[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] OOC Thread


I asked about cover because Dove has a Charm that adds 3 dice to her JB pool...plus 1 automatic success for each point of DV she can get from hard cover.

Unfortunately, the 'net's out in my apartment. I posted yesterday from work while my supervisor was out of the room. Now I'm posting from the library, trying to catch up with everything I missed because of the

You guys need someone with a lot of War to perform a Rally action and become your leader.

Your unit will have Drill 0, but quite high stats.

This assuming that Zenjo will Rally the Justicars for better Drill (when fighting under Zenjo, they have Drill 4).
Is the tree that the goddess is riding on rooted down, or is it mobile?
I don't know why, but I foresee a german suplex coming at the treant in the near future... :lol:
Yeah, as I thought, I'll have to break stealth if I want to make this work. I'll need to find another way if I don't want to make those poor mortals left down there run screaming in terror, or claw out their eyes in horror. Hmm...
@Sherwood: the tree is 30m high.

Ok, yesterday I was all "gotta answer on Exalted... Naaaaa!", today I'm inspired... :mrgreen:
Ok, so.. this may be affected by Zenjo's actions, but I am thinking on Argis's turn he will try to organize the villagers that have taken up weapons to try to contain the fly warriors to the square and protect the rest of the village (probably just trying to hold a street). With luck he could scrape together a magnitude 1 unit. So, I'd like to have him include Albane or Dove via wind carried words, or normal if they are close by. A mass combat unit can support one(or two?) special character things per magnitude so I think if he managed to pull off the above, a PC could attack as a solo unit, with ability limited by Argis's war (2)? He's probably not the best person for the role, but it'd be a likely reaction for him rather than trying to run in and beat up a giant tree with all the other exalts tussling. He's more concerned with the frantic villagers.

Let me know if this would work differently than I am thinking xarvh. The hope would be that he could rally some of the village militia and let a PC have some more dice to attack with (though they would then have to stay with the unit).

Of course, if Zenjo decides to try to roll them into the Justicar's unit then it may all be moot, but I wanted to circulate ideas in advance to make sure I wasn't reading things wrong and check if there would be a PC willing to join in on such a thing.
Some villagers are coming already back with weapons, so you could count on a 2 or 3 magnitude unit with a low Drill, depending on your Rally roll, but you'd have a -1 external 'cause the villagers have never seen Argis before.

Albane and Dove are close to you, as well as Zenjo and Walker, but Wind Carried Words will help you a lot coordinating around.

Yes, once a unit is built up you could have them as special characters and have them attack with Dex+Skill (skill capped by your War) which could be far more effective.

Yes, Zenjo will be the most effective here, but it may be more effective if you rally the villagers and he rallies the Justicars.
Keeping in mind that I'm still invisible for probably another 30 minutes unless I drop commitment.
I'm stuck trying to figure out how to not be absolutely fucking useless in mass combat, which is ironic, because killing large numbers of mooks is actually what CF does best. But in the unit-based context, she's terrible as a leader, and her dice pool is like, near mortal levels.

Ideas? It's possible that I haven't mechanically wrapped my head around the rules, but as best I can tell, I should probably be leaving the Baidak to their own devices, what with their leader having Wits 2 + War 4 versus my own Wits 3 + War 0.
CrazyIvan said:
Ideas? It's possible that I haven't mechanically wrapped my head around the rules, but as best I can tell, I should probably be leaving the Baidak to their own devices, what with their leader having Wits 2 + War 4 versus my own Wits 3 + War 0.
It's probably much better.

Orzhov, in mass combat your troops are your weapon.

Do you realize that with your anima active you can stunt Call the Blade to gather your troops?

Anyway, I will roll the Rally for you.
Is it safe to assume that I can use a simple charm + launch my action within the 3 long ticks action ?!

If I can sneak up on the goddess and her guards, my job will be that much easier.
xarvh said:
CrazyIvan said:
Ideas? It's possible that I haven't mechanically wrapped my head around the rules, but as best I can tell, I should probably be leaving the Baidak to their own devices, what with their leader having Wits 2 + War 4 versus my own Wits 3 + War 0.
It's probably much better.
This doesn't resolve the main question of in what ways I might be useful? Like, CF is scary-dangerous to small groups of minions, but entering Mass Combat, I seem to blow.

How do I not blow? I've got a martial art that gets stronger the more I kill, and can produce massive spheres of fire. I shouldn't be having trouble figuring out how to manifest that in mass combat?

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