[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] OOC Thread

My fear is actually that the Bloom eating the death essence doesn't send it back the soul back to Lethe but dissolves it... permanently. Pretty much like the Void would.

Unfortunately there is absolutely no way to make sure that happens, unless you can somehow mark a soul and look for its reincarnation... or we could ask the Bloom... yeah because it can communicate... :D

As for if it can hurt the NB or not... aside from taking it to the Heart of the Labyrinth... there is no way to know for sure.
That makes me think... we still haven't used that "nuclear threat" card on the Deathlords.

Maybe now would be a really good time to do it...

As Mal would say: "So here is us, on the raggedy edge. Don't push me, and I won't push you."

Any one want to join Malek on a suicide mission to threaten the Mask of Winters ?

I do have a Ring of Being and a Cloak of Vanishing Escape :D
I like your enthusiasm, but IIRC the Codex, at essence 5 you are "only" able to build 3dot heavy stuff (artifact mans genesis)...
cyl said:
I like your enthusiasm, but IIRC the Codex, at essence 5 you are "only" able to build 3dot heavy stuff (artifact mans genesis)...
But of course if you want to build warstriders and 3dot essence canons... I'm totally cool with it ! :D
Ursula Le Guin's Sparrowhawk says it best:

“You will die. You will not live forever. Nor will any man nor any thing. Nothing is immortal. But only to us is it given to know that we must die. And that is a great gift: the gift of selfhood. For we have only what we know we must lose, what we are willing to lose... That selfhood which is our torment, and our treasure, and our humanity, does not endure. It changes; it is gone, a wave on the sea. Would you have the sea grow still and the tides cease, to save one wave, to save yourself?”
I'm pretty sure that given a few more xp, both Kalak and Siham will be grabbing Wonder-Forging Genius Technique a couple times.

Because if we're gonna go all kung-fu gun ballet wuxia super science, we're gonna need the best toys.
Ding ding ding, we have a winner!

That, or Manse 5 so I can use the Hand of the Great Maker and laugh at crafting times. Depends on if we need ARTIFACTS NOW or not.
JayTee said:
Ding ding ding, we have a winner!
That, or Manse 5 so I can use the Hand of the Great Maker and laugh at crafting times. Depends on if we need ARTIFACTS NOW or not.
Well... what was the timeline to make Lookshy fall again ?

Less than a year IIRC... so yeah, we need them YESTERDAY !

Ghosts cesti and Zombie dispersal canons for everyone and let's go kick some undead's ass ! :D
Well since we are moving in Empire time 2 weeks after the Essence incident... we need to coordinate a bit before going into separate directions without focus or a common plan.

So far I am not clear on what the optimal things to do for my character and the Circle are yet.

Complex game, complex problems, complex solutions.

My guy can take care of many things... heck if Lookshy isn't completely razed to the ground I could even have him infiltrate the ruins (carrying bloom spores on him from his clothes) and organizing pockets of resistance and sabotage and guerrilla operations to fuck with the Mask.

I had thought to make him a crime fighter / urban guerillero when he was still a Night... so it would fit.
Once the news of Lookshy reaches Siham, he's going to work on repairing his lab and making anti-udead weaponry. Pretty straightforward
To be more precise I think at this point the priorities are the following:

- securing big K to avoid another Lookshy

- getting field intel: Lookshy has fallen, Nexus is a mess... what's going on there, what's next for Mask ?

What else has happened with the Essence incident ?

- slowing Deathlord advance some way (Nuke or Nuke threat)

- strengthening alliances & help the Confederation hold together in the absence of the fallen 7th Legion)
I've forgotten how broken Crafting is in Exalted. "Useless...Useless...Useless...CREATION DESTROYING SUPER WEAPON"
One thing Malek could do is move all the farmers that Tirana has said she will kill if they aren't moved.

She's probably going to be accelerating her plans, and trying to breed as many of her children as she can.
I wouldn't call 3dot artifact useless.

Ghost Cesti for instance is pretty damn useful, Malek would kill for a Land Ship, a Scabbard of the Living Weapon makes you invicible to 98% of Creation, a Dark Rider is pretty badass... heck if Siham builds me all of those... I'll marry him to Melia right away !

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