[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] OOC Thread

xarvh said:
Woe unto Creation, shutting Malek's mouth may be outside of the power of the Incarnae themselves.
Hey you made me the Eclipse remember ?

Could have stuck with doing sneakythievystealyninjy stuff... ;)

But generally that's the problem when you put someone who has given himself a mission and is pretty obsessed about it (Malek) and someone who says "I do wat I like, kthxbai!" (Fangs) in the same room. The zealot is bound to clash with the free spirit.

I have the exact same problem IRL at work, a chaotic boss who does what she wants when she wants... and though she has some serious work power, its use is far from appropriate when you speak of running a company.

While I find arguing with CI or his character to be rather fun, I, as a player, can't find anything really innovative to do with that opposition so I've chosen to move on from this path with my last post.

It's stupid to try to limit such a wild lunar to one path (especially if he's told which way to go) , and it's because Malek and Fangs haven't been around each other that he forgot this fact, she just reminded him of that.

Their "beef", however is far from over since she left Cross for doing "personal stuff" (as he sees it) for quite some time and does what she likes with powers he desperately wishes he could control and harness.

I'm sure the game will provide us with many opportunities to disagree in some epic fashion.
Well, I definitely can;t back away from my responsibilities.

Anyway, I like you guys being dysfunctional, it adds a touch to the game.
The problem is, when Malek moves briskly on to the next item on his agenda, it always comes across as him dismissing the other people's reactions or taking their compliance for granted.

Which is why we no haz a No Moon in the Cross anymoar.
Cyl, I feel you're missing a big point in that argument with Fangs, and it comes back to what you posted in a spoiler block IC:

IIRC it was decided in the beginning Malek & Argis (succeeding to Albane) are the ones ultimately taking decisions for dominion's policies
Crazy Ivan should correct me, but if I'm reading Fangs's posts correctly, she is basically saying "Hey, I have a vision of how to help the Cross, too, and every time it is different than your vision, you tell me I don't care enough about the Cross and ignore my idea."

The question Mirror asked at the meeting was basically "Who's in charge here? Does everyone have an equal say, or does the Speaker dictate policy after listening to everyone have their say?"

The quote about Malek & Argis "ultimately taking decisions for policies" would indicate the latter; that the Cross's council is not a democracy of equals of the Cross's exalted, and policy isn't democratically taken from the council.

The question of who gets to decide what policy is worth hammering out here in OOC between us the players, and then working it into IC if needed. That will help cut down on the long diatribes with people missing the point.
Rhapsody I think is a reflection of how that currently works. She's all "social-ful girl" (which is admit is not my strong point) but when everyone is together, she mostly keeps to herself.

I, as a player, haven't decided if this is BECAUSE she knows she won't get Malek to budge without charms (never going to do that) or if she is above that and thinks that she will only join in if the issue at hand requires her or is dire. I plan on having this emerge during play instead of nailing it down.

Either way, she's always felt that Malek is running the show.
Basically we voted sometime awhile back to appoint someone as defacto foreign relations and another as internal affairs, ruler of day to day cross stuffs. That was Albane (previous eclipse) and Malek (then night caste, but actually had ties to the people). We've since lost Albane and Malek has ended up doing a fair bit of diplomacy and the general assembly as it were throwing things around until something gets hashed out. IIRC we managed to disagree with Malek once with success which was to delay the spread of the bloom all willy nilly like until we could actually study it some.

So, since that all happened we haven't really hashed anything new out and there isn't really a system.
Organizing many string personalities is not trivial and it's the way we want it.

Cross needs someone to be a first among equals to organize the squabble above.

By vote, this someone is Malek.

While Malek should let his own ego apart and be more accepting of other's ideas, he was chosen, by the other PCs, to have executive power within Cross, and didn't do a bad job so far.

Many things have changed since then, and you guys may want to better define or even change outright that arrangement.
...only now, it's beginning to come across (heh) as "Malek is the King of the Cross". Which worries some people.

just think what would have happened if we'd actually named it "Malek's Crossing"...
I didn't answer your question because I did not clearly remember what exactly was decided at the time and if it has moved since.

There is no defined governmental sructure in Cross because there is still no stability & prosperity.

We struggle on a regluar basis with the most practical and basic issues (like food or security).

We do the best we can with what we have. Once things get better and we have more room to grow, we will be able to organize better depending on which regimen we choose as fit (and considering how mortals are easy to break, we might want to go with monarchy for a time).

