[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] OOC Thread

I hope we don't have negative feelings from characters spill out into player feelings, though I can understand why you'd be pissed Ivan.

Just looking to make sure that we can all still game together.
Norts said:
I hope we don't have negative feelings from characters spill out into player feelings, though I can understand why you'd be pissed Ivan.
Just looking to make sure that we can all still game together.
Not that pissed ;)
There's absolutely no reason, this is a mere character disagreement, although I might note to everyone that I meant this to be a private arguments, you gossip guys... :wink:

That the character feels pissed is totally understandable, Malek is too, which is why he started the discussion, to make CF realize that demons were scary and that the people had been scared enough... whatever optimized means to an end they are, it does not do them good (in his own opinion, and he's being quite protective about them... which is only logical).

But if you, the player, are too, well here I'm sorry, it was not in my intention to upset you in any way... should have made it clear earlier... however Fangs attitude and choice of words gave Malek little margin for compromising... the appealing to the human side of Fangs was the only recourse he had since all other arguments were in favor of keeping the demons around.

If you think about it the conversation went like this;

- uh demons... really ?

- I do things my way, or not, if you ain't happy, well too bad.

- uh yeah but... we could reduce the numbers, I mean they're scary bastards, be human about it...

- go to hell and if you raised the issue of my humanity again, I'll send an army of demons or worst at your doorstep...

Which is exactly what I as a player wanted to avoid, because now, Malek realizes that CF is potentially a threat for the people.

So... how do we solve this ?!
I had a much longer reply written, which I've decided was ill-advised. I will however, say the following:

1. I was irked before you posted. I'm now...much more than irked.

2. I *repeatedly* solicited requests for things for Fangs to be doing. Noone stated any preference, I used the most useful spell I know, and have caught a heap of flak for it. Its not as if people didn't have plenty of warning I was planning to summon a heap of demons.

3. The fact that you're couching the entire conversation in a way that anyone concerned with people, in touch with their humanity or whatever would *inevitably* reach the same conclusion as Malek *is* the problem.

4. That your post in this thread felt a hell of a lot less like meeting me halfway and a lot more like explaining how I'm in the wrong is actively problematic. I'm not one to carry IC disagreements OOC, but I will if it ends up painting my character into a corner doing something perfectly legitimate, and having her cast as a threat, childish or inhuman because I had the audacity to do something you wouldn't have done. Especially when it's accompanied with the suggestion that *I* did something wrong.

I'm going to go clean my office, enjoy the SuperBowl, enjoy a tasty burger with my girlfriend, and approach the question of this game at a much later time.

People... it's ONLY demons... demon summoning shouldn't be a problem if handled carefully. This is Exalted. Not D&D. So, naughty demons just get slaughtered if they don't obey their summoner. Assuming that said summoner is ready to beat down the demon and isn't packing the appropriate Banishing spell.

Of course, it SHOULD be noted that demon and elemental summoning, along with Raksha minion generation CAN be potentially game breaking as they allow you access to a multitude of slaves/minions/followers that can do just about anything.

Elementals more so than demons and raksha, cost-wise.
Wait... Really...?

I always saw the demon summoning one as the more powerful.

The binding lasts longer and you have much the same variety that elemental summoning gives you....
Wait... Really...?
I always saw the demon summoning one as the more powerful.

The binding lasts longer and you have much the same variety that elemental summoning gives you....
Cost-wise and summoning times, it's more efficient to have elementals; elementals can be done any time and costs less motes. Demons have 3 circles and the lowest powered circle can only be done at a specific time at night.
Dragon-kings!? Yay!
oh.... it's just a lunar....
A Lunar who might eventually bring some Dragon Kings to the party sometime, so if Malek has a phobia of green, scaly, inhuman things, now would be a good time to mention it.

....come to think, if he has such a phobia, he should mention it now for completely different reasons. :P
Ok let's dismantle this thing :D

I never suggested *you* did anything wrong, but I pointed out that the words you're using do lead Malek (not me) to think that Fangs (not you) might be a little dangerous and certainly unpredictable.

