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Futuristic Eluvian Bounty

"Love is natural, everything you are feeling is natural." He said comfortingly, "you don't have a child's emotions Mika, you are mature, and love is the strongest of the emotions." His eyes were closed, there was no point in having them open in this pitch black, he wouldn't see anything. @Daniel reaver
mika blushed and nodded to him before she closed her eyes as well and went into a sleep mode so she could stay with him the hole night

Deren fell asleep quite quickly, he wondered what they could come across tomorrow and listed the possibilites in his head, he would love to see mars/like planet, he thought that would be cool. @Daniel reaver
mika layed there in a dreamless sleep like state as she waited for him to wake her in the morning

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((Let's skip to the morning.))

Deren opened his eyes, to see a sleeling Mika infront of him, he didn't know if she actually required sleep so he slowly got off the sofa, trying not to wake her up. Once he was on his feet he stretched and groaned quietly. @Daniel reaver
mika still layed there fast asleep a small beeping sound coming from her as a small white light flashed every time the beep happened from the back of her neck
Deren looked at the beep, thinking it meant that she was out of battery or something like that, he had no clue. He scuttled off to the kitchen to make himself some breakfast, a simple toast and jam was all he needed, and it wasn't long before he was sittibg at the table alone eating his breakfast. @Daniel reaver. (i gtg to sleep now, goodnight)
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(Alright time to make my... Re-re-returning)

Atop one of the many skyscrapers that dotted Eluvia sat an android, skull walker and a masked hylotl all doing their own separate thing except for the skull walker that was sitting with his master and slowly rubbing its armored head across the androids armored back. The hylotl stood and looked to the android "We're leaving" He said as he began to walk to the exit, trailed by the android and the skull walker. Once the 2 reached ground level they began walking towards a large public hangar.
Gilgog said:
Deren looked at the beep, thinking it meant that she was out of battery or something like that, he had no clue. He scuttled off to the kitchen to make himself some breakfast, a simple toast and jam was all he needed, and it wasn't long before he was sittibg at the table alone eating his breakfast. @Daniel reaver. (i gtg to sleep now, goodnight)
mika still just layed there with her eyes closed as the rhythmic beeping and small flashing light continued as he ate
Caitlyn sat at a table in a bar. She was planning where the next place she wanted to loot was.she had a map of the planet out, and had many areas of interest. "This is a lot tougher than it looks." She said to herself.
annabel sat there curled up in an alleyway with her face hidden into her arms as she whimpered the marks on her body glowing a menacing black as shadow radiated off of her "i want mama" she said knowing her words and cryes would attract some one eventually so she just kept calling out "mama mama mama" in a sad and innocent way

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After a few more minutes of contemplating where to go, Caitlyn finally decided on a place. "There!" She said, and left the bar.
As the 2 masked assailants walked the android paused along with his skull walker and both cocked their heads as they listened in to some sort of call for help "Should. We ?" Asked the android in a monotone way. The hylotl turned to his partner and as he listened in he nodded "We've done enough bad for one day... Lets have a break" He stated before the android led the way to a small girl crying in an alley way.

@Daniel reaver
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Deren finished his breakfast and looked at Mika, now slightly concerned.He stood up and walked over to her, he nervously tapped her shoulder, hoping he hadn't done anything wrong, he didn't know what Mika was doing in her sleep, or if she had any power at all. @Daniel reaver
Shaun was still sitting on the mattress inside of the hut he had found before, he took a look around and then said to himself "I need to get some food" he then stood up and walked out of the hut and then began to walk through the sewers till he got to the sewer hatch underneath the market, Shaun climbed up the ladder and then lifted the sewer cover and then got out of the sewer, he then carefully closed it and began to walk through the market looking for any food.
MAia got off the ship she had been on, everyone thought she was dead. She had disappeared on a mission deep in space. Her body was covered in new and healing wounds and she looked exhausted. She slung her bag over her shoulder it made a clinking noise with some artifacts she had found. She sighed slightly, she doubt anyone even missed her. She wondered if Donovan was still hunting her. She looked up eyes blazing as she walked through the market just wanting to get home. The coin Shaun had given her was around her neck, before she disappeared he was really her only friend. She looked around absently as she walked trying to avoid bumping into someone.