Also, we were waiting on Kalak to pop in (I think) but since he doesn't show up we've moved on to something else waiting for him to show up.

Aside from that, discussing priorities in IC terms can add some rp value showing how the characters think and resolve problems, which I think is cool, as long as we don't overdo it.
cyl said:
Aside from that, discussing priorities in IC terms can add some rp value showing how the characters think and resolve problems, which I think is cool, as long as we don't overdo it.
Hear, hear. This last chamber scene definitely has an amazing amount of RP value and awesome content, IMO.
Arynne said:
...only now, it's beginning to come across (heh) as "Malek is the King of the Cross". Which worries some people.
just think what would have happened if we'd actually named it "Malek's Crossing"...
Funny you should mention that, Malek actually has little interest in Cross.

He reaaaaally wants to get Mirunda back and get his hands on Nathir.

But to him Cross is a place where dreams and ambitions go to die. A dull place in the middle of nowhere filled with great potential and important things to care for and protect but sooo many limits and constraints.
Hear, hear. This last chamber scene definitely has an amazing amount of RP value and awesome content, IMO.
It also seems to have some frustrated players. That's what I'm concerned about. If we as players don't understand why other players are frustrated, that wrecks the fun.
Kacie said:
It also seems to have some frustrated players. That's what I'm concerned about. If we as players don't understand why other players are frustrated, that wrecks the fun.
Fair enough, but I had thought those players had hashed that out OOC already. Am I wrong?
Aside from that... I think I have found an inspiration for a secondary character.

A very ambitious and seriously borderline Dawn who could be easily turned deathknight should the opportunity presents itself (think Vaas Montenegro from Farcry 3).
Arynne said:
...only now, it's beginning to come across (heh) as "Malek is the King of the Cross". Which worries some people.
just think what would have happened if we'd actually named it "Malek's Crossing"...
I think at one point it was called "Malek's Folly" by Fangs IIRC :D

But yeah I get where you're coming from. I'm sorry if you guys feel I've been pushing that whole "control freak" envelop a bit too far.

The guy is clearly overworked and I thought I needed to show how violent his need to blow off some steam is when faced with adversity or things that do not go the way he intends them to.

He was reaaaaally close to attacking Mirror just because she looked like the enemy.

I'm trying to show how he reacts to the pressure on his shoulders, the exhaustion (he busts his ass off and spread himself extremely thin), and his deepest frustrations. He cannot handle that much.

If Flicker asked him how was feeling, he would not say the truth but she could easily guess "not good at all" (since he sucks bad at lying).

He desperately needs a break after two years of endless traveling and struggling but can't manage to get some.

Even worse, three of his friends died (Callen / River / Berek), two rather recently and he's completely heart broken over their deaths and also desperate to see that not only they are gone, but the powers they wielded has gone too.

And let's not talk about the trauma of having your caste switched by the whim of a Primordial (even though he has rather come to terms with that).

The guy is neither tough, smart, subtle or manipulative, isn't (yet) fit to handle a dominion or even be a diplomat, and he clearly doesn't know how to make people do what he wants and relies on going around them if he can, hammering stuff in their heads or beating them senseless until they break if he has to. So far it has worked for him pretty well.

Usually the ones he works with are either very opportunistic (easily convinced by the prospect of profit), or devoted to the cause he promotes and therefore he doesn't have a problem managing them.

When things do not go his way or when limits and frustration build up, that's when he's likely to show he has a short fuse.

And I like to show some specific human weaknesses he has, which usually arise with petty conflicts and out of place drama.

As for his fixation on Fangs, it's rather simple: she is everything he wishes he could be (powerful, free and independent) but forbids himself to be because of his compassion and sense of duty towards others.

Deep down, in some twisted bitter way, he seriously resents her for that, even though she has tried to show him the error of his ways at least twice. Third time may be the charm.

Which is also why I want him to talk to Big K, I feel he needs to evolve but can't on his own.

If that spoils part of the fun for you guys, I'll tone the IC flaws down a couple of notches of course and do not hesitate to tell the player that he's going too far when he is.

Feedback on your work is always good, positive or negative :)
I love it. It's very IC for him, I feel, and actually having the exhaustion IC is freaking awesome.

