[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] OOC Thread

Remembering the previous scenes the Void Heart was in - distance is his friend. I believe he was shooting Keyneya from several miles away.

This leads me to think that your best option is to engage him up close and in his face.

Malek teleporting right on top of him, and Siham up to the roofs shooting and moving closer to back up Malek.

Honestly, the best thing would be for Malek to grab Rhapsody and teleport the both of them on top of the Void Heart, and trust to the chaos to save the prisoners until you get back. It's sad if they die, but all three of you are in danger of dying, and that's beyond tragic.

Swarm him, attempt to hit/grapple. He'll use perfects; chase him, run him out of motes, tackle and beat him to final death.

Otherwise, when you attempt to run, he will shoot you in the back from several miles away.
Kacie said:
Remembering the previous scenes the Void Heart was in - distance is his friend. I believe he was shooting Keyneya from several miles away.
This leads me to think that your best option is to engage him up close and in his face.

Malek teleporting right on top of him, and Siham up to the roofs shooting and moving closer to back up Malek.

Honestly, the best thing would be for Malek to grab Rhapsody and teleport the both of them on top of the Void Heart, and trust to the chaos to save the prisoners until you get back. It's sad if they die, but all three of you are in danger of dying, and that's beyond tragic.

Swarm him, attempt to hit/grapple. He'll use perfects; chase him, run him out of motes, tackle and beat him to final death.

Otherwise, when you attempt to run, he will shoot you in the back from several miles away.
Teleporting us on top of him was my draft for this action but then I considered JayTee may not want Siham to die and even if we can go up there, it's a one way ticket.

Rhapsody doesn't have ranged attacks / movement charms / artifacts to keep up with VH if he starts moving.

Siham at least has range for him. Plus it makes more sense that Rhapsody be the one leading the mortals. She's a Zenith after all.

JayTee said:
Heaven's Eye Marksmenship gives my weapon a boost of range, so if you leave the cloak with me, you and Rhapsody could get everyone out with the stealth charms while I have my shootout as a distraction. Then once you guys are all gone, I bail and attune to the cloak to join you.
It's not a stealth charm unfortunately, it's a charm covering tracks to loose pursuers.

Won't do us any good if I go totemic and people can see me from a mile away.

But Kacie's right, VH will pick us up one by one even if Siham distracts him. He's a sniper on top of a mobile antenna so basically he can shoot us wherever we go.

The other play we have is I try to do this alone, I grab him, and pull a reverse Shiryu on his ass (going down instead of up) : clinch + tp 3 miles in the air over the water and we both go down... Or I simply jump from the antenna and take him down straight to the pavement.

Then it doesn't solve the problem of the pursuers for you guys, but without him at least you get a chance to get out of the city.
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I believe you're now in the realm of just trying to survive, the three of you. Consider; if all of you die at the Void Heart's hand, worrying about "pursuit" is meaningless.

The Void Heart having to worry about three of you all at once increases your chances of survival. If you survive, then go pick up the prisoners and run.

From a purely objective point of view, trading 30-50 mortals for 1-3 Solar Exalts is a *horrible* trade. Of course, your characters might not be thinking objectively at this point.

From another point of view - if you have just killed one of the major Abyssals, that 's going to demoralize the troops that are supposed to come after you.

To be clear; I'm not advocating killing the Void Heart because I like combat/killing - I'm saying I don't see how you guys get out of this all three of you alive unless you kill or otherwise ensure the Void Heart can't shoot at you. I'm worried for your characters.
...we could strap the smaller children to us and use them as ablative armor, then shield the useful adults like the Savants with our bodies as we fall back.

We might have to make a virtue roll or two, but it could be done >.>
More seriously' date=' yeah, Kacie is right. We've been made and it's time to bail.[/quote']
My worry is that in order to bail, you'll need to kill/Incapacitate mr. Void Heart. I'm not usually in favor of trying to gank more powerful Exalts, but due to this guy's extreme range advantage, I think it's necessary. (insert worried smilie. I'm not trusting the funky new smilies.)
That's the thing, we can't, at least not all of us.

Siham is safe since he's in stealth mode, but Rhapsody can't hide, and Malek has not enough motes left to shelter her.

Teleportation is not an option because of Malek's anima and VH's shooting from miles away.

So it's either

- risk Siham distracting VH, with a high probability that VH goes "lol I don't care I'm just going to keep shooting the running vermin" and none of us is safe

- risk Rhapsody and the mortals and Siham and Malek are safe

- risk Malek and if I succeed everyone is safe

While letting Rhapsody and the mortal die is probably our safest bet all things considered, that's really a crappy move.

Since I'm the one who insisted we go there, Malek should be the one to risk taking the fall.

There is perhaps one move I can try a few times instead of trying to grab him and go kamikaze... it's disarming VH.

No weapon, no shootin' and I have just the right charm for that. ;)
...How willing would the Mask be willing to take Siham prisoner in exchange for letting everyone go?
A lot I guess since he's short staffed and you just sabotaged the Cathedral Factory, but VH, he's completely crazy... there's probably no talking him down.

Oh and I completely forgot but... he killed Siham's mate, River, a few months back.
Not... quite as selfless as you might think, but sure /shifty eyes

EDIT: Oh wait what? He killed who? Fuck surrender, he's dead. Cover me in Bloom Dust and teleport me up there. I'm going to give him a big hug.
Also keep in mind the one other thing we know about Void Heart. He has a keeper. If you go in expecting one foe you might be are probably underestimating the situation.
EDIT: Oh wait what? He killed who? Fuck surrender, he's dead. Cover me in Bloom Dust and teleport me up there. I'm going to give him a big hug.
My man :D
So we go up there, I try to disarm him, you blast his ass to kingdom come and we try to make a run for it ?
Feantari said:
Also keep in mind the one other thing we know about Void Heart. He has a keeper. If you go in expecting one foe you might be are probably underestimating the situation.
Yeah I haven't forgotten about Idle Wind... but Malek did not see him, perhaps Siham's distraction managed to split them.
Woah, woah, let's not go crazy here.

Try beating the guy to a pulp before you offer to surrender.

Seriously, all three of you, in his face. Make him spend motes, stunt to keep up with him - at least this way you have a chance of winning!
I think Rhapsody is the best candidate, if Malek can get her out there. She has a shit-ton of motes to burn through and can activate her anima to be more effective against him. In addition, we all know she won't give up until the end.

So, Malek gets her out there, then heads back to get Siham and what mortals remain out. She fights a last battle that could deprive the enemy of a valuable asset.
She does have a few advantages:

- quasi full mote pool

- perfect soak

- social charms

- Zenith anima

But she's got one big flaw, she can't move worth a damn, so she won't be able to keep up if VH starts running / jumping around and she can't really attack from a distance.

His MO is fighting from a distance and he's got some seriously BIG damage, if she goes up there, he'll just apply some good old fashioned hit & run and either target someone else or kill her slowly draining her of all of her motes just like he did with Malek.

Siham is more fit for this fight IMHO because of range, plus... VH killed his mate and there's more "drama" if he goes...

Plus we wouldn't want to stand between him and getting even.

Considering what Agatha was able to do in her time, let's not put Siham in a position where he holds grudges. :D

@JayTee : it's been an honor, any last words ?

In Character: If I survive this, I'm going to turn him in to my own personal guinea pig

Out of Character: I wish I had a 5 dot hearthstone so I could drop an army on his head.

@Feantari: I did some quick digging, and I couldn't find any.

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