[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] OOC Thread

Before posting in "The Price of War" -- what did the Swamp People (and former swamp people who are now Cross soldiers) have to say about Walker's activities and demise?
They were rather confused and scared.

They have been denied any experience or any intellectual stimulation (for example even building ropes is taboo).

Yet, those sent by Walker seem to be the more adventurous and curious ones, and while scared, they seem always very excited about the most trivial things, and definitely very happy to be out of Ankss and be able to badmouth DKs and guards alike without fear.
Did he just pop out of nowhere and say, "This way if you want to be free men?" Did they steal the eggs or did Walker? And why were the last group flogged -- were they helping him, or was it just general assholishness by the DKs?
According to what they told you, he'd mostly recruit them as they wandered in the haze.

Most just ran away outright, but tales about him started to circulate.

They don't know about the eggs.

The last group was sent by the DKs, not by him.

They were chosen among those enthusiastic about Walker.

Uh, since we're here.

Walker did not die from the beheading (in fact the wound is rather clean).

He was sacrificed to the Unconquered Sun, DK style.
They just sent his head so we could give it a proper burial... how considerate of them. :rolleyes:
They just sent his head to be all gangsta. "Don't mess with us or this is what you get, bee-yotches".

Flicker is very aware that this is skating on thin ice, ethically speaking. She would feel more upset about the egg theft if it weren't for the fact DKs don't form parent-child bonds.(They're reptiles, after all.)
I'm not -- the book says they don't consider biological parentage important.

(They're a lot like Gargoyles that way.)
Yes, but the legitimate reason is "because the Holy Book says so" not because "The RL animals they may or may not be inspired from do it too". =P
Yeah but if you steal gargoyles eggs, they'll fuck you up regardless.

It's the future of what's left of their race... and he kinda stole that...
Which is why they tore his still-beating heart out and offered it to the Sun. Fuck-uppery accomplished. :-p

But hey, we'll give their eggs a future. Teach them to sing Kumbaya and hold hands with humans, Enemy Mine style. Maybe Flicker will hatch a race of lizardmen, who will cohabit with the dinos, like those snakemen in the South. Rhapsody can preside over the first wedding, between Flicker's granddaughter and one of the young Dragons...

...the fundie DKs are going to die from throwing up inside their mouths. :D
So: since Walker is now dead, what shall I replace him with? I'm leaving Walker behind, and moving forward. What are we missing? I will still be all over the ass kickery, in some form or another, but what do we actually need?
I'd suggest you play one of the eggs that are about to hatch, but it would take you too long to grow up. :P

Currently we have a Zenith evangelist goddess-queen,

a Twilight scholar scientist with a magic turtle,

a Night Caste-turned-Eclipse who handles both larceny and diplomacy,

a Full Moon general and huntress and soon to be single mom to dinosaurs,

a Night Caste sorceress and teacher (and possibly vengeful widow),

and a Water-aspected martial artist and administrator

What we need...a farmer, actually. A magic farmer.
We have compensated the best we could the loss of Zenjo and his men.

We have no kick ass warmachine like River's.

We have lost Albane's land ship (although I could steal one, or perhaps Midboss could forge what's necessary)

We have lost River's and for the time being Fangs' summonning abilities

We have lost Walker's assassin template

That's what we have lost so far... not sure if we need all of them but surely some are more essentials than others considering what we need to build.
xarvh said:
They must be very, very pissed at what you did.
Imagine what their reaction will be when Fangs is done with them.

After all, Walker wasn't trying to kill them all in a night of fire and screaming. He's just a Deathknight.
IIRC DKs hold grudges over their different lives and understand the "honor system". If you want to slay the ones responsibles, I think you could just walk up to them and challenge them to some sort of duel and be done with it.

Malek and Flicker will be more than happy to help you arrange that.
cyl said:
If you want to slay the ones responsibles, I think you could just walk up to them and challenge them to some sort of duel and be done with it.
That's not going to be nearly as entertaining...
cyl said:
IIRC DKs hold grudges over their different lives and understand the "honor system". If you want to slay the ones responsibles, I think you could just walk up to them and challenge them to some sort of duel and be done with it.
Malek and Flicker will be more than happy to help you arrange that.
*Cunning Fangs gives you a blank expression*

"Whatever gave you the impression I wanted this limited to a duel?"
I don't suppose "raise their offspring to be everything they hate" is revenge enough?

...this is Fangs we're talking about. Stupid question...

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