We've been working like crazy for the benefit of the Cross and the Thornians. We're stacked to the ceiling with projects. We SHOULD be tearing at the seams a bit, IMO.
Oh - whew. I couldn't tell from other posts, Cyl, if your view was the same as Malek's view, and just made something like five abortive attempts to find a way to politely ask!

I think what you're trying to do is neat, and I get what you're trying to do. Pacing is always hard in a play-by-post.

This scene would be a very good one to have a breakdown, or at least really indicate the cracking. It's totally plausible - things just went pear-shaped with Tirana, there's a new Deathknight that is Berek and yet completely isn't, there's a new Prince bringing yet another mob of refugees, and nothing seems to be going right. (And oh gods Nathir's situation hasn't come up IC yet.)

Malek cracking would also give your fellow players PC's a chance to be helpful/supportive, or rethink and try to rebuild. And it's a great double-incentive to come up with a charter or constitution for the Exalted of Cross, and so forth.

Edits: clarity and oops
Kacie said:
Oh - whew. I couldn't tell from other posts Cyl if your view was the same as Malek's view, and just made something like five abortive attempts to find a way to politely ask!
I think what you're trying to do is neat, and I get what you're trying to do. Pacing is always hard in a play-by-post.

This scene would be a very good one to have a breakdown, or at least really indicate the cracking. It's totally plausible - things just went pear-shaped with Tirana, there's a new Deathknight that is Berek and yet completely isn't, there's a new Prince bringing yet another mob of refugees, and nothing seems to be going right. (And oh gods Nathir's situation hasn't come up IC yet.)

Malek cracking would also give your fellow players a chance to be helpful/supportive, or rethink and try to rebuild. And it's a great double-incentive to come up with a charter or constitution for the Exalted of Cross, and so forth.
We just need to go through the process of realizing that is what's going on IC.

As a side note, Kacie, I love your RP. Please never misconstrue Rhapsody's hatred for your character as a player-level frustration. :) As an Abyssal fan, your posts with Legion were phenomenal.
Thank you! That means a lot - I know you're running the Abyssal/Infernals games!

I look forward to sorting things out IC - it's going to get stormier before it smooths out, but I'm having a lot of fun, and *somebody* needed to scream about the Deathknight!
Oh - whew. I couldn't tell from other posts, Cyl, if your view was the same as Malek's view, and just made something like five abortive attempts to find a way to politely ask!
Yeah I felt there was something like that going on hence my clarification.

Perhaps I should have been more descriptive about how he felt inside, why and what he looked like (shit with a lot of rings under the eyes and a back that hurts like hell) to explain better his actual state of mind.

I'll try to work on that and prepare you better in case another opportunity for a breakdown appears and I think that I will ask you guys room for him to let him blow up (wouldn't want to incommode you), or at least give you a fair OOC warning in advance.

This scene would be a very good one to have a breakdown, or at least really indicate the cracking. It's totally plausible - things just went pear-shaped with Tirana, there's a new Deathknight that is Berek and yet completely isn't, there's a new Prince bringing yet another mob of refugees, and nothing seems to be going right.
You forgot his nemesis the Legion is still around and we just can't get to her, Zenjo's men are kinda dead because he asked them to come (although he's deflecting the blame on him... on this one I agree with the character but for different reasons), there's still no way Cross can survive on its own after two years of hard work, and the new guy is kinda poaching the ruins of his home town he's been desperately trying to make a move on but couldn't take the chance.

Two years ago he lived a "quiet" life as a thief in one of the medium sized cities, helping his family to greatly improve their quality of life and now he's neck deep in death and problems that would mean thousands dying should the Circle fail to solve them.

Compared to that his mother and sister whoring to pay for his father's gambling debts all his youth was kinda like a vacation.

(And oh gods Nathir's situation hasn't come up IC yet.)
Nathir is his one hope for a new beginning and an improvement, which is why he is trying to stay discrete about it.

He hides his less than honorable methods and contradictions from the others (only Berek has been in the city and helped him so far IIRC) although Rhapsody (since she was "recruited" by Malek's sister) might suspect something seriously shady is going on over there and Argis has been not so subtly asked to join in and participated by letting him use his stamp.

He also suspects that publicly claiming the city will attract far too much attention, and he doesn't want to give the Legion an opportunity to make a second Mirunda out of Nathir.

But that's enough about him, your guys are equally if not more awesome and I'm having a serious blast with this game and all the awesome work everyone is doing. :)

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