[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] OOC Thread

I'm down with this, but only if you look as cool as this !

I have lots of charisma charms on the wishlist so far... just not doing much with manip and app so I ended up more on the full moon just for the second potentially useful favored.

*edit* Looking at the list, it could probably be made as a changing moon without much trouble, but I'm not sure we really have a need one way or the other do we?*/edit*
Give me some 24h to open the new Empire Time Scene.

You are still at war with the Walker, and he has apparently chosen the indirect route and cut your food supplies from the Rolling river.
Not a problem.

I have a plan for that.

Siham and his guys builds chariots and wooden rails and clear a path in the jungles using what's left of our elementals and demons.

Flicker takes her hunters and secure Mirunda.

Thanks to Rhapsody's efforts we have a lot more workers now so this should be doable. (keept at it girl !)

Malek rides north to Nathir and south to Chaya and creates trade routes for supplies to be sent at a point X (a landmark close to the jungles) and Mirunda, and obviously orders what we will need, offering to trade our finest products.

Argis continues training soldiers.

Logically, before our supplies run low we will have:

- soldiers field ready and we will be able to use them to get our supplies,

- two functional trade routes with major dominions

- supplies incoming

Alternatively, we can also use the lab to grow strange stuff, like edible vegetation.
cyl said:
@Arynne: why would we need a Changing Moon ?
Because its technically the one Lunar type we're missing? That's a guess on my part.

Honestly, I've never much cared about what Caste a Lunar is - it doesn't matter nearly as much as a Solar. Properly built, really any of them can be social or combat monsters. I can think of about 6 Full Moon concepts off the top of my head who all play differently (if we haven't figured this out by now, Ivan frakking loves Lunars) - but at the same time, you can make a perfectly viable Changing Moon murder-machine (hi Lilith) or a No Moon warrior-scholar concept, though that one is admittedly harder because of how expensive sorcery is and the lack of access to a couple fundamental charms that make the Twilight Martial Master such an appealing build.

Sadly the Changing Moon concept I'd like to play, which might even fit with the narrative themes of this game, is a little close to Fangs in terms of personality.
@CI: I'd rather you avoid to play Cunning Fangs 2.0: Grand Daiklave Edition, mostly because it would cheapen what you built so far.

@cyl: if someone wants to play an Autobot is ok for me.

I'd have the new characters start at 0 XPs.

Am still not sure whether the XPs you guys rake will go to both characters or only the one you play.

Reasoned suggestions are welcome.
If you go for the Autobot way, it would be best to have at least two, otherwise there may be quite some solo stuff for a while.
t'was the night before Calibration when all through the house

Not a gremlin was stirring, not even a techno mouse;

The crates were hung by the furnace with care,

In hopes that the Great Maker soon would be there;


Citizens of Creation, I've come in peace, you replied with violence... that was... unwise...
Also, are we still maintaining the wiki?

EDIT: in case you guys are interested, the pact with Tirana expired more than one month ago.
I think the wiki could still prove to be useful.

Thanks for the reminder, I will have to go and meet with Tirana to seal a new pact.

... yay ! :confused:
Okay, so guys — not xarvh since he's the ST — I need help with what to do next with these people. So, I've gotten them away form "can't do anything, I'm so depressed" to "let's be crazy about Rhapsody and do stuff". At least they're being active.

I'd like to get them at the very least self-sufficient.

Thoughts? Ultimately, I'll have to come up with something, but a some ideas might spark my creativity.
xarvh said:
If you go for the Autobot way, it would be best to have at least two, otherwise there may be quite some solo stuff for a while.
Depends on the profile I'd say. A starmetal could help Siham with all his work while going on about the metaphysics of essence on and on for days. A soulsteel could help with the internal security problems - not without creating some incidents due to cultural differences. :D

A jade could help with the heavy work.

I've never played and alchemical nor have I read through the manual entirely, but a soulsteel scary badass sounds like lots of fun.

- You just can't go around killing people.

- Why?

- What do you mean why? 'Cause you can't.

- Why?

- Because you just can't, OK? Trust me on this.

- ... you surface dwellers are strange... I don't like strange.
WlfSamurai said:
Thoughts? Ultimately, I'll have to come up with something, but a some ideas might spark my creativity.
Malek will suggest not using that much performance charm to focus their passions on Rhapsody and redirecting them on building stuff for survival.

Filling them with hope is always good, giving them a reason to live and to work too.

We have a better - yet a bit unstable - workforce now, the former Thornians are known for their craftsmanship (loved the ideas btw ST ! :D ), so we probably can find a way to shape the jungles into something viable for all of them. Fields for crops, irrigation canals, wooden houses etc etc.

If Rhapsody Argis and Siham sticks to the Cross, maybe you could go and talk to Big K and Didee to see what they can do to help... I mean we did just saved Big K's bacon.
Despite all the talk of them, I'd only actually be interested in a 2nd PC in a number of narrow circumstances I've talked about with xarvh. By and large, Fangs keeps my hands full.

Curious as to what on earth is in that crate :)

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