[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] OOC Thread

I will build robots that dance the robot to the tune of domo arigato mister roboto.

xarvh said:
@Kacie: book1 was great, book2 just impossible to follow, I lost any interest.
I'm really enjoying the pre book 1 writings that have been going up in whatever book its on now.
They have totally heard the stories from Malek.

Plus it is kinda famous, at least to those who have an interest into what happens in the Scavenger Lands.

The Immaculate Order does not shy away from propaganda and demonstrations of might.
So Norts... OOC, we want to fight these doods? Either way I'm thinking we should avoid being in the village proper. At least, if I'm remembering correctly they didn't mind shooting at mortals last time they were solar hunting. (though, if they didn't cast the spell on this square it would be kinda funny to make them dump motes as well)
Feantari said:
So Norts... OOC, we want to fight these doods?
Want, no... will... most likely :D

Feantari said:
Either way I'm thinking we should avoid being in the village proper. At least, if I'm remembering correctly they didn't mind shooting at mortals last time they were solar hunting. (though, if they didn't cast the spell on this square it would be kinda funny to make them dump motes as well)
Well you have three choices IMHO:

1- you take them on: which means you go to them and intercept them before they reach the village. If you don't take the initiative, those bastards will start killing civies just to draw the solar patron out... just like they did the last time.

2- you wait for them to come praying to how many gods you know that they are not here for blood but perhaps to collect the Bloom (the last time we saw them they came here and they could have come back a few times and discovered the existence of the Bloom and its properties) and try to "reason with them"...

3- you use the schwartz... Argis is a Dynast and those fuckers are imperials, he may go to them and live to tell the tale.

And there is always that option in which it's not who you think it is who's piloting that thing...

As Ash would say... I can't lie to you about your chances, but... you have my sympathies. :D

Note: it's the second time that they come back to Mirunda when a solar is nearby... apparently there is something around Cross that hides our essence... could be the Mother...
@cyl: the Library and the Jungle protect Cross.

Neither protects Mirunda.

This is the first time that the Crown appears away from Mirunda.
Wow... that jetlag must be driving me nuts... I could have bet my right arm that Kalak & Argis were in Mirunda.

I'll go get some more rest... like now !
cyl said:
Also Wlf, the ghosts are extras, you don't roll damage with them you directly inflict post soak damage as health levels loss and IIRC they only have 3 of them so you actually hit your guy pretty hard ;)
(oh and happy easter to you guys too)
Yes, thanks. Forgot. *sigh*

Edit: Nice one, btw xarvh. You had me going.
Well, we could fight them, though Kalak won't likely survive a solid hit by power armored dudes. He can dish out some decent damage for sure though.
Yeah, neither of us can take a hit really. I'm just curious what you want to do OOC, or, perhaps, what you don't want to do. :-P
Norts, does Kalak have the Infinite MA Mastery charm? If you're going to fight, stunt learning that, and pull it up - it will go a long ways towards getting you enough dice to parry power armor strikes and the like.

Even if you're not going to fight, I highly suggest getting it.
Kalak has an intimacy of Fear to the Realm so...if I play the character appropriately, he's going to either A) run, or B) hide.

No, he doesn't have Infinite MA Mastery yet, and I was under the impression that I couldn't stunt learning charms. It has been denied to me once before.
Hmm.. I was thinking Argis could have Ith get you out of dodge, but that would be pretty boring, though may lead to a chase... And leave Argis to attempt to explain things if it came to that. Or go talk to them or something.. idk.. It may be too late for us to prevent them finding out about Kalak though.
Stunting learning charms is something I'd leave for special occasions, especially because after a while they start sounding cheesy.
@feantari: also do not expect the Hunt to be understanding with Argis.

He has left the fold and is accompanying a Solar.
Sounds like Kalak will be going with first A) and then B) due to the Intimacy - the Iconic anima banner will fade down one level fairly quickly, but it's going to be a while before he's not glowing.

Good luck!
You're going to have to stunt your ass out of this one... but I can think of something... perhaps... you could also call Fangs & Mirror for help with WCWT.

With 250mph they could get there before the DB burn your corpses.
Hmmm... Xarvh, question: is it safe to deduce that this not so random encounter has to do something with their travels, the time and speed parts especially ?

@CI: hope you feel better soon mate.

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