[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] OOC Thread

Not that I want to drag out my response, but I just want to make sure I have it right. His bowing is agreeing to my helping, right?
Am alive! Been busy busy mode. I am going to be travelling like crazy this month which oddly might give me more time to post... We have been integrating hardware at work and I've been going through the interview process with another place and the joy of potential house/rental hunting that goes with that. Currently preping for a technical presentation for an on site interview. /excited /nervous

I will try to get some posting done tonight or this afternoon maybe even...

In the thread with Kalak.. can Argis like, use the droping of the dudes to gain access to the ship? Is it a closed ship or open design? Are they fast enough to have caught up to Kalak? I'm guessing there are some physical impossibilities with actions currently under consideration...
The only "access" to the ship is the five open pods from where the power armors launch.

There is no obvious cockpit.

The Fire Aspects are 3-4 times faster than Kalak.
Sry my references were wonky there, Is it possible for Argis and Ith to have caught up to Kalak. Trying to figure the relative speeds of the parties involved.
Would a Project that benefits me on a personal level but also benefits the rest of the community count towards gaining a Project Point? For example I just my Crafting skills to whip up a 5 dot Essence Capacitor Gem to power my Hand of the Great Maker, and then use that to pump out resources and supplies that the rest of our kingdom needs.
What is a Hand of the Great Maker? Lemme check the artifact. oO

Also, I have been reading the CCD:Underworld and not sure I like the merry place it is described as. -_-

Then again, I understand why Fangs doesn't see why Agatha felt the need to tame the Underworld.


Expect house shit.

Also, WTF I am not getting notifications of new posts!?
Lemme just get the text for you


Among his many won- ders, Autochthon designed the Exalted, the Jadeborn, the behemoth progenitor of humanity, the first gods, the artifact paradigm founded on the magical materials and the pattern spiders that weave the Loom of Fate

under the direction of the Maidens and their Chosen. In spite of the Deliberative’s political decisions that indirectly resulted in Autochthon recusing himself from Creation, many Solars maintain reverence for the Primordial and ritually invoke his name while creating wonders. Such invocation goes a step further in the Hand of the Great Maker, a shap- ing artifact that filters a Solar’s motes through the vestigial Autochthonian energy extant beneath the aspect-coding of a Solar Exaltation. By amplifying Lawgiver Charms with this Primordial Essence, the wielder unlocks vastly greater power to reshape the cosmos.

This artifact takes the form of an intricate orichalcum and adamant gauntlet with clockwork components and bubbling motonic condenser rods that fill with lightning-white Autochthonian Essence while worn. To attune the item, the owner need only activate the Chaos-Repelling Pattern Charm (limiting the item to Solar use; see Exalted, p. 216). As it attunes, the gauntlet sparks to life with a deep electric hum and extends the activating Charm’s duration to Indefinite. Whenever the Solar deactivates that Charm, attunement to the Hand of the Great Maker also lapses. With the superior protection afforded by this extended duration, the Lawgiver may boldly stride into the far reaches of chaos to impose his will.

Once attuned, the artifact’s other powers require a level-5 Solar hearthstone inset in a socket in the palm in order to function. While so powered, the Solar may “bank” up to (Willpower + Essence) successes rolled while using Wyld- Shaping Technique (see Exalted, pp. 216–217). This process accumulates ambient potentiality and stores flux particles of mass-energy for later use. Banked successes remain in the gauntlet until spent or until attunement lapses. The user can spend any number of successes to sculpt chaos using the rules for Wyld-Shaping Technique as a Speed 7, DV -5 action. If the Solar sets an attuned protoshinmaic vortex (see p. 116) in the palm instead, he can do all of the aforementioned with an increased maximum pool of 30 banked successes. More impressively, the vortex allows him to use Wyld- Shaping Technique inside Creation as if he were within the Bordermarches. The Charm cannot create a demesne inside the Tapestry, though, and it still cannot make permanent things without Wyld Cauldron Technology. Unfortunately, a botch at any point while shaping inside Creation causes the vortex to destabilize and rupture, flooding the area with chaos as described on page 116. One recent attempt to pry open the way to Autochthon’s exile with a vortex-charged Hand of the Great Maker ostensibly unlocked seven of the eight metaphysical seals warding the dimensional interface, but the Solar could not pry open the eighth seal or prevent the others from closing again when the effort failed.

