[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] OOC Thread

Take all the time in the world. If you prefer not, it will take a bit of time, but I can edit my post into a long scene.
CrazyIvan said:
Incidentally, if we did end up needing a spare Ivan-driven PC, I think I'd play a Changing Moon channeling a 50/50 split of Aria T'loak and Al Swearengen.
Oh I'm sure that will go well with Malek's plans, although he's likely to end up working for her/him unknowingly :P
Random thought... would a Raptok refugee struggling through enlightenment be an option? (though, maybe I should totes leave that one to Arynne)
@Feantari: shouldn't be a problem.

Do you want me to wait for Argis to act or can I move to the next 'turn'?
Feantari said:
Random thought... would a Raptok refugee struggling through enlightenment be an option? (though, maybe I should totes leave that one to Arynne)
That would be awesome. :D
xarvh said:
Tirana interrupts the preparation.
- Indeed.

Solars don't pass a triage like us. Don't earn their power.

Their power is just given, so they corrupt easily.

We... We take what we deserve.
Couldn't but imagine what Malek would throw at the old giraffe.

Yeah like you've earned yours... oh right, your mistake, it happens exactly like for any of us; a god just showed up one day and said "Hey you mine now, go on, be awesome and do epic shit. Peace out muchacho !"

The only difference between you and us is that we were slain almost to the last - kudos for the support to your mates by the way - while you ran with your tail(s) between your legs so far into the Wyld that you broke every-single-one of your stupid selves.

You could have split to the four winds and passed for freaking mice or grasshoppers and no one would have given two shits about you, but nooo you had to go all the way in, and drag everyone else along. "come on kids, you'll see, once you've stopped minding the fifth arm growing on your back, the Wyld isn't such a bad place..."

At least we still have our original five goddamn castes !

And just for the record, do remind me how exactly is that again that we disappeared from the world for some 15 centuries and you kept on haunting generations of men from the time they were little kids hearing bedtime horror stories to their last drop of blood when your beastmen ate them alive, killed their women and raped their livestock... or was it the other way around ?

I apologize, I can never seem to remember which one goes first.

Gotta love the lunar elders when they spread hypocrisy.

I can't wait to meet Tirana again, this is going to be sooo interesting.

Short lived sure, but interesting !

Also I think I have found a new source of inspiration for Malek: Tyrion fucking Lannister ! :D
Er, I think she's just referring to the difference in the moment of exaltation. For the Lunars its pretty much always in a fight for survival, not so for Solars.
"Couldn't but imagine what Malek would throw at the old giraffe"

This goes straight together with Fangs threatening the moss.

Pure gold. =D
Derp, I totally forgot to put this in my post. Argis is offering Malek his Authoritative Stamp. He says it can come in handy when you need to move along paperwork.
Feantari said:
Er, I think she's just referring to the difference in the moment of exaltation. For the Lunars its pretty much always in a fight for survival, not so for Solars.
She's saying the solars haven't earned their powers and lunars have.

And like 80% of what comes out of a lunar elder's mouth when they speak about themselves and exalts in general, it's a load of crap. Solars and Lunars are all chosen and given power the exact same way.

The tats and the caste have to be earned by surviving the initiation, but they are not power per se, they are merely here to stabilize it.

Casteless have power without tats. And Lunars had alternatives to the Wyld, the majority just didn't consider them and they followed whoever was in charge at the time.

They were just too eager to isolate themselves and / or too stupid to think they would survive it without consequences.

How come Mag Jag managed to come back to - and I quote - "stealthily returned to the outer limits of the Threshold and built himself a cairn. Closing it behind him" and no one else thought they could have done that in the first place before Pure Chaos broke all of them ?

And if I am not mistaking, he's a full moon without tats and I don't think he actually needs them, he's probably in the 1% still original.

I have only love for the lunars, I must say. I find they are great and complex characters to play, but I viscerally hate most lunar elders.

Especially the ones who give orders to kill and burn innocent dogs !

I hope we never find a solar elder... I'm going to hate him too !

xarvh said:
"Couldn't but imagine what Malek would throw at the old giraffe"
This goes straight together with Fangs threatening the moss.

Pure gold. =D
Why thank you good sir, I didn't work hard on it though, the words just flowed.

I shouldn't have watched the Newsroom again, it fills me with sarcasm and snarkiness.
Folks, how do I do the OOC tag and so forth? Seems like every forum has their own arcane way of doing things.

@Feantari -- what is the aim of the social attack on Legion? Are you trying to seduce her, or make her mad and come up there? Thanks!
Kacie said:
Folks, how do I do the OOC tag and so forth? Seems like every forum has their own arcane way of doing things.
@Feantari -- what is the aim of the social attack on Legion? Are you trying to seduce her, or make her mad and come up there? Thanks!
You can make spoiler tags like this (minus spaces) [ spoiler=foo ] to get a spoiler box with foo as the description, close with [ /spoiler ]

He's trying to seduce her.

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