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Futuristic Eluvian Bounty

Deren said nothing for a moment as he hugged her back. "yeah, yes i do." he replied before going silent. The elevator doors opened as he replied, but he didn't move yet, he still had a little bit of time. @Daniel reaver
Gilgog said:
Deren said nothing for a moment as he hugged her back. "yeah, yes i do." he replied before going silent. The elevator doors opened as he replied, but he didn't move yet, he still had a little bit of time. @Daniel reaver
"Even though I'm nothing but metal covered in fake skin" she said to him as she looked up at him
"mika......." he thought of how to respond, "you're a lot more than metal covered in fake skin, you're a person, it doesn't matter what your body is, I'm just some orgaic tissue, and bones with a brain, but i am not made of living things, the atoms that make me aren't alive, so you are just as alive as i am Mika, don't ever think that you ae justa peice of metal wih fake skin, you are a sentient metal based creature, and i am a sentient carbon based one." he often paused during his speech to think, but it came out pretty well in the end. he hugged her tighter and rested his chin on her head. @Daniel reaver
Gilgog said:
"mika......." he thought of how to respond, "you're a lot more than metal covered in fake skin, you're a person, it doesn't matter what your body is, I'm just some orgaic tissue, and bones with a brain, but i am not made of living things, the atoms that make me aren't alive, so you are just as alive as i am Mika, don't ever think that you ae justa peice of metal wih fake skin, you are a sentient metal based creature, and i am a sentient carbon based one." he often paused during his speech to think, but it came out pretty well in the end. he hugged her tighter and rested his chin on her head. @Daniel reaver
Mika smiled a little and held onto him toghter "ok" she said to him
Dere slowly let go of Mika and began walking to his ship as the small hatch opened and small circular platform lowered to the ground, he stepped onto it and waited for Mika. He wondered how she felt, life must be hard for an android in a human universe, self esteem would be low, but Deren thought no less of androids than anything else. @Daniel reaver
Gilgog said:
Dere slowly let go of Mika and began walking to his ship as the small hatch opened and small circular platform lowered to the ground, he stepped onto it and waited for Mika. He wondered how she felt, life must be hard for an android in a human universe, self esteem would be low, but Deren thought no less of androids than anything else. @Daniel reaver
Mika walked over to deren and smiled a little at him as she slid her hand into his and giggked "I'm ready" se said to him
He awkardly looked at her hand and then pushed the button, the platform quickly rose up into the ship and became airtight. Deren then sat in the pilot seat and spun around, wiggling his joystick out of habit and firing the engines up, he loved doing that. he opened the hangar doors fom a holographic control panel and throttles up slowy oMika could stand. @Daniel reaver (i gtg to sleep now, goodnight.)
Gilgog said:
He awkardly looked at her hand and then pushed the button, the platform quickly rose up into the ship and became airtight. Deren then sat in the pilot seat and spun around, wiggling his joystick out of habit and firing the engines up, he loved doing that. he opened the hangar doors fom a holographic control panel and throttles up slowy oMika could stand. @Daniel reaver (i gtg to sleep now, goodnight.)
Mika walked up and looked over his shoulder so she could watch him from behind while she held onto the seat for support

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The bumbling gumshoe returned to his office drunk as a skunk and as frustrated as a lone male gorilla in breeding season. Another case unsolved. One more and he was off the force, sent to work desk jobs and highway patrolling. He was never going to become renowned. Unless of course, he made a case for himself. That would be perfect! Get the government involved in a made up scandal, plant all evidence, shift all blame. It will be perfect. Now all you need is a starting point.
Once the shp was out the hangar Deren closed the door behind him and turned toward the city, he then throttled up to full. Minutes later te ship came to a halt and hovered just off from the coast, nearby o the beach some racing ships had landed, Deren slowly landed his ship near the others and got up from his seat, stretching and then walking to the platform, waiting for Mika. @Daniel reaver
Mika followed him and smiled as she steped onto the platform then waited for him to lower it "oh deren if you get in you should tell them I've been working on some designs for a racing ship I think they would like" she said happily to him

"sure! just come and meet the team now, they are a friendly bunch of guys, this isn't super official and serious,they enjoy their sport and get paid, but they love it. i never knew you designed things." Deren replied happily as he lowered the platform. inbetween the cirlce of ships was a small group of people chatting, once the platform touched the sand, Deren started to walk towards them. @Daniel reaver
Gilgog said:
"sure! just come and meet the team now, they are a friendly bunch of guys, this isn't super official and serious,they enjoy their sport and get paid, but they love it. i never knew you designed things." Deren replied happily as he lowered the platform. inbetween the cirlce of ships was a small group of people chatting, once the platform touched the sand, Deren started to walk towards them. @Daniel reaver
Mika walked closly behind him as they neared the group of guys she smiled a little more and got a little closer to him hopping they where nice like deren said they where
The group consisted of four guys who were currently chatting and laugng a lot. When Deren reached them one man, who looked to be about 30, stood forward and shook Deren's hand, he spoke in a deep hearty voice, "I'm Craig, nice to meet you, Deren? am i right." The other three men were just watching, waiting for their turns.

