[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] OOC Thread

So, just a heads up.

Due to a series of events out of my control and which no one is at fault for, I am more or less being forced to A: find a place of my own, and B: find a job to sustain said place. While I have never willingly abandoned a game and have no intention to start any time soon, this does mean I may be a bit flaky when it comes to positing, in addition to my already minimalistic posting as a result of my broken hand.

I want to stress firmly and repeatedly that I am still very much interested in playing, and will attempt to contribute in whatever way I can, even with these factors hanging over my head.
No problems, we can delay your entrance.

The situation seems a pain in the ass (been there, done that) so all my best to resolve it asap.

If you happen to be in OZ, I can help you.
"Nonsense dear, I only dislike being touched by fools. It is their prevalence that has left you with a false impression."
Just a heads up guys I'll be off to the Galapagos Islands from this sunday to next thursday !

Don't exhaust Xarvh while I'm gone, 'cause that's my job ! ;)
Hey guys.

I know it's been a while. The new job has been kicking my ass rather badly, leaving me in no state to perform any cerebral activity by the time I got home, especially complex national policy. I like this game and I like my character but I just couldn't see how to get started back.

Could I ask some help from others in that matter ? Especially the GM.
Why why oh fuck why this is the time that I burn my computer and give myself to a life of violent crime.

Midboss, do you realize that, like, ten posts ago we recruited JayTee because Cross, since the beginning of the game or so, is completely without a Twilight?

That your fellow players have set up armies, trades, alliances, lodges, crime networks, and all the Twilight did was "train 300 guys into Craft"?

That everything that pertains to Bloom, the Behemoth and the technological development of the society is ridiculously behind with respect to everything else that has happened in the game?

That the only fucking plot-centric character that I couldn't avoid inserting in the game (I'll never forgive myself for that) has maybe one tenth of the posts of the other characters and less than half the XPs?

That's not "low posting".

Hell, Norts is a low poster, and it's perfectly fine.

Don't get me wrong, Mid.

I think you are a great player, both as a player and as a ST.

I do want you in this game.

I am sure that you have very legitimate reasons for not being able to participate.

But this didn't start with your job.

We had already a discussion.

We all agree EotFS is a FUCKING COMPLEX GAME.

We like it the way it is, because it lets the players huge freedom.

I am so very close to keep the IC locked until every other player PMs me telling me whether they want JayTee or you.

Hell, I am so very close to abandon the game and fuck it.

Now, Mid, tell me.

What changed in your RL that will allow you to finally stay with the INSANELY CONVOLUTED GAME THAT TAKES SIGNIFICANT TIME TO FOLLOW?

This is not a rhetoric question, I want to see whether you are serious about it.
Wow okay. It seems I missed a few things.

If someone is already well on way to take over my role, then I won't stand in the way.

As for the job, basically, it had a very steep learning curve. Doing tech support for stuff I never supported before and our guides aren't all that complete. I'm finally getting at the point when I basically more or less understand all the stuff I'm supporting, so therefore no longer have a splitting headache by the time I finished my shift.

JayTee is ready to play Siham, so the character will become his.

I am not entirely convinced of the idea, but I am open to the possibility of letting you play a new character, that you will tailor so that it works better for you in this kind of game.

I got feedback from some of the players, I will wait to know what the other players think and then decide.

Midboss, this is the Horrid Thread: http://www.rpdom.com/threads/chapter-5-scene-5-the-prince-and-the-monster.55369/

Which should give you an idea of what this game has become as far as complexity goes, and is also important to understand what has been happening of late.

Please try to read it, from first to last post.

If the experience proves bad for you, you may want to think long and hard on whether you will actually have any fun with EotFS, before you do any commitment.

Anyway, threads are open, let's continue this mess.

@CI: no problem, but you may want to continue reading.
Speaking of which, we still haven't figured out what was the "Monster" that attacked Kalak's Shining Kingdom... anyone wants to go there and check out what the hell happened ?
Also, to those who were born in the 80's like me... you absolutely must see Disney's Wreck It Ralph !
Kalak's shining kingdom was just destroyed, as far as story purposes go, so it doesn't really need to rise to the top of the list. Pkus, until we have far more easy travel power, it's a heck of a walk.
We have easy but limited travel power between Fangs and Malek.

Fangs is much faster and can bring more people, but Malek can get the job done too with his riding charm.
How many miles away is it from Cross ?

Fangs does some 250mph, Malek allow a horse to go tireless (so 600 miles / day)

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