[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] OOC Thread

JayTee said:
Make it up as we go along? ;)
Most likely yeah... usually when Deathlord and behemoth are involved... you need to adapt to whatever comes up.

I think this is part of the problem. If you dismiss Fangs/Mirror's reasons as 'This is too far away to be of practical use to the community' and the like, but your own decisions are clearly utterly morally defensible, than yeah, they're pretty much the bad guys.
But "All mortality is determined using my own actions as a baseline for 'Good'" is a pretty...First Age Solar-y move. And not the awesome, 'Look, I made a monorail out of blown glass and bird songs!' kind of First Age Solary-y.
Well, there's not much awesome in Malek's life or the dominion's yet as you may have noticed.

It's pretty much train, struggle, fight, die, pain, loss and survival.

The days of shining glory are long past us, and every year we build for the future, but it tends to look a little darker.

Malek is a worker bee for the dominion, everything he does serves a purpose, to either fill a void / plant the seeds of improvement.

He's a solar but he's commited, he's rich but he can't enjoy it, and on top of it he's a very angry man (curse n all).

There are only two things that can make him leave his work for the dominion: a threat to the Scavenger Lands, and a threat to Creation.

And that is why Ankss can't be a morally valid fight to him.

There is nothing for Cross, the Scavenger Lands or Creation there. Only a few hundreds mortals who have it rough (and there are thousands like them all over the place).

The Circle can barely take care of its own as is and we even failed to protect Big K, after what Lookshy fell.

Unless there is something somewhere within Ankss that could significantly improve stability in the dominion or the whole Scavenger Lands, going there looks like a waste of time (compared to what needs to be done according to him), and the moral reasons sound like an excuse to justify revenge (still according to him)... especially when it's a deathknight presenting this argument.
There, much better. My phone doesn't like the die roller. It decided I was done when I was about to change the die facing the first time.
I think none here likes the die roller. ^_^

In other news, I lied, turns out I'll be here all Easter.
Xarvh, you linked to a roller you liked, once upon a time. Would you mind linking to it, and adding it somewhere in Agatha's library section, or wherever is easy to find?

Also - hope you (and everybody!) are having a good Easter!
Thank you, Xarvh! I'm always trying to find it again when it's time to roll the dice.

@Feantari - not trying to be mean to Argis in the current scene, more that I'm not entirely sure what to say as Mirror. I'm waiting to see what comes up, and what to reply to. Mirror won't ignore a direct question. (Ambiguously directed questions she'll defer to Fangs.)
Trick question... in case of multiple opponents if I use Grappling Mantis on the first ghost that attacks and I get him good... can I use him as a shield and have his pals stab him ? :D
Kacie said:
Thank you, Xarvh! I'm always trying to find it again when it's time to roll the dice.
@Feantari - not trying to be mean to Argis in the current scene, more that I'm not entirely sure what to say as Mirror. I'm waiting to see what comes up, and what to reply to. Mirror won't ignore a direct question. (Ambiguously directed questions she'll defer to Fangs.)
np np, he's trying to be both inclusive and nonconfrontational
@cyl: just stunt your attack and your defense.

Let's see if the attacker overcomes your victim's DV but not yours.
Yes with multiple opponents penalties (-2DDV), the first blow landed with 5; but I beat it with 6 on my roll so I had him anyway.

Since the clinch is reflexive and happens within an instant I thought it was doable.

You don't fuck with someone who knows Mantis Style...
Haha, that's actually an awesome charm, and it seems a very legitimate when enemies act at the same tick.
Ok, waiting for Rhapsody's action.

Also, I was considering that Performance, as an ability, is underused and we could open some interesting creative and dramatic options if we allowed it to act a bit like War, and extend its purview.

We could resolve some tense scenes, say, the Legion attacking Cross, with some sort of performance, maybe a choreography of Hungry Ghosts and the Legion singing the joy of slaughter on one side, and the Crossers responding with a counter melody of fear and bravery.

And it would fit greatly with the Project System.

Basically, I want to transform EotFS into a pbp musical.

It would definitely make Malek and Fang's quarrels more interesting (supporting choruses: the Hoods vs the Demonic Opera or something...)

Thoughts, ideas?
Performance can be stupid powerful if you use it for Prayer purposes, invoking the gods to aid you in whatever you've set out to do.

But that does sound awesome. :D
*Pictures the Legion and her ghosts dancing on Michael Jackson's Thriller... and starts doing the zombie dance singing out of key*

Thri- ller's Niiiiiiiiight.

Ahem... seriously now.

Performance can be under used, but it's up to the players to use their charms and abilities properly.

As shown in the scene when the Legion last attacked Cross when the Traveller was stealing the notes; Performance can be useful even in battle. You just need to find the right angle.

But for your idea... yeah, there are many awesome moments in movies and books where the heroes and masses to motivate their troops (Leonidas or Wallace style) or even taunt their enemies with some social or physical hakas.

I think giving some room for posing before and/or during a bloody fight is always a good thing.

No need to turn this game into Les Misérables either, but a little theatricality and passion goes a long way.

After all IRL battle hymns, rituals and cries do serve a purpose and exist for good reasons...
It would definitely make Malek and Fang's quarrels more interesting (supporting choruses: the Hoods vs the Demonic Opera or something...)
Damn you to hell for this... now I have images of breakdancers and Stomp vs some random Demonic Metal Symphonic Orchestra and I feel stupid for laughing alone at 4am...
Also Wlf, the ghosts are extras, you don't roll damage with them you directly inflict post soak damage as health levels loss and IIRC they only have 3 of them so you actually hit your guy pretty hard ;)

(oh and happy easter to you guys too)
:D :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

I was laughing to tears while writing it.

I thought that the "I want to turn EotFS into a pbp musical" would have been enough to give it away...

I wanted to write a table with voice types vs Stamina ("Flicker and Mirror contraltro, Rhapsody and Fangs soprano, but I doubt that we'd have a sound tenore among the boys...")

Oh man I love this game.
@Kacie: book1 was great, book2 just impossible to follow, I lost any interest.

@JayTee: I'm sure you can organize something with cyl. ^_^

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