[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] OOC Thread

Ok, let's shed some light on the house-primordial.

Keyneya is, to some extent, a personification of the laws of physics, at least the fucked-up version of physics you have in Exalted.

Her name comes from the Greek "kinesis", "movement" (oddly enough, modern Greeks use the term for "traffic jam"...)

Kinematics, dynamics and Essence are her purview, as well as the deepest patterns of reality, including space and geometry (but not time, because we have already established that Exalted is not a relativistic universe.)

Agatha may have used K's help to build the anti-fate structure of the Library.

Short of tearing apart the fabric of reality, Keyneya cannot really be killed.

Yet, crippling her is possible and may result in several different things (in order of crippling gravity):

- Exalts of Creation losing their Peripheral Pools

- Objects becoming lighter

- Objects becoming slower

- Projectiles moving along random trajectories

- Objects being less solid

- Exaltations becoming unstable in every possible way

- Gods losing their Essence pools

Last, like any good Law of Nature, Keyneya is as neutral as she can be, and while she does have some strange emotional attachments here and there, she most likely witnessed the Primordial War munching popcorn.
Wow, I have an ass-ton of catching up to do. Not that it's happening yet, but after this week is over I'm officially back from honeymoon, and may finally have time to jump back into the game once I read the Everything that has happened since then.
Hey Norts!

Glad you are still on the forum and Yup, Walker as NPC is making a mess...

Take your time, relax, enjoy RL... Mmmmh, should you come back *many* interesting plot options will open. =D

Indeed, take your time for now, you'll be very welcome whenever you want to rejoin.
If you guys are ok with it, I'm closing the scene with Flicker's action, just to see if she gets the DB or he manages to run away.

Arynne, we're waiting for you.
Well I guess the trick question is are we going after them / him or not afterwards... I kinda want to end his life as violently as possible right now since 90% of the Deathknights we meet are total jerks ! (and kudos to Xarvh for making them so detestable) !
Worst that can happen I'll open a new scene for the pursuit while the others can go on with their business.
Midboss... I highly recommend you watch the two seasons of this "old" series I've just discovered "Better off Ted"... you're going to have awesome material in the crazy scientist department ! :D
Here's one of my favorite quotes:

Phil (crazy scientist n°1): Look at them, they are so beautiful !

Lem (crazy scientist n°2): Using them for wickedness would be like beating a unicorn to death with a bag of rainbows

And they are talking about... aerodynamic bagels they have just designed for their boss, so she can cheat and win in a contest of throwing bagels into an air duct to beat her annoying underling who invented the game...

Seriously, this series has Siham written all over it !

Top: Talaromyces stipitatus

Tree: Aspergillus nidulans

Ornaments: Penicillium marneffei

Trunk: Aspergillus terreus

Merry Xmas

XXX - Agatha
Two years ago (give or take a few hours) this Scene opened Emperors of the Fading Suns.

*Seven-fucking-thousands* posts and more than 200 XPs later, we're still here.

Thank you guys. ^_^

On another note, since some expressed interest, would anyone be interested to play a second (non-silly-mortal) character?

As the Empire expands, it will be useful to have playable characters in different locations.

I'm very neutral to the idea, so I leave it up to you.
Happy Birthday EotFS!

There's a couple circumstances where I think it wold be handy to have a 2nd character - some of which xarvh knows - and I'd probably be down with playing another Lunar or other non-Solar character (I've yet to find a Solar concept I like playing much :\) to explore parts of the game Fangs can't.
I already have played Melia in the past, although she's a totally different animal than her brother, her role is likely to be a relay of his will and I fear it might be like playing my own assistant (although since I don't do much night stuff anymore with Malek, it might be fun to continue in that way with her).

Edit: and oh yeah happy birthday to us, may we continue to enjoy each other's awesomeness before the world ends (apparently the mayans were not wrong, we just miscalculated... silly science !)
Huzzah 2 years!

I'd certainly be open to the idea of playing another character, but I'll have to give some thought as to what... Playing one of Argis's kids would be pretty cool, but maybe a ways off... I guess he needs to er, move things along with shiana.. or something...
It would probably be more practical if the second character had as little opportunities to interact with the primary one as possible.

@Feantari: Tirana has put stuff in place to prevent the blood of her Children from being diluted.

Should Argis somehow find a way to overcome that AND convince Shiana to betray Tirana, it would be quite some years before their little spawn would become PC-ready, unless we manage a faster Empire Time.

PS: Anyone heard from Arynne?

I'm not stressing because it's holidays, but we're waiting for her to close the Scene.
Wow, so glad to be a part of this. Thanks EotFS and thanks for having me, guys. As the pup, I'll refrain from a second just yet, though this is the perfect game to have one in.

Looking forward.
Ok, what if...


Traveling lunar concept. Full Moon with lots of charisma and a noble vagabond sort of feel. Protector of traveling folk and general itinerant swordsman (except he'd be using a dire lance). Someone who could be helpful to Cross/Mirunda if needs arise, but could maybe help on the making of allies or tracking of enemies fronts. Thoughts? (note: not going for training charms, prob favoring str, cha, stam, per)

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