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Futuristic Eluvian Bounty

Gilgog said:
"Yeah" Deren replied chirpily. He walked next to mika and looked at Eluvian as it neared them. "I've never seen it from this perspective before, the few green parts are nice, i don't have as much to say about the cities." @Daniel reaver
Mika nodded in some agreement to his statement before replying "well in a way I like the city's too" she said to him as she scanned the world the population and population density along with the rest of the statistics for eluvian showing up in her eyes As she stared at it
ClassyBunny said:
The doctor nodded and then opened a drawer and took out a black robotic arm, it had an EMP gun built in it. The doctor the began to operate on the girl as he began to firstly put her to sleep and then begin to remove her arm and replace it with the black robotinc arm, after a few hours he had succesfully attached the arm, the woman's real arm was placed in a freezer next to the table, the doctor soon began to run tests on the arm, they all checked out, The doctor then activated the arm and began to wake up the girl. The arm hadn't activated yet since it required authorisation.
As soon as the arm was turned on, Shaun received a notification on his wristpad, Shaun then entered a pass and then activated the arm.

The doctor saw on a monitor that the arm was authorised.
She looked at the doctor and asked, "Is that all? I expected to be in more pain."

"No, that's it. This should suit you. Just be careful while you're trying to learn how to use it. We've received your payment, now tell Shaun hello." And with that the doctor wandered off.

She gathered her clothes, and dressed before heading out the door. Strange there wasn't an observation period here, but she felt hurried, and would have to inspect the work when she got home.
The ship came out if warp and Deren began to maneuver it into a nice orbit. Before getting back off his chair and walking over to Mika once again amd asking "what do we do now? The ship is in orbit as you wished and the mission is complete." Deren grinned ti himself, he felt proud, and really embarassed too, for being pathetic as he was. @Daniel reaver
Gilgog said:
The ship came out if warp and Deren began to maneuver it into a nice orbit. Before getting back off his chair and walking over to Mika once again amd asking "what do we do now? The ship is in orbit as you wished and the mission is complete." Deren grinned ti himself, he felt proud, and really embarassed too, for being pathetic as he was. @Daniel reaver
"we wait" mika said softly to him before sighing as she jumped up and sat down on the console in front of them then started to kick her feet out slightly as she looked over at deren curiously scanning him to see what he was doing
Deren stood looking at the floor,he was trying to picture what the house would be like, he had never been to the beaches before, although he had seen pictures of what it looked like. He would probably just put the money into the bank and use it when he needed to. After work later he was going to find a racing team, that was his next mission. @Daniel reaver
Gilgog said:
Deren stood looking at the floor,he was trying to picture what the house would be like, he had never been to the beaches before, although he had seen pictures of what it looked like. He would probably just put the money into the bank and use it when he needed to. After work later he was going to find a racing team, that was his next mission. @Daniel reaver
mika sighed as she looked over ast him "so what are you going to do deren?" mika asked him curiously wanting to know what he was thinking before one of the men started to wake up slowly "where are we?" he asked tiredly as he sat up and looked around
"In orbit now, mission's complete" Deren quickly replied to the man. "About what?" He asked mika, with his head tilted slightly to the side. He quickly ran to his pilot chair and picked up his helmet before returning back to Mika.

@Daniel reaver

(sorry for late reply, i was doing sport stuff.)
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Gilgog said:
"In orbit now, mission's complete" Deren quickly replied to the man. "About what?" He asked mika, with his head tilted slightly to the side. He quickly ran to his pilot chair and picked up his helmet before returning back to Mika.@daniel reaver (sorry for late reply, i was doing sport stuff.)
"when were finished with every thing and can go to our new home... what are you gonna do?" she asked him softly as the man nodded then closed his eyes and layed back down
With his helmet in one arm he replied, "i'll first get settled into the new beach house we share, in between working. In my spare time i will apply for a racing team, then.....get rich? I'm going to bank most of the money. Not to forget i am going to figure out these thrusters, maybe my custom 4-limb racing control layout is missing a button or something. What are you going to do?"

@Daniel reaver
Gilgog said:
With his helmet in one arm he replied, "i'll first get settled into the new beach house we share, in between working. In my spare time i will apply for a racing team, then.....get rich? I'm going to bank most of the money. Not to forget i am going to figure out these thrusters, maybe my custom 4-limb racing control layout is missing a button or something. What are you going to do?"
@Daniel reaver
"what do you think im going to do?" she asked him thinking it was obvious that she was going to continue her work before she frowned a little happy she didnt tell him about the secret payment she was getting for sabotaging the engines while he was asleep
"Carry on doing your spec-ops soldier stuff i guess" he replied, seeming a little flustered and embarrassed, "well of you ever need a fast delivery or something requiring speed, just contact me, i would he happy to help." He carefully watched the surrounding space, waiting for something to happen, he wanted to check his new house out.

@Daniel reaver
Gilgog said:
"Carry on doing your spec-ops soldier stuff i guess" he replied, seeming a little flustered and embarrassed, "well of you ever need a fast delivery or something requiring speed, just contact me, i would he happy to help." He carefully watched the surrounding space, waiting for something to happen, he wanted to check his new house out.
@Daniel reaver
mika giggled a little before a cruiser came out of a jump near the dreadnought and a com link opened up "miss mika.... glad to see your mission was a success" a man said through the com making mika smile more "well there here" she said to deren before opening the com "im glad to" she said back
"How do we transfer from this ship to the other now?" He asked Mika. Deren watched the cruiser, looking at it's details,he thought it was pretty cool, but he never wanted to fly one, Deren was an adrenaline junky when it came to flying, tactics were boring.

