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Futuristic Eluvian Bounty

Gilgog said:
Deren moved as silently as he could. "how far is the control room from here?" he whispered to Mika through his com, "i really don't like this, as pathetic as it sounds, i wasn't cut out for this stuff." @Daniel reaver
"We landed in the closest hangar to the bridge. And the bridge is about fifty levels up and at the very front of the ship so we're about 1o muinets out. And you got us out of that massive space battle. So you are cut out for this" she whispered back as they left te hangar and started to move through the empty halls of the ship
"only the flying part" Deren whispered through his com, "i can't do all this sneaky stuff." Deren stayed close to the walls as he wondered through the corridor, with his hands out in front of him, ready to defend himself should he need to. @Daniel reaver
Gilgog said:
"only the flying part" Deren whispered through his com, "i can't do all this sneaky stuff." Deren stayed close to the walls as he wondered through the corridor, with his hands out in front of him, ready to defend himself should he need to. @Daniel reaver
"There are only two people that could have gotten us out of that battle with such few damages and that's you and one other" she whispered back before they stacked up a the edge of a hall way the lead man peeking out down the hall "two guards backs facing us. Fifty meters" he whispered into his com
Shaun was still sitting in the small hut, he thought that no one would find him and then continued to sit, slowly falling asleep as he eventually completely fell asleep on the cold mattress and began to sleep.
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Roman said:
Roman turned around and looked at the beast in awe. He didn't move an inch at all. "I doubt it will attack if it doesn't see any movement...." he said to Sasumi and Sync. He continued to stare at the beast, showing no fear towards it. "Gee.... He is ugly..."

@WeirdPrincess @BlueHawk
BlueHawk said:
Sync immediately flies back behind Roman, scanning the beast, making sure to keep his light low as to not upset the creature. "Prepping scan..." He whispers to Roman, his light slowly turning a shade of red, than blue.
The best growled viciously at them as it stared them down before grunting a little at the mans statment then looking at the little thing that was floating next to him and growling at it
"but the flying is done now mika, we are now on foot and doing things that i am not particularly comfortable doing. I'm not in a ship anymore." he whispered into his com. He watched the two guards very carefully, ready to react quickly should he need to. @Daniel reaver
Gilgog said:
"but the flying is done now mika, we are now on foot and doing things that i am not particularly comfortable doing. I'm not in a ship anymore." he whispered into his com. He watched the two guards very carefully, ready to react quickly should he need to. @Daniel reaver
"Take them out" mika whispered ito her com before the front two men quickly leaned out and shot the guards in te head dropong them before they all movies out from the corner and down the hall pas the dead men
Deren carefully looked at the dead bodies as he passed them, feeling a little sick. he shook his head, this was only getting worse for him, the only thing holding him together was the potential reward, so he tried his best not to hold the team back as he progressed. @Daniel reaver
Frustrated with waiting around, and feeling blown off, she did what her mentor back home advised her to do - don't take "No" for an answer.

She banged on the door of the hut, straightening her posture to look confident and preparing her pitch.
Gilgog said:
Deren carefully looked at the dead bodies as he passed them, feeling a little sick. he shook his head, this was only getting worse for him, the only thing holding him together was the potential reward, so he tried his best not to hold the team back as he progressed. @Daniel reaver
Mika ran along with the team till they got to the elevator and one started to Hack into the elevators systems while the rest stops guard "it was your first time seeing death wasn't it deren" mika asked as she pulled off her helmet and looked at him
Deren nodded, he kept his helmet on, but it was still easy to tell that cloud nine was not where he was at that moment. He had never shown any interest in all of the bounty hunting and crime shenanigans that were commonplace in his world, he sincerely disagreed with killing, which was why a simple job like racing was his aspiration, in which he could get money and fame without costing others' lives. @Daniel reaver
Roman said:
Roman continued to remain still, "When it moves... we move. With that being said: Do not move...." He said to both, Sasumi and Sync. He turned his head to the beast and started speaking to it, "H-hey big guy.... How are ya?"
@BlueHawk @WeirdPrincess
Sync obeys Roman and does not move, but does speak in a hushed whisper. "Are we really going to try and reason with this thing?" He says, panic stricken. "Can this thing even speak?"
Shaun woke up and then opened the door of the hut and then looked at the person standing there, he then said "Hello, the one who called me?" he then paused for a moment"How did you find me? Anyway, good job." Shaun then sat at the old table that was in the hut and then said "Come in."

