[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] OOC Thread

Also, I love the pic that JayTee selected for Siham.

It really looks like our Child Prodigy two years older.
Also, give me some time to handle Plans for the Summer, probably I will close it and open a new Empire Time Scene.
New Empire Time Scene's up, for those that are still in Cross.

@CI: I will open a Scene for Mirror and Fangs as soon as you decide where to bring Mirror.

If you have no idea, I will handle it.

I will also open a Scene for Flicker back with her Mentor, and a bit later one for Argis and Kalak in Cross, as things will happen.
So, enlighten this poor newcomer, what's the standard procedure with these "Empire Time" scenes?
@JayTee: Right.

This is some sort of long tick.

Tell in general what is your char doing in the medium term, what he's working on, and avoid direct speech with the others.

Feel free to wait after a few of the other players have posted.
I'll probably get started on rebuilding my magitech/genesis labs. Or is that under the purview of "Projects"?
You can declare that, but actual progress will happen only when you post in Projects: they handle your downtime.

You will have to take initiative and do something more adventurous.
JayTee said:
Clarify what you mean by "adventurous"? Such a wonderfully broad word.
I will actually leave it to you.

Otherwise, you can just join any of the others in some trip around Creation.
xarvh said:
@CI: I will open a Scene for Mirror and Fangs as soon as you decide where to bring Mirror.

If you have no idea, I will handle it.
Yeah, sorry, was trying to get the draft of a paper out. Fangs and Mirror are retreating the Fangs' manse for now.

Will decide after that if Fangs will return to talk to the Circle or not.
No problems and, no haste for decisions.

I'll open also a Scene for "bringing out the villagers before Tirana kills them".

Any idea of how you want to do it?

You haven't even visited the area so far.

It will be probably simultaneous to Argis and Kalak's Scene, so we may drop in Malek, Siham and possibly Rhapsody and Flicker, unless they are away.
If you will allow me a comment... things are moving too fast IMHO.

Something apocalyptic just happened, Lookshy fell, and it will reshape the entire Confederation and the power map.

Lookshy was pretty much the Guardian of the Scavenger Lands, with its fall, no dominion has enough power to fight off the undead from invading on its own.

Nexus was destabilized recently so it will most likely also affect all the cities and possibly isolate them further (good job whoever did that !).

At this point it's not about what happens to a few villagers that matters... it's about what happens to the Scavenger Lands !

Everyone is exposed now Lookshy's gone, any city risks an invasion or an attack from the undead if we don't take action / step up our game.

Aside from reinforcing security times N around big K to avoid another "Mirror incident", I think our priorities as a Circle have to shift from "expanding our turf" to "strengthening the whole direction".

I'm not saying we should use the Bloom (although every neuron in my brain screams at me to do it), but, in the absence of Lookshy military, I don't think it's safe anymore for us to focus only on our own "small" problems.
To be more precise: this is what I think should happen right after the cataclysm (because it's the logical thing to do)

1- anyone fast goes to Lookshy to assess the situation, witnesses the city falling, and goes back to the Circle to inform the others.

2- we decide what to do (seek allies and places or objects of power / strengthen the military big time around K)

3- we seek an audience with Tirana to tell her that now Lookshy fell it's our job as well as hers to protect the Lands (good times ahead when she asks what happened and we tell her who brought the deathknight close to the Primordial...) and that we need to step up our game or everyone will die, us, her, her children and everyone else... and we do the same with other places / people with power.

4- shit just got epic
cyl said:
Aside from reinforcing security times N around big K to avoid another "Mirror incident"
Can I just say that, given it took 700 Celestial Exalts and armies of Dragon Blooded multiple lives and centuries to kill the Primordials, the need to handle K's security detail is a little irksome. Seriously, I'm pretty sure Malek's horse is better in combat.

She's either going to be cripplingly useless - it's clear she essentially needs someone standing next to her spamming Defend Other actions, or she's fucking with us. Either way, I'm not entirely positive she's either our responsibility, or necessarily worthy of protection.
CrazyIvan said:
Can I just say that, given it took 700 Celestial Exalts and armies of Dragon Blooded multiple lives and centuries to kill the Primordials, the need to handle K's security detail is a little irksome. Seriously, I'm pretty sure Malek's horse is better in combat.
She's either going to be cripplingly useless - it's clear she essentially needs someone standing next to her spamming Defend Other actions, or she's fucking with us. Either way, I'm not entirely positive she's either our responsibility, or necessarily worthy of protection.
Consider the following: every time she "dies", all essence users are at 1/3rd of their power for some time.

Every time a Deathlord wants to conquer a city or fuck with us, spirits or other exalts all they have to do is send someone to strike.

If the one controlling and affecting all the essence in Creation is not worth protecting... I don't know what is. :eek:
I said "Worthy" not "Worth".

Basically, Derpy McDiesEasy the Primordial either needs to, you know, actually act like a Primordial, or maybe find a new hiding place, since she's been made at her current one. Because right now, she needs a dedicated protector - probably a Lunar for the Defend Other Perfect Parry.
Oh my bad, english not being my first language, that kind of subtleties tend to elude me.

What's the exact difference between worthy and worth in this context (so I can go to sleep less ignorant tonight) ?

And yes, it's a serious epic burden, but again it's probably a good thing.

Exalts fighting for the survival of a Primordial and Creation instead of killing it is a pretty good theme.

A good question being... how the hell have Mask of Winters found out about her location.

My guess is because Walker knew, the Neverborn knew, and they told Mask possibly being their favorite after taking Thorns, but it's just a theory.

So far we haven't seen how Big K is doing, and we need to get more information on that too. Perhaps she can move, perhaps she can't.

It's actually a very good idea to ask if she can anyway.

Many things to do and information to gather since the setting has been dramatically altered before we start moving farmers in any case IMHO.

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