[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] OOC Thread

To be explicitly clear - if Argis is surrounded by 5 attackers, one of those 5 gets to make an unexpected attack. If you have a charm that turns unexpected into regular attacks, your DV starts at 0 unless the charm says otherwise.

Crossed Wings only works on attacks you expect. The war ghosts have crappy stats, but as Argis doesn't have armor, one of them clawing at his back is actually a threat. Worse, if you're surrounded, you can't make normal move/dash actions.

Upshot - don't let Argis get surrounded. Get out of there before tick 15.
Ah, missed the house rules there. :-P All this time with a hooked sword and he hasn't tried to disarm anyone yet.
@Arynne: quite a mess has happened while you were away.

@Norts: a mess at the power of two has happened while you were away!

Glad you are here. ^_^

Given that the posts in Empire Time are still a bit messy and always end up with you guys going Normal Time, I'd like to handle larger scope stuff in a different way.

Let's say Siham wants to build a huge tower-fortress for Tama.

1) Midboss decides exactly what he wants: 50m tower able to resist a hurricane and half filled with turtle-friendly water.

2) Midboss and I discuss details and how he wants to accomplish this, and I decide that the tower will add to the splendor of Cross so it is a 4-dots Project.

3) We (I?) open a thread with the details discussed above.

4) Flicker successfully negotiates a peace agreement with Ankss, scene closed: since the scene advanced the interests of Cross, everybody gets one (or more) posts to advance their Projects.

5) In the Turtle Tower Project, Midboss writes a brief post describing how Siham steals Tirana's favourite rocks to build the tower.

One dot of the Project is fulfilled, 3 to go.

6) more IC hilarity ensues, and more dots are filled.

7) Eventually, all dots are filled and Midboss writes a brief posts at the end of the Turtle Project Thread in which he describes how the Tower is finally complete and magnificent.

The ST's discretion remains at point 4: if someone actually burns down Cross or something some or all projects may suffer setbacks, or maybe you have been unlucky or just made bad mistakes and get no posts after a Scene.

At the same time projects that directly help Cross will grant posts once completed.

This would be a nice way to keep track of the larger projects that just require time (open commercial way / raise an army of mutant monkeys / build infrastructure...)

Like! Like very much. That way people don't have to feel like they have to sit out of cool thing x y or z because they want to also do a project thing!

Ok, so, what are the limitations on number of concurrent projects? Like.. say Argis starts inventing the one armed crane of muddy waters style and he gets a few dots in and then bam we really need Argis to train a bunch of doods into an army. Or, would training stuffs be handled in a separate way? Anyway.. one project at a time or could there be concurrent porjects? Case by case basis? etc etc
Concurrent projects and different people contributing to the same project.

Only, the posts you get are limited.

For training, it depends on the requirements, on the final result you want to accomplish: I'd say training IS a project, albeit a very cheap (say, 1 dot?) if you have the training charms.

Basically, with one post you would train your students to the max of your training charms.
Since we could technically chase multiple projects at the same time or stack multiple benefits with one single project provided the setting and the configuration allow it (example: Malek conquering Nathir gets steadier finances, more contacts and possibly allies, commercial ways and possibly tons of supplies and stuff useful to the Cross), I'd be vastly in favor of that good stuff !

I have tons of ideas for Projects... and I'm sure CI does too, can't wait to see where this is going ! :D
Ok, gimme some time.

All of you feel free to join one or both Scenes.

Scene 10 includes at least Argis, Siham, Malek and Rhapsody.

Scene 11 includes at least CF, Rhapsody, Malek and Flicker.
I am not sure that the flow of scenes and montage posts will be super fluid, but I trust you to handle that :)

The rest is pure awesomeness !
I'll wait to push forwards the news Scenes, to give the other players a chance to post and join the Scenes.
Great job Kacie, you managed to make Legion even more detestable.

My character doesn't believe in killing, but he reeeeeally wants to kill her now !
cyl said:
Great job Kacie, you managed to make Legion even more detestable.
My character doesn't believe in killing, but he reeeeeally wants to kill her now !
Here, here! It was a great scene. :)
My character does believe in killing. She needs some fava beans and a nice Chianti, though, before she can deal with Legion properly.
As long as I get to crush the life ouf ot her bloodied barely conscious sorry pale ass, you can savor her liver all you want !
Thank you!

I enjoyed it, and look forward to writing new atrocities for you to, uh, wait, that sounds horrible.

Glad you liked it!
You may have noticed that we have a few sections more.

Hope they are clear.

In other news, Walker is dead.

For his merits towards this game, he shall not descend in the Fragments section of the Library, but rather he has been granted permanent stay among the Notable Personalities, to enlighten and inspire the next generation of heroes.

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