[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] OOC Thread

Using 2+1 banked actions from POM

action 1: MA attack + 1st ex (2-1m):12 + 4: 16 dice

action 2: MA attack + 1st ex (2-1m):12 + 4: 16 dice

action 3: MA attack + Flowing Water Defense (1m): 12-1: 11 dice

I think I did that right.. I can't use combos in there, but I'm not sure about flurries.. If he can flurry I'll have him do that on action 1 and 2, but I wasn't sure if he could nest flurries like that. It does say that you can't use extra action charms. I'll hold off on rolling until confirmation of all that.
Anyone can council us about Principle of Motion? Don't have to brains to do this now. -_-
Um...I'm going to regret not having Flow Like Blood, because it would save me motes to use for Death Parrying Stroke. This guy was built before I knew JayTee would be taking over the mad scientist role, so he has a base for Craft Madness as well. I'm thinking that a little retraining might be useful at this point.
Naaaa, I'm very happy with two mad scientists.

Unless you regret the role, that is.

You can always invest your next XPs in more combat stuff, since only Flicker and Mirror are specialized fighters here.
Finally spent my XP on World as Workshop, Spirit Detecting Glance and Spirit Cutting Attack.

EDIT: I Also apparently missed some updates. Really sorry about how long it took me to reply.
I was feeling a bit lonely indeed ^^'

I'm still pondering my template though, probably going for Spreading the Night's Shroud + Keen Sight + Traceless Passage + Spirit Cutting Attack (just in case).
Honestly, I don't think you need Night's Shroud. You and I are stealthy enough, and I'm pretty sure we can just tell Wlf/Rhapsody when it's clear for her move so she remains unseen.
Better safe than sorry, plus if it will be useful for my "diplomatic" plans.

I can use proxies with that thing, it is a nightmare for people I want to mess with !

Now I have supah ninjahz, ho-ho-ho ! :D
xarvh -- when you say not to wait for your post, do you mean I should describe what Mirror finds? I'm not sure what you mean.
cyl: Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't Exalted's dice pools work on a scale of magnitude? Meaning that Lore 5 is one order of magnitude above lore 4, and that Siham's Int 5 + Lore 5 is three orders of magnitude above Malek's Int 3 + Lore 4?
It's only the case for some traits IIRC (like some backgrounds & war stuff)... in which case the base value effectively doubles with each superior dot.

Having +3 dice over someone doesn't make anyone eight times better than the opponent, fortunately.

If it was so, the bonus would be oh so much more than +3 dice or we'd get auto suxx x2 or something ;)

Siham with his pool of 10 is still better than Malek but a 7 makes him a decent savant IMHO able enough to automatically succeed any task at diff 1 if you follow the rules, while Siham with his 10 succeeds at any task at diff 2.

Anything past diff 2 is a challenge for both of them.

Luck is still largely getting the lion's share when it comes to rolling the dice vs a difficulty.

There are however a few minimums required in some extremely specialized fields (like crafting) for which if you don't meet the standards you just can't do.
Essence manipulation is Occult, not Lore.

And a Factory Cathedral probably needs Craft, Lore, and Occult. -guessing on that, since I haven't read Dreams of the First Age, or wherever it is they discuss the details of a Factory Cathedral.

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