@Daniel reaver
Gilgog said:
"How do we transfer from this ship to the other now?" He asked Mika. Deren watched the cruiser, looking at it's details,he thought it was pretty cool, but he never wanted to fly one, Deren was an adrenaline junky when it came to flying, tactics were boring.
@Daniel reaver
mika pointed as two ships came out of the hangar and headed for the ship they where on "there gonna give us a ship that we can take back" she said softly to him before sighing "ill be back ok" she said to him as she tuned and left the control room quickly hoping he didnt follow her as she quickly moved to one of the hangars at the back of the ship quickly walking through the Hals till she got there then lowered the shield as a ship like the one they used to get into the base slowly flew into the hangar and landed its door slowly opening as three of the terrorists stepped out and slowly started to walk to mika
Deren set off towards one of the hangars that the two 'taxi' ships had landed at, wondering if 'giving' them the ship meant that he could keep it, he could do with another ship, because ships have a good bit of value, depending on what they are. It took Deren a while to reach the hangar, he got lost and went in the wrong direction many a time. Eventually he reached his destination and waited patiently for Mika, whilst browsing the internet on his helmet for a racing team, he had some time on his hands. @Daniel reaver
Gilgog said:
Deren set off towards one of the hangars that the two 'taxi' ships had landed at, wondering if 'giving' them the ship meant that he could keep it, he could do with another ship, because ships have a good bit of value, depending on what they are. It took Deren a while to reach the hangar, he got lost and went in the wrong direction many a time. Eventually he reached his destination and waited patiently for Mika, whilst browsing the internet on his helmet for a racing team, he had some time on his hands. @Daniel reaver
mika stood there as the three terrorists came up to her "is it done.. is the engines sabotaged" one that looked like the leader asked her as she nodded "good" he said before he pulled out some thing that looked like a small mobile data storage and handed it to her "every thing you wanted is in that" he said to her before turning back to there ship and starting for it as mika looked at the chip before her face went cold and a pistol appeared in her hand as the two men suddenly turned around meaning to shoot mika but she was ready as she shot both of them a cold emotionless look on her face as she hit both of them with a super human accuracy as the bullets hit them straight in the head and the heart
Deren had found one local team so far, and had contacted them on his ship and feats (which were not very numerous). He had asked when they could to a trial with him, and it would be sometime within the next week. Deren was very excited. He could finally fulfill his dream, he had to thank Mika for dragging him out of his ordinary life. So he spent a while thinking about what he would say, alongside what paint job he should get on his ship, It needed to look cool. @Daniel reaver
The elevator into the bridge dinged and opened allowing a Hylotl and a Glitch to exit, the Glitch was followed by a large Skull Walker while the Hylotl was followed by the Glitch.
@Daniel reaver[/URL]
Mika slowly walked up to the leader who was frozen in fear as his guards dropped to the ground dead "you double crossed me" she said coldly before holding the gun up to his chin and pulling the trigger killing him "I hate people that do that" she said coldly before she kneeled down and searched the body for the right data storage ten took it before turning back to the door and leaving the hangar
(This is gonna turn into a shit fest almost instantly :D ....... Translation: Your men are gonna die)

The Hylotl reached over to his 2 swords and pulled them out of their sheathes, the Glitch already have his Bone Axe in hand and the Skull Walker was growling feriociously.
[QUOTE="The Jackal](This is gonna turn into a shit fest almost instantly :D ....... Translation: Your men are gonna die)
The Hylotl reached over to his 2 swords and pulled them out of their sheathes, the Glitch already have his Bone Axe in hand and the Skull Walker was growling feriociously.

The men stood there staring at them knowing there dye before the sound of a cocking gun came fro behind the strange man as Mika stood there a cold look on her face as he held a pistol to the mans head "hello" she said coldly we voice going slightly robotic then back to normal
Almost as soon as the Hylotl heard the guns being cocked he kicked foward at the nearest man and disarmed him by kicking his gun into the air and cutting it in half, he then moved onto any other who was aiming at him.
[QUOTE="The Jackal]Almost as soon as the Hylotl heard the guns being cocked he kicked foward at the nearest man and disarmed him by kicking his gun into the air and cutting it in half, he then moved onto any other who was aiming at him.

The men just stood there and watched as Mika was the only one armed "so it's like that" she asked before shooting at him her aim perfect as she hit the man in the leg breaking part of his bone to stop him "now I'm going to aske you.... Why have you desired to attack my men?" She asked him
A low hiss was heard when the bullet came in contact with the Hylotl's leg "I thought they intended to fire on me.... I was doing what anyone would do in that situtation"
[QUOTE="The Jackal]A low hiss was heard when the bullet came in contact with the Hylotl's leg "I thought they intended to fire on me.... I was doing what anyone would do in that situtation"

"Then you must be blind for my men where unarmed and still half asleep" she said coldly to him as she walked over the gun dissapering into thin air as he kneeled down in front of the man and looked at the wound then stood up and hels onto the man to ell him stand

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