[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] OOC Thread

Kacie said:
Learning necromancy is primary for Fangs. Mirror wants to help her do this, and will pick it up if given the chance - but Mirror also wants to find a way to hurt the Mask, either directly or to throw a wrench into his plans. She's not a sneaky sort, nor gifted in larceny, so I doubt she's going to get her hands on that Ring the other Deathknight wants.
Mirror really wants to find a way to ease the Neverborn's suffering that doesn't also include destroying the rest of Creation, which is probably tied up with her redemption.

Does this help?

EDIT: I'd planned to have the protection of Lookshy be a potential source of hooks, as well as a few things in the Cross (a legal system, using the behemoth as a source of food/revenue), but after the possession & attack on Keyana, and the destruction of Lookshy, I'm having trouble coming up with hooks.
You can actually hurt Mask big time if you think about the situation he's in AND screw with Walker at the same time !

IIRC Walker traded the Ring to Mask for more knights according to the revelations the nice deathknight made in a past scene.

Their deal is about power: Walker lost many many knights (Widow - Traveller - & the Lion guy) and Mask wanted the Ring (probably to avoid spending time on making one... but he's not known for being a crafty guy like Walker is).

Break the balance and they'll get ugly with each other.

You can't really steal the Ring from Mask (unless he passed it on to another knight), but you can kill his loaned knights... that will make the Walker go: "hey dude, what are those second hand knights you sold me ? they break like balsa ! Give me back my Ring you cheat !"

And Mask will answer something like "pal, you got my knights killed and you even dare to ask for the Ring back ? like for real ?" and before you know it, they are at each others throat as it was always meant to be :)

But you'll eat Resonance big time.
Mirror really wants to find a way to ease the Neverborn's suffering that doesn't also include destroying the rest of Creation, which is probably tied up with her redemption.
Just a thought.

The NB are your ultimate stubborn screwed up ghosts... and their fetters lie with Creation.

They can't plunge into the Maw because of it, which is why they want / need to destroy it.

But you may have noticed there are three options when you are a ghost in the Underworld which are conveniently reflected in Necromancy and even Abyssal charms.

- remaining in the Underworld

- joining Oblivion

- going back to Lethe and Creation

The NB have made the second choice, especially after the Black Nadir Concordat snatched Necromancy from them awaking them further in the process, but got stuck with the first option because of their attachment to Creation.

So you may have several options.

Here are three I can think of:

1- finding a way to put them back to sleep (basically undo whatever the hell the BNC did), but who knows what would Deathlords become without their masters holding the leash ?

2- pushing them forward into the Maw (possibly by making them less stubborn) and convince them to take the Deathlords with them ! :D

3- helping them find their way back to Lethe willingly or not (now what would be the first thing a reincarnated primordial would do ?! :eek: )

Researching the BNC's legacy and studying Necromancy with a focus on Lethe instead of the Void might be a good start.
One way or another Mirror will get the trust of Cross, and be able to contribute.

For the time being, you have two very ambitious goals.

Damaging the Mask can be done in several ways, which I will leave up to you to discover or create.

Cyl's suggestions are not bad.

Regarding the Neverborn, just understanding how to ease their pain is an epic feat, that will likely span several Chapters, and alone could be Mirror's legacy to humanity, and an incommensurable one at that.

Implementing that, well, depends from what you find.

I will open a Scene for Mirror within Thorns.
Arynne said:
Unless you use the Solar-Lunar bond in some sneaky way...
Yes but that means not actually doing any fighting besides slaying "normal ghosts" which is actually kosher.

And that kinda sucks for a character like Mirror.
One way or another Mirror will get the trust of Cross, and be able to contribute.
Demons, Akumas and GSPs - Fair Folk - hoomans - Dragon Blooded - and Lunars are all greenlighted.

Sadly for the NB, they are content as long as you murder-death-kill your targets and obey the commands of any Greater Servant of the Void you may encounter.

The long run consequences of someone else swooping by and establishing a new order is of no concern to them.

So there are just two simple rules to observe:

1- never defend, always attack !

2- stay out of reach !
xarvh said:
Regarding the Neverborn, just understanding how to ease their pain is an epic feat, that will likely span several Chapters, and alone could be Mirror's legacy to humanity, and an incommensurable one at that.

Implementing that, well, depends from what you find.
Is it really pain by the way ?

I've always thought it was raw spite because they are sore losers (not unlike like the Yozis actually).

They hate their murderers and cursed them and at the same time they want to get Creation back just to destroy it because they got mugged and lost it forever (and also because they can't move on and hate not being able to).

They kind of want to end on a "now there is Nothing and the Wyld can't touch this, fuck you everybody goodnight !" note that I find a little too aggressive for beings searching a relief from pain.
Depends on your interpretation, but my understanding is thus:

The Neverborn can't finish dying. They're trapped in endless nightmares of pain. They were also betrayed by their creations, and have all sorts of reasons to hold a grudge like the Yozi (and if you were turned inside out to trap your skin and everything on it inside you, you might have a bit of a grudge).

But pain will make you lash out at whatever is hurting you. Doesn't have to be physical pain; racism and bigotry are instances of inflicted pain.

Certainly Xarvh's diagram of Hate -> inability to get back (frustration) -> causes pain works for the Neverborn.

If you take my interpretation, there's also Pain (can't die) -> Hate.
xarvh said:
Still, you are in Thorns, I can open another thread where Mirror and Fangs are together, but Fangs is concealed on Mirror and therefore CI won't be required to post unless he wants.

You still don't know much of Thorns, so you will definitely use your Investigation for whatever purpose you are there.

