[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] OOC Thread

Feantari said:
Its all rather dependent on what Mirror does naturally, just tryin' to help.
Is it bad that I mostly wish Argis was there so that he could use madness analyzing stare on her?
No, you're right. I appreciate the discussion. I hadn't even thought of calling out to anyone but the other Exalts.
xarvh said:
JayTee is ready to play Siham, so the character will become his.

I am not entirely convinced of the idea, but I am open to the possibility of letting you play a new character, that you will tailor so that it works better for you in this kind of game.

I got feedback from some of the players, I will wait to know what the other players think and then decide.

Midboss, this is the Horrid Thread: http://www.rpdom.com/threads/chapter-5-scene-5-the-prince-and-the-monster.55369/

Which should give you an idea of what this game has become as far as complexity goes, and is also important to understand what has been happening of late.

Please try to read it, from first to last post.

If the experience proves bad for you, you may want to think long and hard on whether you will actually have any fun with EotFS, before you do any commitment.

Anyway, threads are open, let's continue this mess.

@CI: no problem, but you may want to continue reading.
I'll sit the game out then.

Was nice playing with you guys.

So long and good luck with the rest then.
I am sorry this game didn't work out for you Mid, we all loved your posts.

Hope to play again with you in some lighter game, sooner or later.
BTW, I hope you all will appreciate the fact that Kacie has been forced (by me) to play something devastating for her character, and played it to the very bottom of the pit.

Takes quite some nerve, and there are few players to which I could have asked such a thing.
Currently on a business trip, won't be posting at all tomorrow either. I'm also presently at something of a loss.
I think we're all feeling a bit winded right now...like Charlie Brown must after Lucy yanks the football away. :P
Feantari said:
Very much so. It was a well done and truely devastating thing.
Beautiful and horrifying at the same time... credit is due !

The ramifications are going to be a nightmare :eek:
Thank you for the kind words.

A question for my fellow players: Mirror does not know what triggered this possession, and doesn't know if/when it will happen again. After the immediate reaction scenes, what will be your character's view on Mirror, and how much of a liability she is?

For example, earlier the dire repercussions via resonance were brought up as a reason Mirror might not want to be at an epic battle to defend Lookshy against Mask of Winters. Now, for all that Mirror knows, it's a distinct possibility that instead of having massive resonance from fighting the undead, she could be possessed by the Neverborn prior to, during, or after the battle. Likewise, if the undead attack the Cross and she tries to defend it.

Is that a risk your character would allow?
Kalak would likely wish to restrain you long enough to study your essence flows and decipher the methods of Resonance.
Honestly, probably not a risk Argis would allow. That said, there are ways to be involved and help that don't require quite as much exposure. And yeah, he'd be interested in helping her to some extent if she expresses a desire for it. She's going to have to do some pretty fast talking in the immediate future though.
She's going to have to do some pretty fast talking in the immediate future though.
Oh, yeah. So much.

What's more, Flicker will figure that Abyssal=Neverborn know everything they're doing=Deathlords know everything they're doing. That from the moment they allowed Walker to know about stuff, something like this was inevitable. She will argue to keep Mirror out of the loop in the future, since they now understand that their enemies are always looking out of her eyes and hearing with her ears.
Wow... good question.

Being half dead and having sold her soul to the Void is one thing, Resonance is another... but being possessed by the Neverborn... that makes Mirror a whole new and different animal.

Once / if he knows what happened and how it happened, she will most likely switch from "very risky chick on probation" to "time bomb to be defused ASAP" in his mind, regardless of her attitude / presence.

He will then recommend the simple way: containment, isolation, and possibly treatment with a modified version of the Bloom to cut her off from the death essence and the Neverborn (something for the twilights and Zenith to work on).

Exile from Cross will be mandatory for him, especially if Lookshy falls after what happened.

She's just too dangerous to keep around until the Circle knows for sure that she can be herself when it matters.

I know it's rather harsh, but considering his utmost distrust for deathknights, there's hardly another way for him to consider another alternative.
So, how are we going to deal with the fact that we're now screwed, blued and tattooed, as my dad used to say? :P
@Arynne: There will be of course major political repercussions in Creation and Yu-Shan.

But Cross is isolated enough that not much will really change.

Big K is not dead because oh Gods the last thing I need in this game is a new Neverborn.

Regardless, your peripheral essence will come back in a day or two.

(Sometimes I wonder: what would happen if all the Gods disappeared instantly?)

Argis and Malek may have to shuffle around their business, Tirana will know that Cross hosted a Primordial (because Shiana is cute and innocent and whatever, but she wasn't born yesterday).

CI and Kacie, which are the most affected by the mess, will comprensibly take some time to decide what to do.

In practice, not a fuck as changed for Cross.
I doubt something as global like this essence incident will remain unnoticed.

Some people will probably want to investigate this and it may attract all kinds of unwanted attentions... as if we did not have enough already :rolleyes:

(Sometimes I wonder: what would happen if all the Gods disappeared instantly?)
Easy: complete chaos and a running competition between the Wyld and the Underworld to see who destroys Creations first.

Only pockets of Creation protected by technological stuff like the reality engines will endure as long as the gears keep on turning.

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