[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] OOC Thread

I did not see this before but the possibilities with a decent celestial Beastmaster are quite interesting.

Combat and Transport Beasts - Animal Sentries - Messenger Birds (with a natural range of 500 miles in a day and everyone can carry one with him)... oh and of course dino riding !

I kinda remember Flicker wanting to go that way at some point but do not know if she made it that far.

Considering I am probably never going after sorcery, aside from the social or war charms, that is probably as close as Malek can be useful to the dominion (and it's only 24 xp for me... and I sooo want to ride a dino ! :P ).

But I guess that will be settled by the ST: what type of jungle do we have around us ?

Big wild jungles a la Pandora with rich animal life, or dense vegetation with a few big trees here and there and nothing but monkeys and insects to play with.

Since we have been working on the question of getting things in here and getting them out, perhaps we could use the trees and some rail and pulleys system to carry stuff in & out.
Flicker has trained three or four intelligent animals to act as messengers and sentries. If we have time, she will train more.

I remember xarvh saying this jungle has no megafauna of any type, other than the occasional stray from outside its borders -- the behemoth likes them for snacks.

Everything larger than a pigeon is attracted by the scent of the behemoth and consumed by the grass.

The jungle has a rich variety of bugs, snakes, lizards, rodents, frogs and small birds; I'd still call this "rich animal life" but not sure it's what you want.
Bugs and snakes we can use, even venomous frogs or exotic poisonous plants !

What about the trees ? Do we have enough to use them to our advantage in our daily lives or a combat situation ?
Certainly Agatha didn't bring wood here to build the Library.

For the rest, depends what kinds of advantage you want.
Never underesyimate the little guy... see mice of the sun!

If the trees are tall, strong and close enough we can probably use them to build a network of platforms to either transport loads in & out of the Cross faster than by land or hit & run from.
Also, my apologies for hijacking your discussion thread, but it was the only way I found to make things happen while you were busy doing other stuff.
XP expenditure approved.

I'll start counting the 6 ticks of teleport since when Malek is reached by a passenger, so you could reach there earlier than tick 11.
Rushing towards Argis, he takes out the poisoned dart of his skin and... closes his eyes and smells it.
I could be wrong, but it was my impression that the bolt or w/e actually severed his arm and maybe sort of asploded some things?
The dart struck Argis on the hand, and whatever was devised to bypass K's defenses made the arm explode up to above the elbow.

Now, I was considering that the dart would have disintegrated in the impact, but since I didn't specify that I let Malek take it from the spread remains of Argis' arm.

While an outstanding object in its own right, the dart is now a rather inert object.

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