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Futuristic Eluvian Bounty

Deren finally got the ship flying straight. "Yes! Now, other pilot, you need to tell me your name, I'm Deren, i don't know where this carrier is, so could you fly the rest of the way?" He muttered something into his helmet and tapped what appeared to be the air, but he could see a holographic display, he was calling his ship to this planet, he forgot that he had to go to work, but he was sure he could come up with some excuse, like........ He had no clue, he could just work double time tomorrow. @Daniel reaver.
Gilgog said:
Deren finally got the ship flying straight. "Yes! Now, other pilot, you need to tell me your name, I'm Deren, i don't know where this carrier is, so could you fly the rest of the way?" He muttered something into his helmet and tapped what appeared to be the air, but he could see a holographic display, he was calling his ship to this planet, he forgot that he had to go to work, but he was sure he could come up with some excuse, like........ He had no clue, he could just work double time tomorrow. @Daniel reaver.
"jack" he said as he rapidly typed to make sure all the systems where still working before he took control "go check on mika. Last time she decided to do that she nearly depleted her power core" e said worriedly to deren
"Alright then, it was a pleasure flying with you Jack." Deren nodded to jack as he left the cockpit and stretched, yawning as he did so. He left is helmet by the door to the cockpit, before walking to find Mika. @Daniel reaver
Gilgog said:
"Alright then, it was a pleasure flying with you Jack." Deren nodded to jack as he left the cockpit and stretched, yawning as he did so. He left is helmet by the door to the cockpit, before walking to find Mika. @Daniel reaver
Mika unplugged from the generator then fell to her knees as her eyes where statacy. Her systems had to reboot "at least I didn't deplete my life this time" she mumbled as she rubbed her head with her hand
Deren just stood awkwardly looking down at mika. "Do you need any help?" He asked, wondering what to do at this moment in time. "And by the way, we have control and Jack is taking us to the target now." @Daniel reaver
Gilgog said:
Deren just stood awkwardly looking down at mika. "Do you need any help?" He asked, wondering what to do at this moment in time. "And by the way, we have control and Jack is taking us to the target now." @Daniel reaver
Mika nodded as he held out a hand to him so he could help her up as her eyes started to adjust again and she started to reboot while a lots of all her seystems showed up in her eyes
[QUOTE="The Jackal](Is there anyway I could intervene somewhere ?.... Maybe my 2 characters stowed aboard ?)

(Well they are kinda on a war stricken planet and have to steal a dreadnought class cruiser by them selfes xD you could join if you want)

A Hylotl protruded from the dark without a sound followed by a Glitch companion and a Skull Walker that didn't look very friendly, how they got aboard the ship was going to be a mystery but the more important question was there business being on the ship.
[QUOTE="The Jackal](Kay)
A Hylotl protruded from the dark without a sound followed by a Glitch companion and a Skull Walker that didn't look very friendly, how they got aboard the ship was going to be a mystery but the more important question was there business being on the ship.

(There on there own ship right now and just escaped a massive battle that was going on our side the atmosphere. They haven't gotten to the base where the dreadnought is held yet)
Deren helped pull her up, and looked into her eyes, seemingly entranced in all of the cool systems showing up in her eyes. He then looked away and asked "once we are there, how do i get to the control room without dying?" @Daniel reaver
Gilgog said:
Deren helped pull her up, and looked into her eyes, seemingly entranced in all of the cool systems showing up in her eyes. He then looked away and asked "once we are there, how do i get to the control room without dying?" @Daniel reaver
"That's what every one els is for. It's a tactical break in so silent and stealthy kills with you being the cargo" mika said with a groan as she leaned against him as to not fall over while she still ran a systems check on her self her eyes scanning trough constant pages of data and diagrams
Deren put his hands on her shoulders to help her balance. "By me being cargo, do you mean i get shoved in a crate?" Deren said, looking nervous. He looked at her, with a very unimpressed expression across his face. "You'd better say it is expensive cargo, I'd like to think of myself as worth a lot." @Daniel reaver
(But kn

[QUOTE="The Jackal](I didn't say what ship tho ;D)

ow one but them and there employer knows what they are doing. Plus this a terrorist base xD )
Gilgog said:
Deren put his hands on her shoulders to help her balance. "By me being cargo, do you mean i get shoved in a crate?" Deren said, looking nervous. He looked at her, with a very unimpressed expression across his face. "You'd better say it is expensive cargo, I'd like to think of myself as worth a lot." @Daniel reaver
"It means your the most important one of us. And you NEED to survive" he said to him as she slowly walked out out of the engine room


[QUOTE="The Jackal](But they took off Eluvia, right ? so they could have snuck aboard then)
(I"m so confused ;- ;)

(They where employed by the government of this planet I called aion. To steal a dreadnought class cruiser from some terrorists that have ravaged there planet)
"Okay then!" Exclaimed Deren with false enthusiasm. He slowly walked out, following mika and looking at the floor. Weighing up his odds of survival. He ruffled his hair as he walked, it had become silly since sleeping and wearing his helmet. @Daniel reaver
[QUOTE="The Jackal](*nods slowly* Okay I still don't get it but it makes sense... Sorta)

(It's ok. You could have him stow away on the dreadnought for when they take it)
Gilgog said:
"Okay then!" Exclaimed Deren with false enthusiasm. He slowly walked out, following mika and looking at the floor. Weighing up his odds of survival. He ruffled his hair as he walked, it had become silly since sleeping and wearing his helmet. @Daniel reaver
"Cal down deren we have done worse missions than this" she said as she walked to the cock pit and sat in the pilot seat before picking up an ear peice "command this is reaper team" she said as jack held up a hand signal indicating they where one muinet out from the base
Deren sighed as he stood, looking pensive. He wondered what he would do with the hangers, probably rent them to others. "Mika, where are these hangers we are getting for this mission?" Deren asked her. @Daniel reaver
Gilgog said:
Deren sighed as he stood, looking pensive. He wondered what he would do with the hangers, probably rent them to others. "Mika, where are these hangers we are getting for this mission?" Deren asked her. @Daniel reaver
"On the coast lines of eluvian in the Nicest part of the city.... Along with a new beach house if you want" she said to him
"Cool!" Deren said, "I'm going to rent them off, and then love there when i become a racer, i thought this would suck at first, but it has become incredibly conveniant." Deren smiled, he was happy now. He picked up his helmet and held it under his arm, ready to put it on when they got to the base. @Daniel reaver
Gilgog said:
"Cool!" Deren said, "I'm going to rent them off, and then love there when i become a racer, i thought this would suck at first, but it has become incredibly conveniant." Deren smiled, he was happy now. He picked up his helmet and held it under his arm, ready to put it on when they got to the base. @Daniel reaver
"Then would you mind renting one bay out to me" she asked before the surface of the eart slowly started to open about 1000 meters in front of them

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