[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] OOC Thread

I'm mean on purpose, but never randomly.

Ok, sometimes maybe.

Definitely not this time. :D
The new theme is definitely inflicted on us all.

Black theme, but when I write I still have to write black on white.

What is left of my eyes will explode.

And I shiver in fear at the readability of our colored text.

I have the impression that these guys are changing shit just for the sake of it.
I like Abyssals and all, but I don't really want the whole forum inflicted with their color, so to speak. :rolleyes:

I know goth/industrial clubs that have far better color schemes for their webpages. *sigh*
I'd suggest that while the overall style probably isn't going to change, things like a representative input window aren't crazy requests. They are pretty good about handling feedback if it is delivered with out the knee jerk ohgodswhathaveyoudone type stuffs.
I am all for bright on dark themes (much less stressful for the eyes) but I think they are too keen about changing stuff.

And their damn notifications are too obnoxious and redirect me away from the page I am actually interested to read.

I'd think a platform should try and not get in the way.

I find Malek's blue difficult to read unless I squint and get closer to the screen.

Please don't do this to me.

We may also:

a) Decide to get rid of colors all together

b) Color-code languages, picking a nice readable color for Riverspeak and Old Realm since they are the ones we use the most.
I shudder to see Rhapsody's color ... "This is a test, and only a test."

Edit: Oh, it's fine. I hate dark themes with white text. Hurts my eyes.
Hope I didn't make you wait too long.

Kacie: if you know already what is your next move, let me know so that I can open a Scene.
Sorry, Xarvh, I don't. :(

I asked CrazyIvan if he wanted to hunt some Immaculates (we could get word they were in the area from Argis) and/or hunt Legion before heading into the Underworld, but Real Life has hammered him, and I haven't heard back yet.

I know his wedding is coming up soon, and I'm not sure if he's defended for his PhD yet.
Wow, everyone is getting married here.

No worries.

We can have Mirror do something solo, I don't want you to be idle.
Sure, that's very kind of you. :)

During the interval of "not sure what we do next", Mirror is highly introspective, and also inquisitive. She spends her time studying sorcery from Fangs, feeling her way towards a new justice/legal system that incorporates both living & dead (but not the way Stygia or Skullstone do), and long strolls in the area around Fangs's manse as she thinks. She also practices the arts of war & combat. (These are her ways of practicing for charms & skill increases, as well as meditation towards increasing Essence.)

Given that she's not yet set an immediate course for herself, I'm fine with the GM's choice on next scene, or I'm happy brainstorming what would make a good solo scene.


Also - eh, not everyone getting married. I thought I'd be moving to DC with my fiance to be and was desperately trying to find a job, let alone a good paying job. Then he broke up with me last July. Then I found out he was cheating on me to boot; I figure they deserve each other, as she was married. Ultimately, I'm fortunate he delayed proposing for ages/never. I'm doing pretty well now; rather like some of my characters, I've been knocked back into an introspective/exploration state, and it's not a bad thing.

That said, I have nothing but best wishes and whole hearted joy for those of us getting married. Make the best run of it! May you have patience to find wisdom, and be blessed with understanding & love.
Well, at least he had the balls to break up with you.


I think right now it would be better to move the Scene on, do you think that Mirror could take over the conversation with Argis?

Depending on where the conversation goes, there might be some stuff boiling...
Yeah. I am thankful every time I think about how close I was to moving. (Along with plenty of ill-thoughts, etc, but could have been so much worse.) -sorry, shouldn't have said anything.

Yes, I'll post to the thread with Argis; there's enough to riff off for Mirror to break her silence. Should be coming along soonish.
As someone who's had his lady friend cheat on him, I can sympathize with what you're going through. Hopefully you'll meet someone better.

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