[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] OOC Thread

Yeah, I'm an idiot.

With K crippled, all Exalts lose their peripheral pools for a while.
@ WlfSamurai: do you mean long-term interactions? I know there's a huge issue there, and I can't do much about it. :(

@ Xarvh: Mirror loses her peripheral pool too, correct? I thought she would, then I got confused. Not like it matters too much right now.
Let's think short term please, shall we?

The iron is still hot.

Mirror, as an Abyssal, does NOT lose her peripheral pool.
xarvh said:
@Kacie: I don't even try to argue, I find categorization of music a bit too close to wankery.
Especially in metal, where nerdy people with rational mindsets abound.

But it was the first time I had Anathema associated with the word "goth".
Don't mean to suggest that we argue! I, also, get tired of trying to track how the true believers categorize the bands. I really love Lacuna Coil; the music site Rhapsody.com calls them Alt Metal, while the Map of Metal puts them in Goth Metal. Originally I heard them called Death Metal. At this point, I shrug, and point to Map of Metal, because it's a labor of love and I trust them. Not that it matters.

Rhapsody.com calls Anathema "Doom Metal". From the listening I've done on that site, seems like their older albums fit that better, and the newer ones are going in a different direction. I like them. Map of Metal shows Goth Metal as an offshoot of Traditional Doom Metal, and I like bands that fall on those two nodes.

Type O Negative, I *love*. Deep bass vocals, but beautifully sung, none of the screaming stuff. Witty, biting lyrics, and wonderful rich sound.

Um. I suppose I should be on topic or something. Yes. I listen to Metal while composing posts for Mirror. Tonight's post was brought to you by Funeral Metal, curtsey of Map of Metal.
Lacuna Coil are from my home city!

Also Rhapsody are Italian (the band, not the Zenith!). =D

"Rice Dragon! Rice over there!" LOL.

Luckily we play pbp... Maaan, ise so muche bettre to writte thann to speake.

Once I met an (Italian) band who claimed to play "Brutal Death Metal" which resulted in a continuous growl produced by a tiny long-haired guy who complained that the mic would not render his gargarisms properly.

Anyway, you just confessed to be an analytically-minded nerd junkie.

Very Abyssal of you.

I am loving the posts I see so far and will propely reward them when my head works better.

Your last one was especially creepy.
Kacie said:
@ WlfSamurai: do you mean long-term interactions? I know there's a huge issue there, and I can't do much about it. :(
It's not an issue per se. It's more like a constraint, something tied to your character, just like Malek's bad temper... except you have no power over it and can't decide when it shows up.

The NB have a special hold on your character and it's not the first time that the Circle witnesses them at work.

It is however the first time that it takes such epic proportions.

Once Fangs explains what is happening the rest of the Circle will most likely realize that aside from protecting the people of Cross they also have to handle Mirror's particular condition and protect both her and Creation from her.

They can't let her roam free anymore, the NB can resurface at any time they want and make things worst, so they need to keep her on a "tight leash" until they can find a way to solve the issue.

Once he's properly informed Malek will seriously suggest taking shortcuts and going around the problem for the short term.

If Mirror needs to be a killer and the NB wants their bodycount from her, then we have to find a way to make that happen without destabilizing Creation too much and we could use that killer to actually stabilize Creation furthermore.

Lots of bad guys out there and the world would be a better place if they were gone / taken out / neutralized.

Strangely it might make Malek and Fangs' mate work closely together again.

The Circle picks the targets, Malek plans ahead the fallout and the reinforcement, and Mirror does what she does best.

That's option A... option B implies a chat with Big K on how we can fix Mirror or at the very least cut her off from the NB and Resonance... aside from throwing her into a Bloom pool ! :D
Kacie said:
@ WlfSamurai: do you mean long-term interactions? I know there's a huge issue there, and I can't do much about it. :(
I don't think it would be right to preset long-term interactions like that. Rhapsody may feel like that, but any number of things can happen in-between.
I call for a ton of stunt award for Mirror's ultimate creepiness... she scares the crap out of me ! :eek:
My apologies for the slowness, RL as usual.

JayTee asked me to allow Shards firearms and charms, which I have no problems doing especially because it all fits with what we already know of Siham.

This of course means that anyone interest in the Way of the Gun can have a go.

Whatever happens in Ends and Beginnings, we have to think about the future.

Fangs and Mirror are likely to be away for a while.

But what happens in Cross when the dust settles?

Is Flicker going to visit her Mentor?

Is Malek going to Nathir/Great Forks?

What about Argis?

I take that Kalak and Siham will be working in Cross.

I don't know what you guys think but I feel we need a scene between Fangs (and possibly Mirror when she gets "better") and the rest of the Circle before we move forward.

IMHO what happened was just too big to let it wash away quietly and skip rping the fallout.
cyl said:
I don't know what you guys think but I feel we need a scene between Fangs (and possibly Mirror when she gets "better") and the rest of the Circle before we move forward.
Unlikely to happen.
I may presume much but I doubt Fangs would just spirit Mirror away without leaving some sort of explanation... or at least contacting us through a series of Messengers.

I mean... it looks bad enough as is, and she has to know that going in hiding without telling us what happened is seriously unhealthy.

We know where they planned to go, we know Mirror pushed for revenge in Ankss, and now she just struck the Prim... there's not much to go on to avoid considering a witch hunt.

And again, not a threat at all, just a possible reaction from the Circle in the absence of information.
cyl, I'd suggest you just to wait and see how things develop.

Right now I just don't have much brain to follow the game.

So far I have Flicker going to visit Lat'c.
@WlfSamurai -- want to respond to anything going on as Mirror spouts very dangerous lines of thinking to her vulnerable mate? ;)
Kacie said:
@WlfSamurai -- want to respond to anything going on as Mirror spouts very dangerous lines of thinking to her vulnerable mate? ;)
Yes. Thanks for waiting.

xarvh said:
But what happens in Cross when the dust settles?
I really don't want to say until the dust settles. This whole scene has turned a different direction than I had anticipated five times already, which is awesome. I honestly don't know how it will shake out and I love it.

With that said, if we lifted Rhapsody out right now, she would probably speak to her people and say she's leaving. Those that wish to stay may. Those that wish to come with may. She holds no grudge to those that stay. She'd probably say she won't be part of a "state" that allows the "enemy" to sup with them.

But that's the beauty! We don't know how this will go. Which is the exciting part. :) I'm not going to call it until it's done.
Well, depending on Fangs and Mirror's next moves, one of them or both may very well become persona non grata, but I think that we don't want that.

We have a great opportunity to focus on Mirror the fallen sister victim of the NB IF she wants to heal herself (or if Fangs realizes that she can't do it on her own), and that could clearly strengthen the Circle instead of splitting it.

What's coming next for the Circle and how they view your characters depend entirely on you guys.
I will close the Scene here, otherwise the others will never get to post.

I dislike to railroad you guys, but it's for the Greater Story Good and Greater Enjoyment of the Other Players.

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