[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] OOC Thread

Small dice pools + charms doesn't mean you're bad... at most you're short how many dice, 5?
Haku said:
Small dice pools + charms doesn't mean you're bad... at most you're short how many dice, 5?
Yes, it does ;)


Lets say Cunning Fangs is commanding her force of demons, a Magnitude 1 unit.

Her attack pool: Wits 3 + War 0 = 3

Base Damage: Cha 3

Speed: 4

Accuracy: 4

Damage: 7 (thank god for the Sang Baidak)

Rate: Unknown. Best case, using the Soldiers of Sigereth as a base, 5. But somehow I doubt I've got a unit with discipline equal to some of the finest soldiers in Malfeas. If for no other reason than I'm in command of them.

Charms: Yes, I can use them, although I'm lacking entirely in a Wits excellency, a charm-type that is, lets face it, the bread and butter of Exalted combat. My MA charms will only become powerful as I inflict damage on units...off my attack pool of 3.

Acting as a Solo unit is rough too, by my reading of the rules, my use of MA would be limited by War (of which I have none), so I'd be down to my base Attribute score, presumably Dex.

Compared to "Cunning Fangs vs. Random Group of Thugs"

Attack Pool: Dex 6 + MA 4 + Specialty 1: 11. So right now, short 8 dice on the attack pool.

Base Damage: 2. Admittedly, she's a wimp.

Accuracy: 2

Damage: ~7L, depending on arrow use.

Rate: 2

Charms: DBT is directly beneficial. MA charms begin building swiftly, based on a much stronger (and Excellency enhanced) attack pool. Damage and accuracy ratings are comparable, and more importantly, can be done 350 yards away. Even the higher rate of an elite unit won't help, assuming I'll get multiple action penalties eroding the attack pool even lower.

This also ignores her primary AoE spell, and its beautiful synergy with White Reaper.

TLDR: Take 10 thugs, and Cunning Fangs can murderize them. But call them a Magnitude 1 unit, and I'm really not sure what to do besides sending the Baidak off on their own, and going to make Walker a sandwich.

Speaking of which, Xarvh, how does your house-ruled system handle non-combat system attacks - most importantly for me, Sorcery?

Edit: This isn't me whining about being less powerful (well, it is a little bit), but mostly just trying to understand *how* a traditionally built combat character interacts with the mass combat system.

At the moment, as best I can figure it, the Baidak should be operating on their own, and CF should be working as a solo unit. If she's acting as said solo unit, Xarvh has stated you use Strength rather than Cha for base damage - do solo units also roll off Wits + War, or do they go off more conventional Dex + War?
Posting charm activations I'll be using anyway to stall for time.

Also, forgive the reference to recent drama. Couldn't resist ;)
First of all, Arynne is cut out from civilized world, so let's wait just a bit to see if she can post, otherwise I'll have her embed under Argis.

I would usually allow others to declare anyway, but Sherwood swinging trees around will have major consequences on the battlefield.

Second, I forgot to put the demons and CF in the tick tracker, I'm stupid.

Third, to answer Crazy Ivan.

Basically, if you fight as a Solo Unit and have no wits/war you suck hugely.

It is exactly like a martially unskilled char fighting unarmed.

Also, in this case, your attack is not capped by War.

It IS War.

Mass Combat does change the rules.

Imagine coordinated attacks and Defend Other brought to another level.

This just to give you an idea of what Cunning Fangs is facing.

Now, there IS a solution, but I'm an idiot and thought I wrote a thing while the rules actually stated a different one.

Anyway, I updated the rules.

What you can do is embed CF as a Special within Zenjo's unit.

In this way, his soldiers can protect CF from being surrounded, and Zenjo can direct her where it hurts the most.

Once you embed, you attack normally with your Dex+Ability, with the Ability capped by Zenjo's War; embedding is the ONLY situation where you have the cap.

You can also embed in Argis' unit, but his War is lower.

Once embedded, you act at the Justicar's tick, and can use whatever Charm/Sorcery you want.
Could she embed with the demon unit as well? She has one leadery Baidak right? Maybe you can leverage it's war and be a solo unit there? If you wanted to stick with the demon dudes.
Feantari said:
Could she embed with the demon unit as well? She has one leadery Baidak right? Maybe you can leverage it's war and be a solo unit there? If you wanted to stick with the demon dudes.
That's an option, but I'd explode to imagine CF following the orders of one of her summoned demons.

Oh, Daeshwin, feel free to take a gander over at Argis's description/pic. Granted some weird things happen in exalted land, but the coloring would probably give him away a bit.
Am just waiting on Dove's actions.

Question: How are we going to deal with this part " Malek attacks Didee with four bodyguards Defending Other on her, the latter made available by your tactic." Does war come into play somewhere ?!
xarvh said:
Feantari said:
Could she embed with the demon unit as well? She has one leadery Baidak right? Maybe you can leverage it's war and be a solo unit there? If you wanted to stick with the demon dudes.
That's an option, but I'd explode to imagine CF following the orders of one of her summoned demons.
Any more than following the orders of a water buffalo? ;)

Walker has joined with Zenjo. As far as Fangs is concerned, that settles it. Despite appearances, she also cares a great deal more about mortal soldiers than she does her summoned minions. There are always more Baidak.
On a business trip until Saturday night, dunno how my connection will be. If I'm holding things on, sock-puppet Fangs please. She's joining Zenjo's unit, hurling fireballs and taking names. And archery shots, once she'd built up some halos.

We may actually want to slow down a bit, I'll be on a two-weeks trip myself from Thursday.
Arynne, this would be an awesome time for you to have a connection, and a good opportunity to burn that Solar Bond pool you have...

We'll wait for you (and Siham) to act at this point, for dramatic reasons I removed Dove from the Militia, in case you want to do something.
xarvh said:
Arynne, this would be an awesome time for you to have a connection, and a good opportunity to burn that Solar Bond pool you have...
Indeed :lol:
Before I post for Argis, can you give me an update on the lay of the land? Are the Justicars currently in front of the militia (if so I should probably wait for Zenjo :-P)?

I can make another perception roll for Argis if you want, but just looking to get an idea of what he sees from his possition on the field.
The flies roughly occupy the center of the square, with Malek and Dove somehow surrounded among them.

Just slightly east-north-east from the center, River and the Tree.

On the west rim, Fang's Baidaks.

On the southern rim, the militia (west) and the Justicars (east), side by side, both with a direct opening towards the flies.
Ok, no prob.

As I said, I'm travelling and I'll be taking it sloooooooooooooooooooooooooow myself.

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