[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] OOC Thread

For combat-viable Medicine Charms Solars have Anoinment of Miraculous Health and Touch of Blissful Release.
Touch of Grace for spiritual charms is also an option... since we have an Eclipse n'all.

Well it will only have to wait for Malek to get Essence 4...:rolleyes:
How wuxia do you allow combat, xarvh? I'd like to have Rhapsody jump onto Fangs' warstrider's shoulder to get over to the hill, then jump down into the fight. Of course, if I follow the jump rules that can't happen and I don't have athletics charms.

I guess I just answered that question.
Very Wuxia, provided you have the right Wuxia-enabling charms.

Exalted jumping rates are still insanely high even for mortals, but I think allowing you to jump 3 miles would shatter the fabric of the World As We Imagine It.

Fangs herself can't cover 3 miles in a very short time, but will definitely serve as a great decoy.
I can't decide if I should rally troops or run the 3 miles to get out there. Troops won't help us much in this situation . . . Thoughts fellow Exalted?
No worries, Sondok is running there already. ^_^

("on the run" means "running away", doesn't it? o_O)
Three armor ignoring, unparriable by inorganic object attacks. Lets see here...

Ignores armor, so the Warstrider is useless for its intended purpose, as is the fur of her warform. Thanks to the magic of Moonsilver, she's got no mobility penalty despite being in a huge warmachine, so she's got an effective Dexterity of 6. She can theoretically parry with claws, which are animate objects, or dodge. That would also let her use her MA to parry, rather than Melee for the spear, which is more iconic than it is useful.

Dodge DV = 6

Parry DV= 6

Right now wondering how I goddamned forgot to take Flight of Separation. Though ironically, even that wouldn't save me. Nor would Impervious Sphere of Water. Nor would Virtuous Guardian of Flame. Technique Mirror would work, but that's pretty much the only defensive sorcery that would, and there's the small issue of that being a Solar Circle Spell.

The maximum I can increase my dice pool by via charms is 6. I see nothing that suggests that I can't go above that limit by using Solar Bond dice, assuming "Don't Die" counts as aiding Walker. Cashing all those in would net 8 additional dice. Assuming 100% efficacy, that's 14 successes. At first I did this all hypothetically, but fuck it. Lets roll.

14d10 = 8,2,9,10,8,4,2,9,2,4,1,6,10,2. 8 successes.

Allowing myself dramatic license, I can dodge the 12 success attack. Which means the other two are going through unimpeded. Fangs has a armorless Lethal soak value of 1.

So yeah. Xarvh, if you could tell me the damage here, I'd appreciate it so I know whether or not to write my very first Exalted Death Sequence.
Change my action to jump between the attack and the warstrider. Let me know if it doesn't work or if I need to change something.
That's cool, but Rhapsody was acting already at the same tick as the assassin and was already (thanks to your dash action) in front of Fangs.

Why would you delete your post?

Anyway, I don't see why you can't do that.

I'll check the mechanics afterwards, in theory right now I should be sleeping. T_T
I accidentally created a new post instead of editing the original. *sigh*

Anyhow, I removed the Dash action from the post. I can add that back in and flurry it if needed.
Busy as a bee today, will update tomorrow at best.

Arynne if you want Flicker to take the lead, Malek will follow.
Can Rhapsody actually manage to get around those attacks? Because it looks to me like you're relying on Soak, and while the Soak you have is darn nice (and not dependent on armor), depending on how lethal the attacks are it might put Rhapsody down for the count as well.

It's an unfortunately meta-game question, but if that's a fully lethal attack for someone, I'd rather it be Fangs than Rhapsody.

It should generally be clear...I'm strangely okay with Cunning Fangs dying if that happens.
I'm sort of guessing that unless you could perfect those its fully lethal.. seems much like what he sent at River.. :-/ I mean, if I were breeding assassins they would do some damage when they hit things. :-P
All the best heroes die.

I have the same feelings for my best characters.

It must be a drama thing.

Still, it is very IC for Rhapsody, I personally find it very dramatically appropriate.

Fangs may die.

But, as Syrio Forel said, not today.
It's more a Solar vs. Lunar and "Is Soak Sufficient" question.

Solars have all kinds of haxx soak charms that don't rely on armor. Essentially, Rhapsody's plan, as I understand it, is to try and strip a few successes from each attack, then rely on 7L soak to take the hit.

River - and Fangs - and basically every Lunar character ever, relies on armor based soak, so they'd have to perfect their way out.
*chuckles* I have this ridiculous picture of Fangs and Rhapsody fighting over who takes the hit. Don't make me break out "Defend Other: Rhapsody" as my action ;)

It's also a drama inflection point. Fangs...will very much dislike what Rhapsody did if she ends up dying because of it. Very. Very. Much.

On the other hand, the whole narrative arc of Fangs' exaltation is putting herself on the altar that others might live. So honestly, trying in a blaze of sorcerous glory is about how she ends regardless.
Also, I will let you use your Solar Bond, **BUT** I want Fangs to actually play the fact that she choose to stay alive only for Walker.

If you choose to use it now, ok, but it becomes part of the character.
Two issues:

1. Still kind of conflicted about the idea of letting Wlf take a character-killing hit intended for Fangs. I'm not sure it will kill Rhapsody, not knowing the attack, so it would be helpful to know if Rhapsody's actions at least put the likelihood of her dying in the realm of 'possible' instead of 'mathematically certain'.

2. Fangs still dies with Solar Bond up. Hell, she still dies with Solar Bond up even if she had the charm that converts it all to successes. But you can sure as hell bet that will come up in the post if she does.
xarvh said:
1. That's none of your concern.
I'm musing out loud - technically it is my concern ;) . I might not be able to get that information, I actually wasn't expecting to, but that doesn't make it not my concern.

Though your post officially resolves said questions with people not being dead, so yay. Will post soon.

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