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Futuristic Eluvian Bounty

The Jackal]([URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/14287-daniel-reaver/ said:
@Daniel reaver[/URL] Can my characters join in now or are they done ?)
(There going up an elevator to the bridge
Maia blinked curiously when Shaun left and she follow after him wondering where he was going. She followed him silently her weapons re attached to her thighs as she listened. She raised a brow as he jumped into the sewer but followed anyways asking from the shadows "What are you doing?" @ClassyBunny
Roman said:
Roman nodded as he pet the beast. "Explains all the reasons he did what he did." He said quietly. "Raverons are smart bastards, but this one is different, I can tell." Roman took a glance at the electric cage once more and then shook his head. "If this thing listens to me, we won't turn it in for money... We will keep it aboard the ship. Would you like that big guy?"
@Daniel reaver @WeirdPrincess
Sasumi stared at the beast before looking at Roman,"When did we catch the thing? I had to reboot my system and I momentarily shut down. What are we even doing with him?"
WeirdPrincess said:
Sasumi stared at the beast before looking at Roman,"When did we catch the thing? I had to reboot my system and I momentarily shut down. What are we even doing with him?"
Roman chuckled, "We're taking the big guy back home and taking him to the shop. We won't be needing the money anyways... We are already doing good enough with the money we make working." He said still petting the beast. "How do we get it to follow though?" Roman asked looking around for things that would make it do so.

@BlueHawk @Daniel reaver
Roman said:
Roman chuckled, "We're taking the big guy back home and taking him to the shop. We won't be needing the money anyways... We are already doing good enough with the money we make working." He said still petting the beast. "How do we get it to follow though?" Roman asked looking around for things that would make it do so.
@BlueHawk @Daniel reaver
Sync floats up a bit. "Maybe we can attract him with a certain color! Like a bright one." He suggest, looking through his database to see if such a color even exist. He then floats down to earlevel on Roman, whispering. "Only one of us can change colors, and that person is also most expendable!" He says jokingly, motiong toward Sasumi. @WeirdPrincess
Deren nodded to mika. "I need to find out how to use them, never even realised that i them. One step closer to racing." He whispered to her as he quickly watched outside of the elavator door. @Daniel reaver

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BlueHawk said:
Sync floats up a bit. "Maybe we can attract him with a certain color! Like a bright one." He suggest, looking through his database to see if such a color even exist. He then floats down to earlevel on Roman, whispering. "Only one of us can change colors, and that person is also most expendable!" He says jokingly, motiong toward Sasumi. @WeirdPrincess
Sasumi glared at Sync,"I can still here you! I'm not going to get destroyed because I change colors." She muttered to herself before looking at the beast again."Though your plan could work....as sad as that is."
Gilgog said:
Deren nodded to mika. "I need to find out how to use them, never even realised that i them. One step closer to racing." He whispered to her as he quickly watched outside of the elavator door. @Daniel reaver
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Mika nodded as they all got

In and she pushed the bottom for the bridge "make sure your mags are full" she said to them


Roman said:
Roman chuckled, "We're taking the big guy back home and taking him to the shop. We won't be needing the money anyways... We are already doing good enough with the money we make working." He said still petting the beast. "How do we get it to follow though?" Roman asked looking around for things that would make it do so.
@BlueHawk @Daniel reaver
BlueHawk said:
Sync floats up a bit. "Maybe we can attract him with a certain color! Like a bright one." He suggest, looking through his database to see if such a color even exist. He then floats down to earlevel on Roman, whispering. "Only one of us can change colors, and that person is also most expendable!" He says jokingly, motiong toward Sasumi. @WeirdPrincess
WeirdPrincess said:
Sasumi glared at Sync,"I can still here you! I'm not going to get destroyed because I change colors." She muttered to herself before looking at the beast again."Though your plan could work....as sad as that is."
The beast grinted as it got back up on its back legs and stared down at them its breathing heavy as it usually would be for a beast its size as it watched them
[QUOTE="Daniel reaver]Mika nodded as they all got
In and she pushed the bottom for the bridge "make sure your mags are full" she said to them


The beast grinted as it got back up on its back legs and stared down at them its breathing heavy as it usually would be for a beast its size as it watched them

Sync slowly begins to back up behind Roman. "I think it's gonna charge, if it hits my main core I'm shut down sir, shut down!" He says, a slight bit of panic in his voice. He floats around the connection to Roman's armor, ready to enter if need be.
(( There still is a bookmark button ))


trix said:
Maia blinked curiously when Shaun left and she follow after him wondering where he was going. She followed him silently her weapons re attached to her thighs as she listened. She raised a brow as he jumped into the sewer but followed anyways asking from the shadows "What are you doing?" @ClassyBunny
Shaun then said in a sarcastic tone "As you can see I am taking a nice stroll through the fresh gardens." he then chuckled and said in a more serious tone "Why are you following me anyway? I am in a sewer." he then continued to walk till he reached the hut


tigereyes said:
"Thank you. I'm not experienced, but I am persistent, and I have good instincts."
"It seems like there are people looking for you, so I won't take up too much of your time. But I have a proposition."
Shaun then said in a somewhat happy but not too happy tone "Alright, what have you got?" he then paused for a moment and then took off his damaged helmet and put it on the mattress where Shaun sleeps.
Deren watched as the men all checked their mags. All he wanted to do was just get in the seat and fly the ship, but unfortunately it wasn't that easy. He'd never flown any sort of large battle ship, he wondered how it handled, it would obviously be slow, so no manoeuvres could save them. "Where do i fly the ship once we get control of it?" He asked mika. @Daniel reaver

Shaun then said in a somewhat happy but not too happy tone "Alright, what have you got?" he then paused for a moment and then took off his damaged helmet and put it on the mattress where Shaun sleeps.