@ClassyBunny (Hoipe u don't mind :3 )
( I don't mind :D Whatever you don't want me to mind xD )

As Shaun was walking he bumped into a woman, he didn't recognize her but thought that she was familiar, he then looked up and then said to the woman "Are you blind or something?" he then looked at her for a moment but still had not recognized her, Shaun was in his damaged armor, his eye could be seen through the hole in the helmet, Shaun was somewhat stinky from living inside the sewers, he then looked up at the woman and then asked "Do you know where I can get some tea and some food?" he then placed his hand in his pockets and awaited an answer from the girl he had just bumped into.

The Jackal]As the 2 masked assailants walked the android paused along with his skull walker and both cocked their heads as they listened in to some sort of call for help [COLOR=#0000ff]"Should. We ?" [/COLOR]Asked the android in a monotone way. The hylotl turned to his partner and as he listened in he nodded [COLOR=#ff8000]"We've done enough bad for one day... Lets have a break"[/COLOR] He stated before the android led the way to a small girl crying in an alley way. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/14287-daniel-reaver/ said:
@Daniel reaver[/URL]
annabel continued to cry into her arms as she waited for them. waited for the people to near her "i want my mama" she said through her crys to give the added affect of inoccence


Gilgog said:
Deren finished his breakfast and looked at Mika, now slightly concerned.He stood up and walked over to her, he nervously tapped her shoulder, hoping he hadn't done anything wrong, he didn't know what Mika was doing in her sleep, or if she had any power at all. @Daniel reaver
the beeping stopped along with the light when deren touched her before her eyes quickly opened and she looked at deren "mourning" she said as she slowly sat up and smiled at him
Maia narrowed her eyes for a couple moments about to retort with a snarky comment when she realized who it was. She blinked curiously and relaxed. She raised a brow at him "You don't recognize me do you?" She couldn't blame him, her hair was duller and her body markings were pretty much faded away from rough weather and fighting. She pointed towards the cafe she was known to frequent, he had probably seen her there a couple times "Best place in town" It made her kind of sad that she didn't recognize her, she wondered where his hover bike was. @ClassyBunny

Deren jumped suddenly as she woke up, worried that he had done something wrong. "good morning Mika. I've already had breakfast so no work for you, let's adventure today!" he smiled. he was relieved that Mika hadn't prepared his food, as much as she wanted to, he didnt like it. ((if anyone needs to find rp partners, me and Dan are exploring today so we are open for loners :) ))@daniel reaver
Gilgog said:
Deren jumped suddenly as she woke up, worried that he had done something wrong. "good morning Mika. I've already had breakfast so no work for you, let's adventure today!" he smiled. he was relieved that Mika hadn't prepared his food, as much as she wanted to, he didnt like it. ((if anyone needs to find rp partners, me and Dan are exploring today so we are open for loners :) ))@daniel reaver
mika pouted "aww i wanted to make you breakfast" she said as she got up and stretched her arms before she quickly hugged deren "ok we can go explore" she said to him happily
Deren hugged her back and pressed his head against hers. "sorry, but it's really embarassing." he said nervously, being organic kinda sucked now. he wondered where space would take them today, he was feeling his usual energetic, childish self. @Daniel reaver
Star looking around her surroundings. She was always a bit cautious when moving to a new place. Seeing no one around she started to walk forwards. She startled a bit when she seen two people hugging. "Uhm, hello?" She called towards them. She was ready to change shaped if need be but she wanted to see if they were friendly.
Jack looked out the cockpit of his ship and smiled at the sight that met his eyes, he rarely left home but due to his parents disagreement with his augments it was necessary. Tapping a few buttons on the console in front of him a few lights swirled to life and he was greeted by the barking tone of the customs officer "YOU ARE IN ELUVIAN AIR SPACE STATE YOUR BUSINESS AND WE WILL SEND 2 SHIPS TO ESCORT YOU TO THE CHECKING STATION" Barked the officer though the microphone, Jack rubbed his ears and grumbled something under his breathe before noticing the 2 unmistakable ships that came up beside him. Jack followed the escort ship for a few minutes until he slowed down and tapped the console again "I'm having some difficulties officer the engines are shot" He said through the microphone, as soon as his line was off Jack took a quick dive and was soon zooming low through the city.


Gilgog said:
((if anyone needs to find rp partners, me and Dan are exploring today so we are open for loners :)
(Jack's a loner and he's also ((most likely)) on a police chase through the city.... You guys can notice him when exploring or something)

The 2 assassins approached the young girl before the hylotl kneeled down so he was level with her "You okay ?" He asked quietly before holding a hand out to her, offering her help.

@Daniel reaver

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