[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] OOC Thread

Oh, thank goodness. I had visions of everybody in Creation losing their ability to channel peripheral Essence for years, while Abyssals remained unaffected.

Because, let's face it, xarvh -- you're fiendish enough to at least contemplate doing that. ;)
Arynne said:
Oh, yeah. So much.
What's more, Flicker will figure that Abyssal=Neverborn know everything they're doing=Deathlords know everything they're doing. That from the moment they allowed Walker to know about stuff, something like this was inevitable. She will argue to keep Mirror out of the loop in the future, since they now understand that their enemies are always looking out of her eyes and hearing with her ears.

But that doesn't mean we can't have Mirror help out if she wants to... so far I don't see much aside from using her as a weapon against enemies (deathknights do marvels against rogue gods and the faes)... that could still be useful even though I realize that becoming sone kind of 47 is rather reductive and not really an enviable position.

I'd much rather make her a center of interest for finding an "abyssal cure", but that highly depends on if Kacie wants to keep her abyssalness or get rid of it.
Does your character trust that Mirror won't be taken over by the Neverborn in the middle of a fight against the Undead? Or Legion?
Simply put, no.

Mirror wasn't even fighting the undead in this case, she was just exposed to a target for the NB and they just took over to further their nasty goals.

But that doesn't mean it has to stay that way forever.

If we don't expose her to such targets / outsmart the NB and their schemes redirecting Mirror's force of destruction where it's most useful and accompanying it with immediate and positive reinforcement, or any other clever method of sticking it to the NB and Resonance, I believe we can make this work. :)
Kacie said:
Thank you for the kind words.
A question for my fellow players: Mirror does not know what triggered this possession, and doesn't know if/when it will happen again. After the immediate reaction scenes, what will be your character's view on Mirror, and how much of a liability she is?
Siham's first reaction will be "An undead Exalt? Can I dissect you?"

After being told no, his second question will be "Are you sure?"

After being told no a second time, he'll grumble at the lost research opportunities and go about finding a non-invasive way to study you and turn your resonance to our purposes. If he rolls high enough on the research check and learns that Abyssal Exalted are just "evil" Solars, he'll start working on an artifact that'll turn you back to normal.
Oh we can just tell him that Abyssal Exalted are just "evil" Solars, we know that much since Walker met Fangs.
Siham would already know a fair bit about abyssals from Walker (Berek). Xarvh can maybe fill you in on what you are aware of. We at the very least know that a bond that was supposed to be between solars and lunars exists between an abyssal and a lunar.
Hrm... I believe we know or at least can deduce that an abyssal was actually a former solar.

Fangs recognized and vividly acknowledges her mate who was a Solar once publicly.

He is now an abyssal and apparently keeps coming back as one after he dies.

Judging by the connection he/she has with the NB it shouldn't be too hard to deduce that primordial powers altered that particular solar essence in some way and darkened it.

There were some elements and questions raised on the abyssal condition in Malek's last angry rant.

Perhaps Big K could have helped with that, logically Primordial power can undo what Primordial power has done (she did turn a Night into an Eclipse...) but again it's too touchy to let anyone else than Kacie decide what to do with the abyssalness of the character.
Also... I kinda doubt that the idea of waving a Primordial magic wand to deabyssalize a character is one that our dear ST could ever have.

He does like to make us sweat... and cry... and bleed ! :D
cyl said:
Also... I kinda doubt that the idea of waving a Primordial magic wand to deabyssalize a character is one that our dear ST could ever have.
He does like to make us sweat... and cry... and bleed ! :D
You should know that "Deabyssalize a character" is essentially Cunning Fangs' entire character arc.

She has...plans.
CrazyIvan said:
You should know that "Deabyssalize a character" is essentially Cunning Fangs' entire character arc.
She has...plans.
She should speak of it, most would be most interested in helping speeding up the process. ;)
cyl said:
She should speak of it, most would be most interested in helping speeding up the process. ;)
She will when the time comes. Keep in mind prior to Kacie joining I was deliberately trying to let Walker and the issue of Fangs' mate fade into the background.
As peace offering - for those of you who like Metal, do you know of the site, "Map of Metal"?


A simultaneous visual depiction of the evolution and offshoots of Metal, and at each node, there's a sample of music that typifies the sub-genre.

I found something very appropriate while listening to Goth Metal:

Anathema: Lost Control (you can find it under Goth Metal on the site, if you want to listen).
I think I have the whole album among my faves, but I never realized that they could be goth metal.
cyl said:
I'd say the time is coming pretty soon. :D
Eh, not necessarily. Keep in mind not less than 5 minutes of game time ago, Cunning Fangs was going to banish Sondok because Malek was hassling Mirror. He's still very firmly on her shit list. And she doesn't trust the Go To Solution For All Problems Death Related (the Bloom) not to kill N+1 mates.
I think I have the whole album among my faves, but I never realized that they could be goth metal.
Everybody likes to argue over who's in what sub-genre. Would you say Anathema falls into Metal? Sometimes people argue over the Genre as well. ;)

I like them. I like other groups more, but Anathema is a definite thumbs up.

And I love Map of Metal. Any time I want to experience a new sound, I know I can find a new node. ...not that I always like the sub-genre. The screaming vocals are not so much my thing. :( Sadly, that's a large section of Metal.
Speaking of killing mates... :)

Wouldn't it be appropriate to azure chariot your mate the hell out of a possible witch hunt coming her way ?

As you said not 5 minutes ago Malek openly threatened Mirror, Flicker declared that she would stand between the couple and Ankss, lately Argis lost an arm to protect Big K and Mirror just struck the crap out of her... with those egos all fired up, tactical retreat might be a sensible idea in Fangs' mind right now.

It's not a threat at all, I don't want my pc to kill Kacie's unless it is dramatically appropriate and we both consent to a duel to the death :D

It's just a comment on something that seems rather logical to me.

EDIT: or she could break down and sob, that works too :P (I just saw your post)
@Kacie: I don't even try to argue, I find categorization of music a bit too close to wankery.

Especially in metal, where nerdy people with rational mindsets abound.

But it was the first time I had Anathema associated with the word "goth".
I need to preface this with something I've said several times: Kacie, you're an awesome player and I applaud you playing Mirror.

*sigh* I've given a this a lot of thought. It comes down to whether I'm being "true to the character" which is a fictional space or bending her imagined mind to my will in order to keep unity among us.

I'm torn. I'm not looking to be the thespian "I'm in character" guy who disclaims his actions as "that's what she'd do". But, by rights, I can't resolve the feelings I imagine Rhapsody having any other way than directly or with threat of separation. In my mind — again imagined space and fiction, but still how I think she feels — she will be unwilling to let something like this go without external intervention. Mirror will be seen as a threat unless some major convincing happens. The fact that Mirror was not in control at the time will have little value to Rhapsody other than to prove the dangerousness of Mirror further.

Now, in my imagined space of her feelings, I truly believe she would continue the direct confrontation, here and now, until it was ... resolved ... one way or another. I can see, however, tempering that with her knowing that she stands no chance, pushing her into a "If I ever see you again, we will fight until one of us is dead" space. At which point she'll retreat to her people and take an isolationist stance.

Again, I'm not trying to be a pain. I love this game. I just don't see many ways around for her.
Out of Peripheral, Rhapsody is no significant threat to Mirror, I don't see the problem.

Whatever you do, I'd prefer to stay out of combat time.

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