[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] OOC Thread

Kacie said:
Also, Feantari, I am super sorry. I did manage to find a way to justify Legion not killing you!

Um, well, I'm not even sure it is your action. I don't know what the speed of your attack is. Argis was at tick 6 and took a speed 3 action. Last time her action was speed 5, if that was the same for double attack thing then Argis would be at 9 and you would get to act on tick 10.

*edit* oh saw the post. the only reason I said guard was because I need his DV to refresh and I have no clue what speed crane form is (yay not listed >.<). So, yeah... not sure which way that goes
Crane Form is a Simple charm, and those are speed 6. I don't believe you can both activate the simple charm and do a guard action.

Argis is on tick 6, activates simple charm -> goes again on tick 12, when he can do a guard action.

Legion last went on tick 5; she has speed 5, and goes on tick 10, which is when she does her flurry attack. She will go again on tick 15.
totally spaced on the whole onslaught penalty thing so I'll have to edit up my post. (currently in the middle of another game)

(If there is anything special I need to know from that charm let me know)
Nope, nothing special except 8 attacks, all at full attack. I've worked out the onslaught penalty in the thread itself, and asked Xarvh to check it all in case I messed up or misunderstand the charms Argis is using.

Using the simple charm causes a -1 DV, negating Crane Form's +1 until Argis's next action, unfortunately.
Buh, ok, finished teh pendragon game. Too tired to write stunts tonight, but I'll work something up in the morning (though I also have a D&D game then...). >.> <.< anyway... back after sleep.
@Kacie: you were right again. It seems you are good with mechanics.

Still, it's easier for us if you declare also your perm-charms.

@Feantari: Crane Form is a Simple Charm, which means it is Speed 6 and DV -1.

At each attack of the flurry, Argis takes a -1 Onslaught penality, which means that his total penalty is: -1, -2, -3, -4, -5, -6

Argis PDV is 7, therefore: 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, -1

Thanks to Flowing Water Defense, Argis removes 2 suxx from the Legion's attacks.

Before any other defensive charm/stunt, 5 attacks pass Argis' defenses, with a threshold of 2, 3, 4, 4, 8 suxx respectively.

More bad news for Argis: since 2.5, Crossed Wings Denial costs 6 motes + motes equals to the number it has been used in the scene.

Flurries are mechanically good but dramatically terrible.

3ed promises to remove flurries and make combat smoother.

If it delivers, I'll push you guys hard to upgrade our game.
Yep. 1E multiple actions were rough and a pain in the ass. People complained about their power then. They didn't learn the lesson and made it worse with 2E flurries being brutal. Can't get through an opponent's defense? Just hit him 7 times. He'll either run out of motes or DV. Unfortunate, a very viable tactic.

Even worse at the table as it takes damn near 30-40 minutes for the group to put that math problem together. Everyone else had to sit and wait for their action. Lame.

/end rant.

Nice move Kacie!
Not that I have anything against being present in multiple threads, who has the ability to answer Siham's alert at the times he gives it ?
xarvh said:
@Kacie: you were right again. It seems you are good with mechanics.
Still, it's easier for us if you declare also your perm-charms.

@Feantari: Crane Form is a Simple Charm, which means it is Speed 6 and DV -1.

At each attack of the flurry, Argis takes a -1 Onslaught penality, which means that his total penalty is: -1, -2, -3, -4, -5, -6

Argis PDV is 7, therefore: 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, -1

Thanks to Flowing Water Defense, Argis removes 2 suxx from the Legion's attacks.

Before any other defensive charm/stunt, 5 attacks pass Argis' defenses, with a threshold of 2, 3, 4, 4, 8 suxx respectively.

More bad news for Argis: since 2.5, Crossed Wings Denial costs 6 motes + motes equals to the number it has been used in the scene.

Flurries are mechanically good but dramatically terrible.

3ed promises to remove flurries and make combat smoother.

If it delivers, I'll push you guys hard to upgrade our game.
On the earlier crossed wings denial, I started with 6 and then applied a -1 for MA charm from house rules. I wasn't sure it applied to non-DB charms, but you were saying the other charm was only 1 mote so I guesstimated that's what you were going for. If it isn't just let me know. :-P
Flurries are nasty. There are a couple of ways (mechanically) to handle them; multiple counter attacks (Ready in 8 Directions), flurry-breakers (Leaping Dodge Defense), and armor if your opponent has a light weapon. Even then, if it's a Full Moon Lunar with anima banner active, the flurry breaker may not work because they're so fast they can follow you for their next attack in the flurry.

That, or be an archer, have Monkey Leap, and never, ever let the melee get in close to you. (This is probably the best, yet most unsatisfactory answer.)

And sadly, for DBs, armor is the best defense, and Legion has a heavy weapon, not a light one. :(

You guys already know, but Legion is a nasty piece of work. Not just mechanically. I'll be happy to get out of her head, so to speak.

Xarvh and Feantari -- there is the option of redoing Argis's actions on tick 6. I'm fine with a retcon and call for a redo.
No action would be better for him on tick 6. If he attacks you he can no longer PD. Chances are that he can't really hurt you enough to matter anyway. I think he can survive this attack, but holy god I wish I had Beak Spears Frog trained because it would complete the way crane style is supposed to work.
@cyl: the assumption is that things happen in different moments.

Malek and Flicker can respond to Siham and you can go to Sanctuary.

In general, feel free to do different things in all the Scenes you are present in.

I don't have much problems with the mechanics/balance of flurries, there are plenty counterattacks, flurry breakers and charms to avoid onslaught penalty.

What pisses me off is to have to check 4 manuals every attack, write calculations on paper, make a mess... It's just slow and clumsy.

@Feantari: you are right, I forgot about the discount I gave you. T_T

4 motes spared.

Too bad that you didn't see Big K because she had stuff for Argis.

Anyway, Argis had plenty of time to train and should have all the XPs needed to learn new charms.

Feel free to stunt the learning during combat.
xarvh said:
@Feantari: you are right, I forgot about the discount I gave you. T_T
4 motes spared.

Too bad that you didn't see Big K because she had stuff for Argis.

Anyway, Argis had plenty of time to train and should have all the XPs needed to learn new charms.

Feel free to stunt the learning during combat.
Yeah.. he was being all emo though. But! I see a great way to roll learning in combat into this. His problem before was that he doubted himself. The whole crane with one wing thing.
Kacie can you go ahead and put the mechanics in the ooc of the posts so we can see what you are assuming for things? I'm not sure what damage you are letting through there. Is that his anima or his attack which I haven't listed damage for yet?
Sure, I will post here, and add into the OOC. Argis hits on his counter-attack for 1 success. I don't think the anima banner goes through the hardness of the armor, I will have to check.

Edit; sorry for the sloppiness.

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