[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] OOC Thread

@Arynne, Feantari:

I am not sure how to put your actions into numbers.

Please have a look here:

The Cross

Flicker is recruiting and training the recruitable and Argis is recruiting and training 300 selected soldiers.

The numbers in the above link do not account for Argis' actions.

There are (prior to Rhapsody's success with the Thronians) 900 people that can be recruited.

It is more efficient if you train all of them together as a single unit trained by both Argis and Flicker.

This has also the benefit of giving them a group identity that goes beyond their origin (something that happens when you increase Drill).

If Argis also trains them, I will increase their stats accordingily.

If instead you want to split them, let me know numbers and make.

You will not be able to produce lamellar armor for all of them.
xarvh said:
@Cyl: the Legion is not Broken.
Flicker: "We'll soon take care of that."

As for armor, Flicker will opt for lighter armor than lamellar if offered a choice -- reinforced buff jackets, like the one she wears, are her preferred choice. She will emphasize the need for speed and maneuverability in the Cross's forces.

Working together with Argis seems like a good idea.
Argis can train them with Flicker somewhat... This spreadsheet outlines what I was planning on having Argis spend his time training. He can't train a group of 900. At least not all at once. But, his training doesn't take much of the troop's time each day so it would be pretty awesome if Flicker can train that group as well. (And he has in there some training for Flicker's guerrilla fighter type guys as well)

In addition he would have his core group of 300 identify as the civil defense force and is planning to train them in more than just combat in the future so he has some specific goals for them and such like.

edit, oh, and on the armor, it is the type he'd want for his 300 because they have a rather different function than the rest of the army, but I didn't expect to be able to have it all done any time soon. :-P

edit the second: man this site is throwing fits, here is the spreadsheet link (the relevant tab is "training plan, argis") : https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AkHy1e8P3O-xdFE5eU9FM214Mjc1Wm9tMkQ5WXNWNWc
Well, I wasn't aware Flicker was doing any recruitment so I wasn't expecting to not find available people, but.. Argis would act as it was posted. So if people chose to leave other things then that would be their call. Or just take 300 from the 900 you mention above if Arynne is ok with that.
Pleas read each other's post and coordinate your choices, I cannot decide for you.

Ok, flicker and argis will train two different units.

Argis unit will recruit among the civilians of cross.
Right, so Flicker basically stated training her "students" so...

Based on the combined effects of the posts I'd go with Flicker is probably training the hunters, the dragon people, and the recruits that Argis sent her way that either weren't what he was looking for or were in excess of 300?

Leaving Argis with a mashup of Cross and Thornian volunteers?

Does that seem like a good plan Arynne?
Flicker can't train more than one unit at the time.

Save merging the unit, she either trains a new one, either trains her Hunters.

There is an excess of 900 people that you can recruit.

The options I see are:

- Flicker and Argis train the same 900.

- You split the 900 in two units, Flicker and Argis train each.

- Flicker trains the 900 and Argis trains 300 of the people employed elsewhere.
Well, my initial training plan doesn't offer much to that group if flicker is training them because she'd train them in melee so the MA would just be overlap. Also, Argis is very definitely establishing a separate group. It probably won't be very good until Flicker can spend some time training them too though, so I'll leave it up to Arynne which people she wants and how many.
Aaarrgghh, logistics!

*clutches head*

I need some advice here on how to handle this -- my OOC knowledge of these things doesn't really equal Flicker's probable IC knowledge.
If you guys go for option #3:

- Flicker trains the 900 and Argis trains 300 of the people employed elsewhere.

then the problem is solved already.
Right, although as per my note in the War thread, the troops training under Flicker probably use Thrown 2 rather than Archery 2 for ranged attacks.
How reliable is this guy?

I don't want someone who ditches us after one month.

It screws my story to no end and I really hate to play ex-PCs.
@WlfSamurai: wait for the next turn and see if Flicker or Argis or Siham can train them.

Many of them could be very capable already.

@CrazyIvan: no haste.

It will be a while before I can insert them (him? her? how many Walker are we going to have?) in the story.

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