Deren replied, "yeah, Deren here, a pleasure to meet you aswell."

Craig looked at Mika, then back at Deren, "who is this you've brought with you?" before offering Mika a handshake.

Deren quickly responded, "she's my girlfriend, Mika."

@Daniel reaver
Gilgog said:
The group consisted of four guys who were currently chatting and laugng a lot. When Deren reached them one man, who looked to be about 30, stood forward and shook Deren's hand, he spoke in a deep hearty voice, "I'm Craig, nice to meet you, Deren? am i right." The other three men were just watching, waiting for their turns.
Deren replied, "yeah, Deren here, a pleasure to meet you aswell."

Craig looked at Mika, then back at Deren, "who is this you've brought with you?" before offering Mika a handshake.

Deren quickly responded, "she's my girlfriend, Mika."

@Daniel reaver
Mika blushed badly but shook the mans hans then slightly hid behind deren out of embarasment as she held onto him a little nervous now because of how easily he called her his girlfreind "im Mika" she said quietly to the guy
The other three men then introduced themselves as Jack, Brendon and Tom. After shaking the other three's hands, Craig began to explain the course they would take through the city, hte idea was to follow him and if you lagged too far behind then you weren't fit for the team. "good luck, now let's go." Craig said as everybody made their way towards their ships. Deren waited for Mika to step onto the platform, chuckling quietly. @Daniel reaver
Gilgog said:
The other three men then introduced themselves as Jack, Brendon and Tom. After shaking the other three's hands, Craig began to explain the course they would take through the city, hte idea was to follow him and if you lagged too far behind then you weren't fit for the team. "good luck, now let's go." Craig said as everybody made their way towards their ships. Deren waited for Mika to step onto the platform, chuckling quietly. @Daniel reaver
Mika quickly got on the play form and smiled embarasingly at deren as she waited for it to go up as she saw the hole corse in her eyes based off the description the man gave them
Deren raised the platform and quickly got to his seat, spun around and wiggled his joystick. Deren fired the engines up and hovered the ship about 10m above the ground, waiting for the others to go. The moment Craig moved Deren quickly tailed him, his ship was about the same speed as Craig's. Craig's ship was much smaller and efficient, actually designed for racing, but Craig wasn't trying his hardest. On to the city, Craig did some looping and rolling maneuvers that the other racers easily followed, even in their slightly less able ships, Mika may have had a har time standing up. @Daniel reaver
Mika giggked and cheered as they spun around "this is fun" she said as her feet became magnetized to the floor as she held onto derens seat and watched happily as a sort of trail line was in her eyes predicting where the course would go based on the description and the movments of the others

Deren had forgotten to put his helmet on and quickly fumbled for it and put it in whilst flying, which was a little reckless, he almost hit the Jack, who cursed as it happened. to his left and right lots of holographic tabs opened up for communication with the pilots and direction, his helmet showed him the route. They were quite near the city now, They were preparing to go in some small gaps between coastline skyscrapers. @Daniel reaver
Mika giggled a little before she reached over and pulled up a seperate panel and started to rapidly type on it before the ships speed suddenly grew a little and the ship got more handling and control "that should help you" she said happily to him

Deren smiled under his helmet, "Mika, you're good....." he said, amazed by how much she could do. The ship was close to hitting the two towers as they entered the city, it was quite a big ship, but it managed. Once they had a little bit of room Craig pulled up to fly around the rooftops. Brendon was right on Craig's tail, Jack and Deren were side by side not far behind, and Tom was slowly lagging behind. @Daniel reaver
Gilgog said:
Deren smiled under his helmet, "Mika, you're good....." he said, amazed by how much she could do. The ship was close to hitting the two towers as they entered the city, it was quite a big ship, but it managed. Once they had a little bit of room Craig pulled up to fly around the rooftops. Brendon was right on Craig's tail, Jack and Deren were side by side not far behind, and Tom was slowly lagging behind. @Daniel reaver
Mika smiled "thaaaaank you" she said as she pulled up another screen that showed behind them then giggled "looks like one is lagging a little. I'm sure you'll make it now" she said more to her self than to him but still loud enough for him to head hopping it wouldn't make him to cocky
Because Deren's Maneuvering Gimballed thrusters were powerfull, he took much tighter turns than the others, making his route faster and more efficient than the others. Brendon was completely uncontested still, Jack and Deren abd Jack kept overtaking one another. Poor Tom was completely out of sight. Craig used many of the fancy structures to make the route much harder now, they went through rings and under arches, The pilots had to manage their speed carefully now. @Daniel reaver
Gilgog said:
Because Deren's Maneuvering Gimballed thrusters were powerfull, he took much tighter turns than the others, making his route faster and more efficient than the others. Brendon was completely uncontested still, Jack and Deren kept overtaking one another. Poor Tom was completely out of sight. Craig used many of the fancy structures to make the route much harder now, they went through rings and under arches, The pilots had to manage their speed carefully now. @Daniel reaver
Mika giggked as she pulled back up her little adjustment screen and typed every thing in to help manage the speed wothout costing efficientcy "there" she said happily before she justed watched the rear camera giggling at the sight of the distant ship and the other one that was closer

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