[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] OOC Thread

CrazyIvan said:
"Oh my dear boy, it's far too late for that. How long do you think Melia and your adorable little militia will last against Sondok and a dozen Baidak? Long enough for you to hurry back? Long enough to Flicker to reach the flames before Tirana does?"
Cunning Fangs waved a wickedly clawed hand, and breathed out a soft, pleasured sigh as she let go of a leash she had been holding tight for quite some time.

"I would hurry if I were you."
Malek smiles.

To kill someone, first you have to be able to reach him.

I trained the little wolf well enough to know that she'll survive a few demons hunting her.

The only question is; will you survive that little dagger of heaven's wrath afterwards ?
xarvh said:
Ok, guys, stop the cock-waving contest NOW.
I interpreted this far more as good natured OOC banter (unlike, I admit, our usual back and forth). I was mostly having fun writing Cunning Fangs as a villain.
I'd rather nip this at the root, but if you guys can avoid bitterness, by any means continue.
Aw, there was no tension from my end either, and it was good fun indeed to see the possible-but-we-all-know-deep-down-it's-bound-to-happen dark version of Fangs.

She'd make a GREAT villain !
I'd really like to have Melia stat'd up. Every time someone tries to find a weakness on Malek, the question comes up of how powerful she is, with Cyl saying she's as awesome as a solar, and everyone else thinking she's more fragile than a new god-blooded. I'm tired of not knowing mechanically what she's capable of, and just how capable/survivable she is. Mortals have x20 exp cost in raising essence, or so I believe I read somewhere; her essence pool is going to cap how long she can last if she gets the attention of an Exalt.

I'm also really dubious. If a single charm with a modest commitment can turn a mortal into better than a mature dragonblooded, or into a solar for all intents and purposes, that smacks of a badly written charm. What charm is it, and from what book is it?
The charm is called Power Awarding Prana.

Gives a mote pool of 15, essence regen like solars and access to up to essence 2 solar charm for 10 xp each (and she should have some 200 of them IIRC).

Her potential is "limited", and I need to commit some motes, but she has access to all the cool stealth and martial arts charms I have.

Which is only fair honestly considering how many xp I've dropped into her (Lore to 4 + 2 charms from a non favored ability).

If I wanted a DB pal I'd just have bought an 1-2dot ally.
To be honest, when we settled for awarding XPs to Melia I had thought about her being played more often. -_-
I assign XPs to the player, not to the character, IIRC because this allows the player not to feel bad about not playing enough some char.

It seems that in this case it has backfired spectacularly.

Again IIRC we decided on her getting a fraction of Malek's XPs or so, which would have made sense if she had been played, but she hasn't.

And since she has mostly disappeared from the IC, I didn't really bother to think about it.

We should probably review this.

Anyone still interested in having more than one character?
xarvh said:
To be honest, when we settled for awarding XPs to Melia I had thought about her being played more often. -_-
Well now I am back in France and unemployed, I'm all up for it. ;)

Kacie said:
I confess I find it mind-boggling Melia has 200 xp.
It's a ratio we've designed should we need to stat her one day. Something like "she gets 50% of Malek's xp".

We never got to make a full sheet or make her intervene in a challenging context.

On the other hand, I've invested more xp in her than on a 5dots artifact (or even two if you count the beans), so it kinda makes sense for her to have some juice and be useful even if she stays in the background.

If I had gone with sorcery instead I'd be a summoner of materials transportation means and spirits by now and life would have been easier in Cross, but that was not appropriate for the character.
xarvh said:
I assign XPs to the player, not to the character, IIRC because this allows the player not to feel bad about not playing enough some char.
It seems that in this case it has backfired spectacularly.

Again IIRC we decided on her getting a fraction of Malek's XPs or so, which would have made sense if she had been played, but she hasn't.

And since she has mostly disappeared from the IC, I didn't really bother to think about it.

We should probably review this.

Anyone still interested in having more than one character?
I'm still interested in the DK thing when the time comes.

Also, I'll try to post some thing this week, but am on vacation with limited access to interwebs.

Honestly, Melia's actua power is of no concern to me, and it seems that is details are most important only for the above mentioned cock waving.

Guys, we're all grown ups and experienced players, and we know that generic ooc power rivalry between chars are no fun.

Melia can effectively help Malek take over a city and syphon a lot of cash towards Cross, and that's all that matters.

Checking the discussion with cyl 200xp on a MORTAL Ally with charms is nothing that will break the balance of this game, definitely no more than Fangs demons or Siham's craft.

Feantari: no worries.

