[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] OOC Thread

CrazyIvan said:
This is possibly the best "away from game" message I have ever read.
It is THE best I have read, by far.

I actually strangled myself laughing.

Take your time and have fun diving while someone looking at your neoprened butt. ;)
xarvh said:
I have other priorities right now, such as fending off the advances of the local diving instructor, who is very nice but definitely not my genere.
Give me a couple of days to reach a keyboard, a reliable connection and a sexually unambiguous environment.
Oi vey.

Best of luck, Xarvh. Always a distressing situation, unless you can do as Cyl suggests - I confess I usually can't. :(
I've lived 12 years in the center of Paris where all the gay people meet...

I've been hit on by bisexual gals full of tats and more rings than a chainmail as well as papa bears with disturbing fashion sense, beards or mustaches who looked like they just came from a Street of Rage III level...

You gotta be at peace with your sex appeal, it's key to your survival ! :D

That... and don't let them smell your fear !
I just don't like when i have to kill someone s enthusiasm.

In other news, I am a few km from the airport, and optimistic about my chances to reach back civilization.

A little treat for your patience:


Later on I met the Monkey King, who taught me a few local Charms.
When I visited Singapore, I was warned to not let the small monkeys get too close or touch me - apparently, one woman was bitten in the face by one of the little bastards as they swarmed her.

There were also copious signs warning not to feed the little buggers.

They didn't exactly scare easy, either - one ran up and put a paw on my leg, and I stomped to get it to go away. They backed off a few meters, but I was not thrilled.
Yeah, they know no shame. =)

BTW, you are welcome to connect me to your ef bee, seeing cyl and Wlf's RL ugly faces should have taught me better, but I just never learn.

I joined eff bee just because I needed to be present for the tango stuff, i'm still not entirely comfortable with it.
I am, but I rarely do anything with it and only pay attention to it as an easy way to stay in touch with family across the states.
JayTee said:
I am, but I rarely do anything with it and only pay attention to it as an easy way to stay in touch with family across the states.
Pretty much same here. Easiest way to keep in touch with people all over.
Ok, enough RL.

Let's kick this baby back in motion.

Wlf seems MIA, he's doesn't strike me as the quitter, I'll try to get him.

Also, the new Empire Time thread is about to end like Plans for the Summer.

Probably we don't really need them anymore.
Charm question for you, Xarvh - in the Melee tree, Solars have the charm "Iron Raptor Technique" which is off of Call the Blade. Iron Raptor lets you throw your melee weapon and have it return to your hand after making an attack within Essence x8 meters. You can also fling energy from your weapon for 4m (Sandstorm Wind Attack).

Abyssals don't have this charm mirrored - they have "Thieving Raiton" which lets them steal weapons within the same range.

Mind if I grab Iron Raptor as a mirror charm? Throwing my huge warscythe (as a melee attack) and having it fly back to my hand is hugely cool, and I totally want to rip off Death from Castlevania games. :D
Why do you want to bother with Iron Raptor when you have access to the oh so much better charm Ebon Lightning Prana ?

Essence x 10 yards + unexpected + piercing + speed 4 for only 3m1w... you won't find a better deal elsewhere.
Ebon Lightning Prana got nerfed.

2m, Speed 5, move Essence x8, single melee attack. Pay 5m more to reflexively establish surprise as part of it. No more auto-unexpect, no pierce, no (melee + dex + Essence) on your attack.

Since you get your melee weapon attacking from Essence x8 away with either charm, you can argue Ebon Lightning is slightly better since you can opt for surprise - but 7m is hefty. Iron Raptor can hit things above you that you can't run past, however!

Besides, thematically Iron Raptor is much more fun.

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