[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] OOC Thread

The mobility thing is not a huge issue.
Depends where you have to go. Creation is huuuuuuuge and the intel is faaaaaaar away (unless you have some contacts with the same charm).

Ooooh that could be an insanely useful thing to have... a network of db informants... real time feed!
Oi, science boys... you think you can craft us some walkie talkies with unlimited range in Creation for the Circle ?

I'm thinking about a set of artifacts bound together and able to speak to each other or all of the set... but something light, discrete and classy, like I dunno MM piercing rings...
Depends on what our kindly GM will let me get away with. The Elsewhere folder is just one of many ideas I've been sitting on
Kalak is going to be helping. He could work on a separate project after he learns his new crrafts.

Maybe that's he'll do with empire time, alongside sending messages to Ashak. Maybe she/he will bust out sone sidereal social-fu.
The Bloom us giving me all sorts of ideas. When I get home from work, I'll toss up my blueprints for critique.
Yes Empire Time is for long sweeping actions.

Describe what you did in the last two weeks in the Empire Time thread.

Basically Empire Time is just to understand what Scenes to open next, while avoiding like the pest you guys chatting IC about it. =)

@SciencyBoys: your projects will advance with Cross.

The more Cross (and its facilities) advance, the more resources you will have available for your Projects.

In short: go into adventures that will directly benefit the Empire, and you will build your toys faster.
So ... I'm stumped on where to put Rhapsody or where that whole scene ended.

I'm thinking, however that may have gone, she kind of went and enclosed herself in the Thronians and took time away to think and clear her head.
I think I'm going to have Malek ride off to Lookshy, but too late to do anything anyway, assess the situation with the Marukani (if there are any left to speak to), then off to Nexus to see what the hell is finally going on there, and finishing in Marita to see the representatives of each power and start building up a network of close allies over there, people concerned and willing to take action to help for future projects. (starting with said project).

How far are we on the timeline with Tirana from moving the farmers ? How much time do we have left, more or less ?
Throwing out some ideas, WlfSamurai -

Rhapsody might decide to march to Fangs's manse for an explanation. She has a standing invitation, and was there when the Neverborn did their thing.

Maybe she decides saving farmers from wanton destruction is a simple, straight-forward good thing to do, and would help clear her mind.

When she hears of Lookshy, perhaps she goes to rescue/rally survivors, with a volunteer army of Thornians? After all, who knows better how crushing it is, than the survivors of the Juggernaut's last attack?
Lookshy is at the very least 5 months away on foot from Cross... if resistance can be organized at all it has to be done locally by an exalt or several.

The city's gone for good and there ain't much we can do about it now.

But if we make the Mask bite his ghostly lips and leave the armories alone or sabotage it ourselves, we'd still have managed to do something good.

Actually right after the incident, we could have Malek / Fangs + Siham go and sneak in Lookshy to blow things up there big time.

Better thousands of jade artifacts reduced to shreds than in Mask's hands... and we could make an exit with some stuff to be saved...

Mirror could be a plus from her background, but I'm not sure if the other guys are ready to trust her right away.
Also, for your drooling pleasure... the two new productions from the crazy guy who takes awesomeness to a whole new level and brought us Dead Fantasy.

Here's Red...


And here's White


I confess I am growing bored of bad guys whose sole purpose is to show how cool the good guy is (The Avengers anyone? -_- )

But hey, I am playing the bad guy here...

Any I will admit that it's the most beautiful cell shading I have ever seen.

Outright impressive.


I will be in Asia for a while and will try to live exotic, and with some luck my telephone will NOT work.

Arynne, you are not forgotten, but I will have to ask for your patience, it's an important part of Flicker's story and I want to think it through.
Kacie said:
Throwing out some ideas, WlfSamurai -
Rhapsody might decide to march to Fangs's manse for an explanation. She has a standing invitation, and was there when the Neverborn did their thing.

Maybe she decides saving farmers from wanton destruction is a simple, straight-forward good thing to do, and would help clear her mind.

When she hears of Lookshy, perhaps she goes to rescue/rally survivors, with a volunteer army of Thornians? After all, who knows better how crushing it is, than the survivors of the Juggernaut's last attack?
All excellent suggestions. Thanks Kacie.
If you want Rhapsody to go to Lookshy, I think I'll have Malek go there (along with a lot of places), so you can ride along.

We should get there within a few days (considering the periphereal essence is down), but as I pointed out, you can't take an army there, it's too far away and we can't move them fast enough to make a difference.

The Juggernaut will most likely attack within the day after the essence incident, the city should fall within the week, and we don't have an military unit strong enough or fast enough to go there in time to save anyone, we'll have to do it on our own.

What is the Circle's position towards what needs to be done in Lookshy ?

Malek is in favor of sabotage: taking a bagfull of Bloom there, and letting it work its magic + blowing up the armories salvaging whatever we can take. If the ST validates the last charm I found out about which allows us to get group stealth (with Malek's traits and charm) we could make a team of 3+ and do some serious damage over there.
cyl said:
If you want Rhapsody to go to Lookshy, I think I'll have Malek go there (along with a lot of places), so you can ride along.
We should get there within a few days (considering the periphereal essence is down), but as I pointed out, you can't take an army there, it's too far away and we can't move them fast enough to make a difference.

The Juggernaut will most likely attack within the day after the essence incident, the city should fall within the week, and we don't have an military unit strong enough or fast enough to go there in time to save anyone, we'll have to do it on our own.

What is the Circle's position towards what needs to be done in Lookshy ?

Malek is in favor of sabotage: taking a bagfull of Bloom there, and letting it work its magic + blowing up the armories salvaging whatever we can take. If the ST validates the last charm I found out about which allows us to get group stealth (with Malek's traits and charm) we could make a team of 3+ and do some serious damage over there.
Actually, yes. I think that makes sense and would get her out of the situation. It's decided then. She'll go to Lookshy with Malek.
Arynne said:
Hey, I loved The Avengers!
Indeed. Bad guys are meant to be bad guys !

The undead may have their reasons for doing what they do... but that doesn't make them any less bad guyish !

I know you said you grew tired of the undead being the main opposition... but hey, smile, with Lookshy gone, pretty much everything can happen now !

Faes, lunars, GSPs...
Arynne said:
Hey, I lovedThe Avengers!
Loki, being the God of deception, manages only to get deceived.


And is completely OOC with the first Thor movie.

They could have replaced him with Hitler or Darth Vader and the movie would have been the same.

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