[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] OOC Thread

I think I never managed to stay with someone long enough that "cheating" would have made any sense. <_<
I must be pretty lucky. My wife is the only person i've ever been with, same for her. This last march was 4 years since we started dating.
Ach so... basically 50% of the squad as been cheated on (count me in too), and 50% are married.

Well let's hope we get lucky with the dice ! :D
I never picked a posting color for Mirror; at the time, I didn't feel a need.

Xarvh, do you want me to pick a color? I've been wondering about it ever since the background color change. Let me know what's easiest for you!
Married. No cheating. Only been with each other. Never knew how I got that lucky. Still don't. She and the kids are my life.

Anyhow, will post in the morning. Night guys.
Kacie: I don't know, really.

I like to see some changes in the text, I find colors here and there make reading easier, but with the new layout colors may backfire badly, especially because the mobile version of the site hasn't been updated.


As an Abyssal, it is your prerogative to speak in Bold.

Otherwise, just pick a color that works with both dark and bright background.

Tell me how this works.

I'd thought to go with White, or bolded white, but I'm not sure that would work with the mobile aps (plus hell to vet prior to posting).
I've been meaning to post over there. I should have some time this evening to dig into my pen and paper games to do list. I went through the maddening process of looking it up and trying to figure it out once already so it shouldn't hurt as much this time...
I confess that, with 3e being imminent, my enthusiasm for being a 2e-lawyer has dropped.

I tried to read some of the sneak peeks and I am not sure EotFS can be completely translated, but I wouldn't mind a lighter combat and social stuff handled properly.

Still, if the DB 3eMEP comes out on December, we may have no idea what to do with Argis (and a shitload of NPCs) until then.

Meh meh meh...
I'd keep it in 2e at least until all MOEP are out.

Lunars may be tweaked even further... and who knows what they will do to abyssals.
One thing we could do for the 3E Celestials is just convert them mechanically in to Solars until their individual splabook comes out and just treat them as if they were Lunars/Abyssals. I imagine that the corebook will have a decent overview of them that we can use until then.
cyl said:
Ach so... basically 50% of the squad as been cheated on (count me in too), and 50% are married.
Never cheated on, not married yet. *knocks on wood*

So, how does Fangs feel about gladiatorial duels?
Kacie This is utterly not the "take away" message from your post, but does that mean you're moving to DC?

@Everyone So yeah, I'm "back". In that my wedding is in less than 2 weeks, but I defended my dissertation on Friday (I am now Dr. CrazyIvan) so my soul is a bit less drained, and I'm not looking at my computer going "oh god, oh god, I have to write". So there should be more posting from me.

Also: Holy hell I dislike the amount of tinkering they are doing with the board.
Congrats CI! (And wow! Double life wham in few weeks!)

Must have been a stressful period. oO
Nope, the DC move was to be with boyfriend/sorta-thought-he-was-fiance. I'm staying in LA for the foreseeable future.

Yay! Successfully snagged the PhD! You do get to run away and have a proper honeymoon, right?
It's funny how someone can become so much scarier than before when with a simple Dr ! :D

Congratulations CI on your accomplishments and best wishes for your wedding... juggling with the two must have been rough.

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