is no charm that does anything comparable.

Regarding the first two, Firearms has a different flavor than Archery and I'd like to preserve it.

Rather than a perfect attack you get one that halves the DV, which IMHO is just nastier.

And rather than infinite distance you get a (cheaper) distance bonus plus damage.

I'd prefer to keep the difference between the two charmsets.

If you need more range you can always build a Holy Solar Railgun or something.
Naw, I'll just build a magic lab coat that also happens to function a suit of Celestial Battle Armor ;)
JayTee said:
Naw, I'll just build a magic lab coat that also happens to function a suit of Celestial Battle Armor ;)
Why not make a suit of Celestial Battle Armor and paint it orange?

Also craft yourself a Daiklave worth of heroes.

I'm about to say something highly controversial, so brace yourself:

I find half-life to be extremely overrated, so no way in hell. I'm Iron Man, yo.
Hey, Half-Life is probably the only entertainment-thing ever where the action-hero is an actual non-Hollywood scientist (a physicist in fact!) who actually wears spectacles!

It is one of the first FPS that actually put effort in storytelling.

I loved Half Life 2, but I just can't stand the fucking crossbow.


We should have an IC birthday for Siham or so.

But let's just see if he GETS to his next brithday.
I could go for a birthday thread for Siham. Despite my tendency to powergame like a mofo, I do like me some vanilla RPing.
Also, I'm really enjoying that Kalak speaks in a completely different way than Walker.

Good job, Norts!
I always felt that Walker's way of speaking was to-the-point speech marred by brooding dark stuff.

Kalak, on the other hand, is a highly intelligent man who was a scholar before being forced into the role of glorious savior, so he uses bigger words, is more verbose, and also tends to go on tangents. Very much my natural way of speaking actually.
Looks like its about time for Argis to get some investigation charms and observer awareness method.. Course if the info is gained by sids or spells it won't help, but eh.

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