I'll try to get to the DK soon.
To be precise I never meant that she could take on Sondok and a dozen Baidaks by herself... I meant they would most likely fail to get to her because she is as good at getting out of dodge and loosing pursuers as Malek was in the beginning... which is enough.

Checking the discussion with cyl 200xp on a MORTAL Ally with charms is nothing that will break the balance of this game, definitely no more than Fangs demons or Siham's craft.
Faaaaaaaaaar from it.

The cap being at essence 2 she's extremely limited in her skills and powers.

She's just a cool concept for a sidekick, she helps where she's needed, no mas.
Xarvh, you said something about opening up a solo thread for Mirror a few weeks ago. Is that still in the works? I know a new scene just opened for Mirror, but I've been sitting here waiting for other players to move scenes for over a month.

I know the other players have had a lot on their plates in Real Life, but I'm feeling frustrated.
xarvh said:
Siham's craft.
To be fair, high level craft is game breaking, and demon summoning is the only thing that turns sorcery into a viable life-choice instead of "You want to do what?" That and Imbue Amalgam, but if I took that I'd never get the feeling of dirt off my skin.

cyl said:
To be precise I never meant that she could take on Sondok and a dozen Baidaks by herself... I meant they would most likely fail to get to her because she is as good at getting out of dodge and loosing pursuers as Malek was in the beginning... which is enough.
Which was more an illustration of Cunning Fangs' threat. Malia might be able to run, but Sondok is in the heart of the Cross. She can probably outrun her, but the rest of the village can't. That was the greater point - villain Cunning Fangs is totally fine with mutually assured destruction, because she can't beat a Solar, but she might be able to make it hard for the Solar to stomach what it will cost to beat her.
That's okay, Xarvh, I should have said something sooner.

Fang's manse is really out of the way of everything/one. Hmm.

I'd enjoy getting a chance to have Mirror met out justice/detective stuff; she has extremely nice investigation now, and I like the idea of resolving an ancient and forgotten crime that ghosts are locked into re-enacting. Maybe one that plays out every so many years in a town, and the living are possessed by the ghosts doing the reenactment.

That seems like it might need to happen in Thorns, however, since Fang's Manse isn't haunted, as far as we know.

We did just start the next Fangs/Mirror scene, so if a solo scene doesn't make sense right now, we can hold off for a bit.

I'd expect a solo scene to be prompted by the characters desires, rather than by chance.

See Flicker's quest (indeed, she'd much benefit from Mirror being there with her).

Still, you are in Thorns, I can open another thread where Mirror and Fangs are together, but Fangs is concealed on Mirror and therefore CI won't be required to post unless he wants.

You still don't know much of Thorns, so you will definitely use your Investigation for whatever purpose you are there.

As far as I understand, your priority there is to learn necromancy, right?
Learning necromancy is primary for Fangs. Mirror wants to help her do this, and will pick it up if given the chance - but Mirror also wants to find a way to hurt the Mask, either directly or to throw a wrench into his plans. She's not a sneaky sort, nor gifted in larceny, so I doubt she's going to get her hands on that Ring the other Deathknight wants.

Mirror really wants to find a way to ease the Neverborn's suffering that doesn't also include destroying the rest of Creation, which is probably tied up with her redemption.

Does this help?

EDIT: I'd planned to have the protection of Lookshy be a potential source of hooks, as well as a few things in the Cross (a legal system, using the behemoth as a source of food/revenue), but after the possession & attack on Keyana, and the destruction of Lookshy, I'm having trouble coming up with hooks.
CrazyIvan said:
Which was more an illustration of Cunning Fangs' threat. Malia might be able to run, but Sondok is in the heart of the Cross. She can probably outrun her, but the rest of the village can't. That was the greater point - villain Cunning Fangs is totally fine with mutually assured destruction, because she can't beat a Solar, but she might be able to make it hard for the Solar to stomach what it will cost to beat her.
Going after the loved ones / things the enemy cares about is not necessarily a good way to balance the equation.

You can actually generate more hate and cunning... and I'm not sure that this is the smart way to go for Villain Fangs.

If her enemies may have many things and people they truly cherish; she only has two things to loose, her mate (which is more than capable of defending herself but would become a primary target) and her life.

Unless she destroys every single object of affection, if Mirror gets killed, the balance will hardly be in her favor.

I think that "making an example" could be more her style... kind of like what she had in mind for Ankss.

If you send the right "provoking me ensures a painful demise" vibe of fear, disposing of a minor yet a tad powerful enemy, that should make the others careful enough.

Look at how the Deathlords street cred stopped us from using the Bloom in the beginning.

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