[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] OOC Thread

Because you also have people like Walker of Black Sands old friend Flower of Grave Repose, who hunts down and eats people.
cyl said:
Also I don't know why people hate the deathknight so much... aside from the Legion most of them seem to be pretty jolly fellows.
Congrats, cyl...you made me spit my tea out.
Even the most elementary Genesis research requires you to grow life.

That would be shitloads of Resonance for a Deathlord or Deathknight.

Unless (ironically) you are infected with the Bloom.

There is also the option to outsource the work to less capable and less motivated ghosts, unless some Deathlord knew of a very special one which I can tell you I will not pull out of my ass (even if having Agatha's ghost working for the Walker would be amusing).
@cyl: the two Realm Dragon Bloods in Bandja may take heed on you casually taking over everything, but will not really object if you have a chat with them.

@Kacie: per Core manual, rising Fav abilities is instantaneous, learning Charms is not.

I may allow it in specific cases and with a stunt.

But don't worry, the Savant won't lie to you.
Done. And sorry for going too fast.

Also remember that I will be down next week because of moving back to Paris ;)
So, current scene-wise.. we could use a lab scene for Argis and Siham? What is Siham up to?

A scene could be had between Argis and Shiana re: how does what happened to lookshy affect Tirana's plans, or that could be handled more abstractly
Siham is going to try to rebuild his lab to produce wonderful magitech and genesis products for everyone. A scene would be nice to get started on that.
There is not going to be much ST-Player interaction there.

I'd rather just keep it a Project.

But if you want we can try.
Its more that we're doing stuff in Cross so were looking for some in the moment thread stuffs. I think?

I can have Argis travel to meet up with Kalak if that works story wise. Argis would be happy to help and he should be able to make the timing work.
Both Kalak and Argis are in Cross, unless you guys need otherwise.

Feantari, JayTee, Norts, feel free to join either Ripping Roots either Ashes of War.

Neither will prevent you from doing stuff in Cross/Mirunda.

I will open a Scene in Cross where at least Argis and Kalak will be needed.

@JayTee: if you want a "rebuilding the Lab" Scene we can have it.

Regardless, feel free to join whatever Scene strikes your fancy (but obviously not Into the Black Sky or A Warm Home).
cyl said:
Also I don't know why people hate the deathknight so much... aside from the Legion most of them seem to be pretty jolly fellows.
Even Harm had some class and I'm sure we would have gotten along pretty well with the Traveller !
Oh and look, one of them even just gave us clearance to use the Bloom.

Seriously, why so heinous ? :P
If Siham is going with Malek & Rhapsody, I'm going to need an answer on that group stealth charm ;)
No no I meant I'm going to need an answer from the ST to see if he accepts it to buy it.

But I guess you can buy it too since we're equals in the stealth department... jeez, Siham became a ninja during the rewrite... what else have I missed ?

HOLY SHIT !!! You have Wyld Shaping Techniiiiiiiique !!!

That changes EVERYTHING ! :D
And Hand of the Great Maker. Sadly I didn't have enough XP left over after buying everything to get the Heartstone to power it, but there's always something to look forward to. :D

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