[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] OOC Thread

It's a strange thing where you can post the exact same action for two completely different characters at the exact same time and have it be completely in character for both.
Moving back to France tomorrow, unless my plane crashes I should be back in this beeyotch in two days time.
Actually I'm a complete sucker for some pains aux raisins.

For those who do not know this thing it's just plain old dough, with some dried grapes... and A LOT of butter and sugar (like in any respectable viennoiserie !).


It's like holding Christmas and rainbows in the palm of your hand, and devouring them raw !
@Feantari, Norts: please be patient, I need some time to think about the scene consistency, and of late I haven't even had the time to think. =(
xarvh said:
@Feantari, Norts: please be patient, I need some time to think about the scene consistency, and of late I haven't even had the time to think. =(
's all good. I totally understand. I am demonstrably worse that you at this as I've basically had my game on hold for weeks now trying to set aside proper thinking/planning time. :-P
Fangs' new plan: It's been suggested Lunars developed Necromancy to begin with. Two can play at the "Attracting Bloom with Massive Amounts of Underworld Essence" game.

Appearance 5 Smart Bomb.
Will folks se manager to get home in one piece.

A lot of jetag though, so do not wait for malek to articulate a plan.

Feels good to be home after 5 long years !
@cyl: Awesome! =D

BTW, someone hacked in my fb account, probably as result of me posting it on an open forum, even if I removed the link after 48h.

I don't really feel like freaking out on this.

I wonder if this is an opportunity to close the damn thing. -_-
cyl said:
Will folks se manager to get home in one piece.
A lot of jetag though, so do not wait for malek to articulate a plan.

Feels good to be home after 5 long years !
Awesome! Glad it went well.
Thanks CI.

CI, Kacie, I'm done with the Scene.

Unless you want to continue, we can skip two weeks ahead with whatever your plans are.
Xarvh, I'm fine with ending the scene.

Has the Savant been to the Walker's yet, and is he on orders? Or is he about to do that? He seemed like he was without orders at the moment.
Yes, he met the Walker already.

He's doing most of the R&D on the anti-bloom suits.

Other than that he's running minor chores; if you were wondering how Legion escaped in the sky from Flicker pursuit, she was collected on the fly by the Consumed Raiton.

Just to know what to open, what are your plans?
Yes plz.

(I can provide a list of stuffs upfront if that is preferred or desired so we can leave some of it out of IC)
Roughly how long do we need to stick around before Argis gets to Fangs's manse?

Is that enough time to 1) train charms, or 2) train Essence? (I'm not expecting the latter, but am hoping at least the former.)

Crazy Ivan and I are bouncing around ideas of what Fangs and Mirror will do next; current ideas are to infiltrate the Underworld and/or a particular Deathlord's fortress, and perhaps lay waste to the Guild's slavery division for some cathartic destruction on the way. We're trying to figure out what precisely we want out of the Underworld trip; right now their goals are either vague or so big it's hard to figure out a place to start.

We're waiting on Ankss until Flicker is back.

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