Gilgog said:
Deren nodded, he kept his helmet on, but it was still easy to tell that cloud nine was not where he was at that moment. He had never shown any interest in all of the bounty hunting and crime shenanigans that were commonplace in his world, he sincerely disagreed with killing, which was why a simple job like racing was his aspiration, in which he could get money and fame without costing others' lives. @Daniel reaver
Mika set her helmet down then looked at the one working o the elevator "how much time" she asked him "5 muinets" he replyes before Mika nodded then walked over to deren and hugged him aroud his neck to try and comfort him. She could tell that he didn't like this at all and probably didn't like her as much any more but she had to try and comfort him a least a little bit "I know you disagree with this but you have to remember these men have killed millions of inoccent lives. They deserve to die for there crimes" she whispered before she grabed his helmet and took it off of him "now I need you. Please...... And I won't ask you to come with me any more." She said softly to him hoping he would do a little better after her little talk with him


Roman said:
Roman continued to remain still, "When it moves... we move. With that being said: Do not move...." He said to both, Sasumi and Sync. He turned his head to the beast and started speaking to it, "H-hey big guy.... How are ya?"
@BlueHawk @WeirdPrincess
BlueHawk said:
Sync obeys Roman and does not move, but does speak in a hushed whisper. "Are we really going to try and reason with this thing?" He says, panic stricken. "Can this thing even speak?"
The beast grinted a little at the man cautios of him. It wasn't going to attack unless provoked so it stood there and watched them curiously and cautiosly
He hugged her back, looking down and making no eye contact. "Okay" he replied, mumbling. He realised that doing this would save more lives in the end, because the terrorists were going to use the dreadnaught for something bad, that's what terrorists did. @Daniel reaver
Roman said:
Roman chuckled, "See Sync? He's a friendly fellow." He said. Roman thought about reaching for the electric cage, but stopped his hand midway. "Nope.... Sync? I have something else in mind for the big guy." Roman said as he slowly lifted his hand to the beast's head, soon petting him
Sync scans the beast tracks, using his database to narrow it down. "It's a raveron... A big one for its species too." He comments, continuing to not move. "It shouldn't attack unless you provoke it."
Roman said:
Roman chuckled, "See Sync? He's a friendly fellow." He said. Roman thought about reaching for the electric cage, but stopped his hand midway. "Nope.... Sync? I have something else in mind for the big guy." Roman said as he slowly lifted his hand to the beast's head, soon petting him
BlueHawk said:
Sync scans the beast tracks, using his database to narrow it down. "It's a raveron... A big one for its species too." He comments, continuing to not move. "It shouldn't attack unless you provoke it."
The beast grinted and growled a little as te mans hand moved for the beast before it slowly got down on all fours and stared at the man letting him touch hi as it stared at the ma and the floating thing still cautios about them and ready to ru or kill if need be
BlueHawk said:
Sync scans the beast tracks, using his database to narrow it down. "It's a raveron... A big one for its species too." He comments, continuing to not move. "It shouldn't attack unless you provoke it."
Roman nodded as he pet the beast. "Explains all the reasons he did what he did." He said quietly. "Raverons are smart bastards, but this one is different, I can tell." Roman took a glance at the electric cage once more and then shook his head. "If this thing listens to me, we won't turn it in for money... We will keep it aboard the ship. Would you like that big guy?"

@Daniel reaver @WeirdPrincess
Gilgog said:
He hugged her back, looking down and making no eye contact. "Okay" he replied, mumbling. He realised that doing this would save more lives in the end, because the terrorists were going to use the dreadnaught for something bad, that's what terrorists did. @Daniel reaver
Mika held onto deren tightly nuzzling his shoulder a little as she held onto him "I promise I'll get you out alive." She whispered to him before looking at the men that where guarding the Halls and seeing that they where watching deren and her knowing they where grining under there helmets
Deren looked around, appearing embarrassed, but tried to pretend that he didn't care. "Mika, could you tell me about my ship engines? I never realised that they were special at all." He asked her, trying to put his mind off of death, which was making him feel mentally lost. He put his helmet back on. @Daniel reaver
Gilgog said:
Deren looked around, appearing embarrassed, but tried to pretend that he didn't care. "Mika, could you tell me about my ship engines? I never realised that they were special at all." He asked her, trying to put his mind off of death, which was making him feel mentally lost. He put his helmet back on. @Daniel reaver
Mika let go of him and slippe her helmet back on "you engines and your home ship where made by an inventor. He was the leading man of his time and most likely the most famous man in history so far" she said before the elevator dinged and opened up
ClassyBunny said:
Shaun woke up and then opened the door of the hut and then looked at the person standing there, he then said "Hello, the one who called me?" he then paused for a moment"How did you find me? Anyway, good job." Shaun then sat at the old table that was in the hut and then said "Come in."
"Thank you. I'm not experienced, but I am persistent, and I have good instincts."

"It seems like there are people looking for you, so I won't take up too much of your time. But I have a proposition."

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