As far as I understand, your priority there is to learn necromancy, right?
Cunning Fangs' priority is necromancy, but as I mentioned to Kacie and alluded to in the thread, Thorns hits close to home for her. She can think of worse places to build a pyre. And since she knows some members of the Circle were headed to Lookshy, raising a ruckus in Thorns forces the Mask to consider splitting his power.

Kacie said:
Learning necromancy is primary for Fangs. Mirror wants to help her do this, and will pick it up if given the chance - but Mirror also wants to find a way to hurt the Mask, either directly or to throw a wrench into his plans. She's not a sneaky sort, nor gifted in larceny, so I doubt she's going to get her hands on that Ring the other Deathknight wants.
This - Cunning Fangs is also a fan of sideways thinking but not subtly.

cyl said:
Going after the loved ones / things the enemy cares about is not necessarily a good way to balance the equation.
You can actually generate more hate and cunning... and I'm not sure that this is the smart way to go for Villain Fangs.

If her enemies may have many things and people they truly cherish; she only has two things to loose, her mate (which is more than capable of defending herself but would become a primary target) and her life.

Unless she destroys every single object of affection, if Mirror gets killed, the balance will hardly be in her favor.

I think that "making an example" could be more her style... kind of like what she had in mind for Ankss.

If you send the right "provoking me ensures a painful demise" vibe of fear, disposing of a minor yet a tad powerful enemy, that should make the others careful enough.

Look at how the Deathlords street cred stopped us from using the Bloom in the beginning.
Except she hasn't "gone after" anyone in the scenario suggested. She's simply noted, as she often does to Malek, that actions have consequences. In the particular case of downing a Villain Fangs, the fact that for the moment, Sondok is in the middle of the Cross and bored out of her mind, and only held back by Fangs.

Mutually assured destruction is, by its very nature, inaction. That's what makes it so powerful. In order for it to work, all one has to do is nothing.

You've also gotten the equation slightly wrong. There's only one thing Fangs cares about. She values her own life hardly at all. She expects to die, and to be screaming when she does so. She is, at her core, very, very broken.

Arynne said:
Unless you use the Solar-Lunar bond in some sneaky way...
I've been pondering this somewhat, and the problem is the Resonance rules are vague enough that "The Neverborn are irked" is cause enough. Unlike Heaven, where these things work splendidly, some madcap scheme like having Cunning Fangs take on the Creature of Darkness mutation and do all the killing while Mirror defends her doesn't necessarily get Mirror "out" of resonance.
Arynne said:
I thought Resonance was never gained from "sins of life" associated directly with one's Lunar mate?
I can't find a cite for that, but it makes things easier if its true.

Having just finished my dissertation, things that I cannot find a paragraph to cite are things that Don't Exist ;)
Scroll of Errata, page 83 -


The mystical ties that bind Lunar Exalted to their Solar mates offer Abyssal Exalted a tiny sliver of hope. Resonance is never gained from sins of life directly associated with the appropriate Lunar. If the deathknight’s mate calls her by her forsaken name, she may answer to it. She can protect her mate from harm and love her with a positive Intimacy. The two can even have children together safely, for all that the Neverborn impotently roar in fury. If the Abyssal actually does hold a posi- tive Intimacy for her mate, the protection goes even farther, shielding her from sins of death so long as her actions are in direct support or defense of the Lunar. Thus, an Abyssal with no positive Intimacy could safely protect her mate from demons, but not a hoard of specters (since the sin of death for opposing creatures of death still applies even though defend- ing the specific life is permitted). With a positive Intimacy, the deathknight can safely ignore her Liege’s command to murder her mate and can even fight the Deathlord in defense of that one precious life.
Except she hasn't "gone after" anyone in the scenario suggested. She's simply noted, as she often does to Malek, that actions have consequences. In the particular case of downing a Villain Fangs, the fact that for the moment, Sondok is in the middle of the Cross and bored out of her mind, and only held back by Fangs.

You've also gotten the equation slightly wrong. There's only one thing Fangs cares about. She values her own life hardly at all. She expects to die, and to be screaming when she does so. She is, at her core, very, very broken.
Inaction also has consequences.

You let the bad guys do their influence without taking actions and the result is you loose ground and they grow in power (just look at the Lookshy situation) and it becomes harder to compensate.

Best way to deal with a villain is to do it as fast and as hard as one can to get rid of the threat, whatever the costs in the present situation, because the longer one waits, the more expensive it will get in the end.

Plus it makes more sense to kill Villain Fangs first in every configuration, because killing Mirror first means giving Fangs a small window of opportunity for revenge and that is more than any one would want to risk.

Now, nothing stops a twisted bastard who wants to make Villain Fangs miserable from whispering to her ear "Don't worry our mate will join you soon, oh wait, right, no he won't, his soul will be swallowed by the Void... again..." and give her the coup de grace... but Malek is sadly incapable of that level of cruelty...

He's impulsive and even violent when confronted with innocents threatened or suffering (thank you Red Rage of Compassion, I knew I should have picked a Temperance flaw... :rolleyes: ), but prevents him from reaching that level of sadism.
cyl said:
I hope you meant hat :D
I did. :) I'm trying to decide if an increased frequency in word-substitution typos I'm making is the result of the new keyboard, or some auto-correct utility I haven't properly turned off.
Anyone else with a fast post rate interested in playing secondary characters ?

I can dig Melia up since it's been brought up (although the action would be mostly around Nathir then), but I could see myself playing an Autobot, a Lunar, a DB, or even a Deathknight (so I can have nice chats around cups of tea with the other classy figures we have met so far, they seem so... educated ! :D ) just to take on a different aspect of Xarvh's awesome setting.

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