I mean she did threaten to take away the houses and to send something bad against Malek should he challenge her humanity again, plus she kinda looked down on them a little, and apparently can't take criticism... which to him means "dangerous"... especially when within two weeks she summons something like 15 demons...

I actually quite enjoyed your posts and they were exactly in the right mood and the problematic I wanted to have: necessity vs pragmatism... summoning demons might be useful, but it's also the easy way (much like elementals actually).

Were I going to think it would create tensions, I'd have not started this discussion between them :D
Ok, enough of this.

Cyl, the demons around are not a big deal.

The refugees have seen their relatives and friends eaten alive by the undead.

After such a think carefully bound demons are unnerving at best.

The refugees are psychologically wracked anyway, but also eager to restart their lives.

CrazyIvan, please understand that coordinating ten characters all fighting for the spotlight via pbp can be extremely inefficient, and often the feedback and common resolve do not come when and how they should.

Miscommunication is bound to happen.

With higher priority than before, I need a post with the list of demons, the task that binds each, and possibly manual references with their description.

Cyl, Crazy Ivan, both of you are top-notch players, show me that you can exploit this for great and strictly-IC drama.

All the others: The scene was between Cunning Fangs and Malek.

Theirs is the spotlight, respect it.

If you need a space, ask and I will be only too happy to open a scene with the situation you want.

This said, I'm extremely satisfied that you take the game such at heart.

I look forward to begin the new Chapter.
A truce is good enough for me. For my part in it, I apologize - just felt like I got a ton of blowback from something that shouldn't have been a big deal, and well, was pretty transparent in coming.
With the spell Ritual of Elemental Empowerment, I can create any tools that I need to be able to do maintenence work on the warstrider. Using the water blessing, the tools can change shape to anything I can imagine as long as the mass stays the same. So, with that in mind, is it still impossible to open up the warstrider and do simple repairs to get the basic systems running again?
From the White Treatise: "Activating this ability requires investing the object with a mote of Essence or point of Willpower, and the object remains in its new form for as long as that investment remains committed."

Besides, the tools don't change in quality.

Shitty quality remains shitty.
Sherwood said:
With the spell Ritual of Elemental Empowerment, I can create any tools that I need to be able to do maintenence work on the warstrider. Using the water blessing, the tools can change shape to anything I can imagine as long as the mass stays the same. So, with that in mind, is it still impossible to open up the warstrider and do simple repairs to get the basic systems running again?
We have extremely good craftsmen on site remember.

Can a desire to crack that warstrider open trump "the willies"?
Ok, so we have excellent craftsmen on site, with the ability to change a quality tool into any other. What's the probelm? If I had thought that starting out I would be spending points on a damaged artifact and not be able to fix it, I would have gone a different route in my character concept.
The description of the artifact states clearly the infrastructure necessary to operate said artifact.

Also remember that the basic package (the 4 dots you paid) does not include weapons and subsystems.

Also, "warstrider maintenance requires specialized tools and equipement (Res 4 or Artifact 2).

"For every 40 hours of routine maintenance or every

individual repair roll to fix actual damage, a quantity of

jade, reagents, metal parts and other raw materials costing

Resources 3 is used up."

None of these requirements is out of your reach, use this downtime to build up a workshop (that will be very important anyway), and you will be able to repair the warstrider to full functionality.

Read the section of the Core on how to produce Craft Items, what to roll and how long does it take.

You are a No Moon, these are your challenges.

Even if you are eventually unable to do nothing about the warstrider, you find yourself nonetheless right now with a working warstrider, able alone to give you victory against any mortal army.
Say the word and Cunning Fangs can raise you a hella-nice warstrider maintenance bay out of stone, and stock it with...as many Heranhal as you are comfortable with. They're good for tools and exotic materials, as long as you don't mind a heavily...brass aesthetic. If nothing else, they'll make crafting rolls easier.

She'll even let you assuage any guilt you have about using demons in...any number of ways. Tearful confessions up to warstrider target practice with a baidak or six.

And herein lies the first moral connundrum of Exalted: Demons can fix this.

The second is: Imbue Amalgam can fix this better.
I would think that the swarm of elementals that I summoned would be able to accomplish much of that also.

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