"I want to work with you and learn from you. You're the best in Eluvian, and you've got a sick bike. I know you probably prefer to work alone, but I can make it worth your while. I'll give you 80% of my bounties until we part."

"I also.......need a weapon. I....I have the money."
Gilgog said:
Deren watched as the men all checked their mags. All he wanted to do was just get in the seat and fly the ship, but unfortunately it wasn't that easy. He'd never flown any sort of large battle ship, he wondered how it handled, it would obviously be slow, so no manoeuvres could save them. "Where do i fly the ship once we get control of it?" He asked mika. @Daniel reaver
"Eluvian" mika said to him before the elevator dinged and the doors opened and the mean all shuffled out weapons shouldered as they cleared the hall way "alright let's move" Mika said as she grabed derens hand and pulled him out of the elevator
Deren was suprised by being suddenly yanked and looked around the roon they had entered. He didn't particularly like battleship environments was his conclusion. He much preferred smaller ship. He hoped that this ship had a good jump drive. "Where do we land on Eluvian?" He asked Mika. @Daniel reaver
Gilgog said:
Deren was suprised by being suddenly yanked and looked around the roon they had entered. He didn't particularly like battleship environments was his conclusion. He much preferred smaller ship. He hoped that this ship had a good jump drive. "Where do we land on Eluvian?" He asked Mika. @Daniel reaver
"We will be keeping the ship in orbit" she said to him as she let go and walked over to the controls and started to rappidly type on one of the many concoles as the rest of the men went to different stations and started to run a systems check "deren I need you over here" mika said as a chair slowly lowered from te ceiling
Deren ran over to the chair like a child and hopped into it, observing and mapping all of his controls. Within about 20 seconds he ubderstood all of them. "Do i just take off now Mika?" He asked. @Daniel reaver
Gilgog said:
Deren ran over to the chair like a child and hopped into it, observing and mapping all of his controls. Within about 20 seconds he ubderstood all of them. "Do i just take off now Mika?" He asked. @Daniel reaver
"Not yet wait for the bomb to go off" she said before jack came running in panting heavily as another chair came Down next to derens "mika the charges are set" he said to her before she nodded then pulled out a detonator "deren wait about three muinets after the explosion before starting the ship alright" she said to him before holding up three fingers then two then one before she triggered the bomb that had een in there ship and making it explode on one of the small platforms used to hold the enemy's fighters emediately setting off alarms as one of the men closed the doors and raised the sheilds to prevent any one from getting in
Gilgog said:
"Why did we even need to use a bomb? Surely we could have just flown away." He said to Mika as the explosion went off. @Daniel reaver
Mika poured at the hangar doors that were slowly opening "that's why" she said as ships slowly started to take off and leave to protect them selfes "start it up" mika said to deren as se stood there next to him
Deren fired up the ships engines and began to point it up, sending it on the quickest route to space. He then activated the warp drive, it was dangerous to the surrounding area but he didn't care, it was a terrorist base. They began to rocket forward, leaving a trail of destruction behind them. "What warp drive does this ship have?" He asked Mika. @Daniel reaver
Gilgog said:
Deren fired up the ships engines and began to point it up, sending it on the quickest route to space. He then activated the warp drive, it was dangerous to the surrounding area but he didn't care, it was a terrorist base. They began to rocket forward, leaving a trail of destruction behind them. "What warp drive does this ship have?" He asked Mika. @Daniel reaver
"The best in the buissnes" mika said as she sighed in aggravation at deren as the doors were even open all the way when he went through them and headed up "jump right as we get out of the atmosphere alright" she said to him
tigereyes said:

Shaun then said in a somewhat happy but not too happy tone "Alright, what have you got?" he then paused for a moment and then took off his damaged helmet and put it on the mattress where Shaun sleeps.
"I want to work with you and learn from you. You're the best in Eluvian, and you've got a sick bike. I know you probably prefer to work alone, but I can make it worth your while. I'll give you 80% of my bounties until we part."

"I also.......need a weapon. I....I have the money."

Shaun said in a happy tone "Sure, you can be my partner" he then chuckled for a moment and said "You said you got money? Then go to the black market and find a man in a brown jumpsuit, then give him this." Shaun then handed the woman a metal token. Shaun said "He will have something nice for you, just tell him what you want." Shaun then sat and relaxed on the chair.

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