Basically it supercharges Wyld Shaping Technique


I am not sure whether to give you the PP or not, but once you can zap shit into existence one PP more or less won't make much difference. -_-

Still, crafting a 5 dots artifact won't be easy.

EDIT: Did I mention that the Caldera lies on a 5-dots demesne that used to be capped by the shaped body of the Behemoth?
It's useful, but somewhat limited in a sociopolitical game like this. I can "zap up" minions and resources, but it does little to help with establishing trade treaties, negotiating, managing the country, etc.
xarvh said:
EDIT: Did I mention that the Caldera lies on a 5-dots demesne that used to be capped by the shaped body of the Behemoth?
Yes, and it's definitely on my to-do list, but I think (and I'd need to double check the numbers just to be sure) that Crafting the artifact would be slightly faster than adjusting the Behemoth. Unless there's something I've overlooked.
No worries. Hand of the Great Maker is a bit cheesy, so if you want to disallow it, I won't complain.
Naaa, it will be fun. =D

The artifact will probably be faster than getting a Manse on the Caldera, but:

1) You still don't have a functional Magitech Lab.

2) You will need exotic components.
You can't craft 5dots without ess 6-7 IIRC.

Getting rid of the Behemoth will give us more room to develop Cross and use the Library as a center of knowledge and power.

The way things are going the East is pretty much crumbling down thanks to the efforts of several bad guys, so it's up to us to stabilize the situation and avoid a dark age.
What happened to weaponizing the Bloom? Fix lab to weaponize bloom? This was and probably should still be priority one for project points yes?
cyl said:
You can't craft 5dots without ess 6-7 IIRC.
You are exactly correct, except that Wonder Forging Genius lets me treat an artifact as being one dot lower for the purposes of crafting (Which can be bought twice). It also give me a bunch of points for Manse crafting, if I remember correctly.

Feantari said:
What happened to weaponizing the Bloom? Fix lab to weaponize bloom? This was and probably should still be priority one for project points yes?
It's on the to-do list, which I should probably outline for the sake of clarification:

1: Acquire either a 5 dot hearthstone or make a 5 dot Essence Capacitor Gem to power the Hand of The Great Maker.

2: Wyld Shape up some Clockwork Efficacy Servants + Hand of the Mountain golems.

3 Use the above to fix and cap the Manse, and restore my lab

4: Use the Golems + Lab to develop multiple high end projects concurrently, such as The Bloom v2.0, Elsewere Folders, and Sun/Moon Essence Filters.

5: Laugh as the enemies of Creation explode, forever.

6: ?????

There's also Project: Elemecha, which involves using the Elemental Poles to power my Factory Cathedrals to build an infinite army of magitech robots. Think the Star Forge, but with the Five Elements.
Wouldn't it be more efficient to:

- focus on the behemoth and get rid of it

- rebuild a 5dot manse and getting that sweet 5dot HS you need

- rebuild the magitech and biotech labs (remember that when you're gone in the Wyld for crazy crafting, Kalak can work with the labs to produce stuff too)

- rule the world
cyl: I'm not 100% sure which would be more efficient, I'd need to double check which one would take the shortest amount of time.

Arynne: Agreed. I'll just manage the world instead ;)
JayTee said:
cyl: I'm not 100% sure which would be more efficient, I'd need to double check which one would take the shortest amount of time.
Well, restoring the magitech lab is just 3 PP away from us.

xarvh said:
These are the three projects that I proposed in post *74 to Midboss, in requirement hierarchy:
●○○○○ Restore the Library's Magitech Lab to full functionality

Provide a small magitech workshop, equivalent to a Master's Workshop (Oadenol p29)

●●●○○ Restore the Library's Genesis Lab to partial functionality

Provide advanced diagnostic and research tools, small culture vats, up to ●●●○○ constructs (again Master's Workshop).

●○○○○ Project Thorns

Develop a suitable support for cultivation, containment and protection of the Bloom, from which is can spread and colonize.

It seems possible to grow the Bloom on attuned Soulsteel.

Right now Project Thorns does not include a delivery method, once you decide we can review the cost.

If you are ok with the above, feel free to create new threads in Wonders of the Empire.
I think we should focus on that first, since that with the tech labs Siham & Kalak should be able to craft their way around problems and straight to awesomeness, mad twilight style !

Once we get the two labs up and running, the essence capacitor or rebuilding the Manse will merely be a question of choice for you, and in the mean time you guys will have tools to significantly boost the whole dominion and help us stabilize the area.

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