[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] OOC Thread

Thought you we re maxed already.

I was preparing for K being struck... Not a good idea if you guys like your peripheral pools and those out all other Exalted of Creation.

Among other things.
Oof. Learn 2 Read Charms Cunning Fangs. Didn't realize Phantom Crossfire Feint could be taken as a reflexive action during spellcasting >.<
:\ My longest ranged spell is 1 mile. So much for those plans. It looks like they're retreating, and will do so well before Cunning Fangs arrives.
Everybody feel free to declare your actions before your mates.

The bad guy is acting last anyway.
-2 external for Wisp.

Plus the -3 for Day Anima, plus a maxed Stealth pool.

Unless you have some big guns in the Awareness/Investigation department, I doubt you will get him.
If I may... the external penalty is actually +2 bonus suxx on the contested roll (so we still need to make a contest) and one could argue that invisibility works only on sight, not smell.

I have Keen Smell on my side so that's +2+1 suxx for me for tracking his scent (whether through awareness investigation or survival), and -3 dice on my pool because of his anima (the penalty of the Day caste anima is internal).

To be precise my aim is not to attack him at the moment, it's to keep him close, let him think he can escape, regroup with the others as soon as they can come and meet us.

Then we will kill one of them and then send the other back to their Liege with the dead's head strapped to his chest.

The head will have the eyes and mouth sewed and will be full of Bloom spores that will spread through the ears... and on the forehead I'll have carved "don't fuck with us ever again !" :mad:
Not a bad idea.

"Unseen Wisp" however is no invisibility, but rather a very ambiguous "folding itself in the Void", which I'd say has no reason to block one sense over others.

Anyway, you know that I don't set things in stone, it's just a "watch out guys, this is really difficult".

Feel free to roll.
While I'm pretty sure it ought to be legal for the Exalted to attack a Primordial, where can I get an idea of the "Laws of Heaven"?
xarvh said:
While I'm pretty sure it ought to be legal for the Exalted to attack a Primordial, where can I get an idea of the "Laws of Heaven"?
The White and Black Treatise is, I suspect, intentionally vague, especially since the Solars fucked everything up.

My suspicion? You let Cunning Fangs make the argument. Because Creation has a feeling that all laws are in how you argue them. For example, ranging from the absurd to the less absurd:

1. One might argue that the Solars had their back turned on by the UCS, but there's no evidence Luna turned her back on her children. She still speaks with them, and she's enough of a jerk that their current sorry state isn't evidence that she's displeased with them as much as she's not much of an interventionist. So while a Solar no longer possesses the mandate of Creation, a Lunar might hold the same rights they had in the First Age. And he just tried to murder a Lunar.

2. He's likely murdered a god or two. If for no other reason than he's shot up now one known (and one unknown) Warstrider, which contain a considerable number of them.

3. This is the one Fangs would actually go with. While none of his *actions* might be in violation of Celestial Law, the express purpose of the Neverborn is to cast Creation into the Void. He is aiding and abetting the Neverborn, a servant of dead Primordials who would devour all that which Yu Shan fought for. That must be a violation of Celestial Law.

Of course if its not, Cunning Fangs has a new goal: Head up to Yu Shan and...clarify...a few things.
I am faintly tempted to try the Lunar one sometime, just to fuck with Malek. "Speak for yourself gold boy, some of us still have the Mandate. You just never bothered to ask."

Playing mind games with the Solars is unquestionably a worthwhile use of her time.
Oh I'm sure Fangs will have many opportunities to earn stunt through that kind of stuff :D

And I don't think anyone of the exalts has lost the Mandate, however, I'm pretty sure that since the Usurpation, killing exalts is no longer a direct violation of the Celestial Laws... offing gods on the other hand.

That and Big K might be a special case, kinda like Gaia. She's part of Creation, so... attacking her is attacking Creation as a whole... and if THAT doesn't go against the most sacred laws... I do not know what does.
It's pretty heavily hinted that with the UCS turned his back on the Solars, they lost the Mandate - that's kinda what allowed open season on them. But no, opposing an Exalt is no longer a violation of Celestial Law - though the argument Fangs would make is that only applies to Solars.

Regardless, she's also not arguing that attacking Big K is a violation of Celestial Law for two reasons:

1. All Primordials were part of Creation in their own respect, and we ganked what would become Cytherea, so I don't think "Part of Creation" is an out. "Active collaborator in the Primordial War" likely is, but we don't actually know if Big K did that, or sat on the sidelines.

2. I have the suspicion Big K values her privacy. Cunning Fangs needs a Primordial on her side for Grandiose Plan 7b, and while Gaia is her first choice, Big K would be a decent backup.
IIRC the Primordials are not technically part of Creation, they were formed beings in the Wyld who got tired of endless fighting with their peers and the Faes, stumbled upon the Games of Divinity and decided to create a fort and a sandbox so they could play the Games in peace.

But the Primordials did cover their asses: no spirit was able to directly act against them... which is why they picked out humans to make exalted. The Primordials never even bothered to forbid the little ants from biting them... which was as my man Jack Slater would say a big mistake !

Not all of them are as tied to Creation as Gaia or Big K seem to be, which also explains why Creation still stands after they have been sent away... of course SWLIHN gave quite a nasty aftertaste to all those backstabbers.

Plus the ST has hinted several times that she was able to move Creation, like... all of it.

It's still unclear what she is (aside from a gigantic ultra complex being far away from any human understanding...) and what she is capable of...

But IMHO if the Mask is targetting her, it may have to do with her part in the "maintenance and continued existence" of Creation... not just to create another Neverborn (as if he doesn't have enough on his back...). We should ask - and I'm already regretting saying this - her or Didee at some point.

And finally... don't forget to take Malek with you when Fangs goes to Yu Shan... that way they will only have to fight Bronze siddies and non spiritual hostile personnel... not all of the city. :D
Weird. I had a reply and it vanished.

The short version was: Gaia and Big K might be closely tied to Creation, but there were other Primordials who helped define it (the Primordials who would become Malfeas, Adjoran and SWLIHN come to mind) and Cytherea was just as close to Creation as Gaia was, if not more so. And Autobot *isn't* all that close to Creation, and yet lives. That's what suggests to me the requirement is "Traitorous collaborator with the Gods" rather than "Load bearing Primordial". And I don't know if Big K fits that definition - and Cunning Fangs doesn't care to ask.
There is a difference between "I help you with that project" and "I am part of the project".

I don't think you can dissociate Big K from Creation without actually harming it... and that's probably what Mask had planned.

Why and how he learned where she was... that's another story.

EDIT: I realize now that we cannot move too much on the Mirunda front without securing our positions to the maximum here first IF (and that is a big one) Big K cannot move. We'll need to sit down and have a chat with her after this incident I think...

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