[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] OOC Thread

Feantari -- I posted in the scene with Fangs, Argis, & Mirror. Back to you.

You were warned, Arynne, that this one would be vague and open-ended. :D
This is where I wish I could become my character for just five minutes...

xarvh, any chance I could make an Intelligence roll or a War roll or something to come up with a plan?
Here's what I would do if I were Flicker:

"So... two terrestrial "heroes" rose and slayed the monsters and somebody went after them right after that... a good thing I'm not a terrestrial huh !

So I'm going demon hunting, that should make the ones who hunt the demon hunters want to find me enough and when they do find me, I will have found them.

I love it when the hunter realizes he's actually the prey, oh Luna, I'm going to have so much fun !" :D

X months ago Jarvfella was attacked and the monk stood up to the demons and got offed afterwards.

2 months ago the demons struck Solna, then moved to Halloonberg and got intercepted by Bloom Nicke who also got killed.

You don't know at this point if Halloonberg has been struck or not, but if the demons were intercepted on their way overt there... it's highly probable that their master send them there again, if it hasn't been attacked you wait there and patrol around, and if it has been attacked, you'll have fresh tracks to go on.

OR you could try to investigate and find a pattern, see with the leaders if there were threats thrown, ransoms / offerings demanded... find out why those places are attacked.

My theory: someone is testing the defenses in the area to spot the weakest links; who can defend against spirits and who can't and killing off wanna be heroes who could become potential threats to whatever evil agenda is at work here.

At least that's what I would do if I were a bad guy... strike randomly to map the defenses of the area, let the shining heroes show themselves, kill them and have my objectives listed for me. All I'd need to do next would be to send the troops in and whole towns would burn, my army would grow and soon those who could have defended against a few demons will be no match for my hordes of ghouls and ghosts BWAHAHAHAHAAAA.... ahem... well... you get my point.
Question about ping... since we passed 2.5... unless I missed my guess Rhapsody goes

punch 2B+3suxx vs soak 6B... ping, so 1B but she has the Zenith anima power on so that raises it to 2 is that it ?! (unless she activated some kind of charm that raised her damage !).

If so how the hell are you supposed to kill bad guys with your bare hands now ?! :D
Arynne: I am not going to play your character for you. =P

You don't have to solve the problem now (Or at all. Your time is limited.)

We can cancel the scene and you can come back later with PC reinforcements.

cyl: The Zenith anima power now sucks balls.

Like, badly.

Add Essence to the Minimum Damage.
No seriously, compare with the Dawn Anima!


Who decided this had squirrels on a treadmill in place of a brain.
I've houseruled the zenith anima to also add to appearance and max appearance modifier before. I mean, if dawns go all scary then zeniths should get to be their version of scary.
Feantari: that's actually a very cool idea.

It's a bit limited for Zeniths to get only combat bonuses, since it's not really what they do. O_o

3e might be a month away.
Xarvh, do you mind if I do a bit of reshuffling with my XP spending? I think I went a bit heavy on the combat charms when I'm supposed to be a scientist.
xarvh said:
Kacie, CI: what do you want to do?
Last CI and I exchanged thoughts, there was some interest in hunting Legion on the way to the Underworld. Fangs needs a disguise, after all. The hunting/tracking is all up to whatever Fangs can do, however, because Mirror doesn't have that capability.

Goals in the Underworld are to find out how to redeem/save an Abyssal (Fangs), find out how to give the Primordials release without dooming Creation (Mirror) and to scout the enemy (mostly Mask & Walker). Sneaking in to read Deathlord's personal libraries is a plus; Fangs is out to learn Necromancy in a bid to become even more of a walking bio-weapon.

CI may be totally preoccupied with wedding/honeymoon.
Finished the shuffling. Dropped Adamant Skin Technique and the Integrity Charms for Investigation 5 and two Wonder-Forging Genius charms.
Yeah, CrazyIvan is back now - had a "getting married" thing to take care of. Should be posting more regularly now.
...is this xarvh's way of telling me to back the hell off of these demons, unless I want to join the Deceased list? :P
That's a clear hint screaming "get some back up". HAM (lol, did you do that on purpose Xarvh ?) was tough as hell and she squashed Harm like he was a jellyfish... so however got to her A- overpowered her B- made an example of her.

Also it's a lunar we're talking about, avenging her death should be lunar business strictly speaking... but I doubt you can have Fangs without Mirror at this point.
I can be ever so subtle... ^_^

Next time you will get the animated gif of a chopped horse head as soon as you log in in rpdom.

cyl, No, I didn't do that on purpose. =P

But things are never what they seem...
@ CrazyIvan, Feantari -- perhaps we can finish the conversation/scene going on with Argis, Fangs, and Mirror? That might help guide the next scene.
The terrible person in me thinks, you could take HaM's form and use it to get access to the DK society... but.. yeah...

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