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Futuristic Eluvian Bounty

Gilgog said:
"sure!" Deren exclaimed. Deren began to thrust forward and then go straight up, forgetting that not everybody had seat belts, he whooped as he did so, doing some somewhat stupid maneuvers around passing cargo ships as he began his ascent.
jesus take it easy we need this ship in one piece for when we get there" she said to deren as she held on to there seats as the copilot worked to keep the ship from falling out of the sky due to derens stupid manuveres
"But it is faster! i know what i am doing!" he shouted above the roar of the engines. He slowly began to level out as he took the ship into an orbit around Eluvia. "now, where is this dreadnaught?" he asked, grinning.
Gilgog said:
"But it is faster! i know what i am doing!" he shouted above the roar of the engines. He slowly began to level out as he took the ship into an orbit around Eluvia. "now, where is this dreadnaught?" he asked, grinning.
"its on the planet aion" she said to him as she typed in the coordinates into the computer then nodded "be prepared for evasive maneuvers when we get there... this planet is war stricken and battles surround it" she said to him as she nodded to him
Deren began to rapidly tap at many of the buttons on the display and move the joystick at once, as if it were some sort of routine he had practiced for. He was redirecting the ship towards Aion. "Mika, i have good news and bad new, the good news, is that we are on the way to Aion, the bad news is that it will take about a day." Deren said before sighing, and sitting back in his chair, "just relax for now."
Gilgog said:
Deren began to rapidly tap at many of the buttons on the display and move the joystick at once, as if it were some sort of routine he had practiced for. He was redirecting the ship towards Aion. "Mika, i have good news and bad new, the good news, is that we are on the way to Aion, the bad news is that it will take about a day." Deren said before sighing, and sitting back in his chair, "just relax for now."
mika sighed in aggravation "damit..." she said before she turned and started to walk away "deren come on i need you in the planning room" she said to him some aggravation in her voice as she walked away deeper into the ship till she got to the war room of the ship and waited for every one to come
Deren unbuckled himself before getting up, groaning, stretching, and then plodding into the war room. He walked into the room with one hand adjusting his hair, and the other in his pocket, looked down at the floor. He quickly went to a seat and fell back into it, continuing to get his hair how he wanted it. He had left his helmet on the pilot seat.
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Gilgog said:
(the shit! xD )
Deren unbuckled himself before getting up, groaning, stretching, and then plodding into the war room. He walked into the room with one hand adjusting his hair, and the other in his pocket, looked down at the floor. He quickly went to a seat and fell back into it, continuing to get his hair how he wanted it. He had left his helmet on the pilot seat.
mika sighed once every one was there "shall we begin" she asked before typing some things on a console in front of her then a ship came up as a hologram in the middle of the table<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/aftermath-command-vessel-2.jpg.6666f0be5a25b2feaba6d3e9c99a1f43.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="59861" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/aftermath-command-vessel-2.jpg.6666f0be5a25b2feaba6d3e9c99a1f43.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>"this is the ship we are after... the zanthium" she said as she looked around to make sure every one was paying attention to her before she continued "its being held in and under ground hanger in the wastes of aion specifically the capital wastes" she said as the image of the ship shrunk and went off to the side then a world came up and a small part on the upper half of the planet was blinking "now we got lucky with this mission because this ship just so happens to be one of the ships our targets use making it so we can get easy access to the hangar.... once there we will board the dreadnought then blow this ship to cause a distraction making them open the hangar doors thus giving us out escape route" mika said to all of them as the image went back to the ship



  • aftermath-command-vessel-2.jpg
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Deren looked a little sleepy, his elbows were resting on the table, and his chin on his hands. "mika?" he asked "what do i do? i have no guns, nor do i know how to use any, i can only fly ships." He scanned the other face around the table feeling somewhat out of place, hopefully he could just get the money and leave. "also Mika, is this legal?"
Gilgog said:
Deren looked a little sleepy, his elbows were resting on the table, and his chin on his hands. "mika?" he asked "what do i do? i have no guns, nor do i know how to use any, i can only fly ships." He scanned the other face around the table feeling somewhat out of place, hopefully he could just get the money and leave. "also Mika, is this legal?"
"you are the pilot that will be operating the dreadnought out of the hangar and back to the randevu point... and we are stealing from terrorists for the capital of aion so yes it is legal" she said to him as every one nodded as they scanned over the plans then got up and bowed to mika before leaving "we are being employed by the leaders of aion deren" she said with a sigh as she sat down on the table leting her back slouch
"I've never flown a capital ship!" Deren exclaimed. His eyes were wide and he looked shocked, how the hell was he going to do this? well at least he was of value to the group, who would hopefully protect him. He cheekily saluted to Mika as he walked out, smirking, and trying to seem braver than he was. He then went to the cockpit, sat in the seat and slept.
Gilgog said:
"I've never flown a capital ship!" Deren exclaimed. His eyes were wide and he looked shocked, how the hell was he going to do this? well at least he was of value to the group, who would hopefully protect him. He cheekily saluted to Mika as he walked out, smirking, and trying to seem braver than he was. He then went to the cockpit, sat in the seat and slept.
mika sighed and went to her own room and layed down "deren wake me five minuets out from aion ok" she said into a communicator to him and the co pilot before sleeping
"it'll probably be your job" Deren replied through the communicator, "i doubt the probability of me waking up by myself anytime soon." He curled up on the pilot seat and went back to sleeping. @Daniel reaver
Gilgog said:
"it'll probably be your job" Deren replied through the communicator, "i doubt the probability of me waking up by myself anytime soon." He curled up on the pilot seat and went back to sleeping. @Daniel reaver
mika sighed before the copilot replied "ill get deren up half an hour before we get there and ill wake you 5 minuets before we get there sir" he said through his own before mika closed her eyes and fell into a simulated sleep

the copilot shook derens shoulder "hey get up where half an hour out" he said to deren before sitting down in his own seat and pressing bottons
Deren groaned irritably "mmmmm." His eyes were half open and he uncurled from his chair, falling out of it in the process and yelping. Deren slowly got up again and sat down, beginning to prepare to de-orbit from Aion into the right location. He then put his helmet on, to look professional.
Gilgog said:
Deren groaned irritably "mmmmm." His eyes were half open and he uncurled from his chair, falling out of it in the process and yelping. Deren slowly got up again and sat down, beginning to prepare to de-orbit from Aion into the right location. He then put his helmet on, to look professional.
"sheesh you really arent a mourning person" he said as he prepped the ship "remember we might come out of jump in a battle so be prepared alright" he said to deren as they neared aion
"Um....okay." Deren whimpered quietly, hoping his crazy maneuvers would help him out. He quickly practiced them in the air, hoping that this ship would he responsive enough. "How many maneuvering thrusters does this ship have and in what directions can they face?" Deren asked the co-pilot.
Gilgog said:
"Um....okay." Deren whimpered quietly, hoping his crazy maneuvers would help him out. He quickly practiced them in the air, hoping that this ship would he responsive enough. "How many maneuvering thrusters does this ship have and in what directions can they face?" Deren asked the co-pilot.
this ship has twenty maneuvering thrusters that can face in any direction except at the ship" he said before he opened the communications "captain where arriving shortly" he said into the com over to mika who had already been awake "thank you' she said back before getting dressed and walking out of her room

Kaitlyn ran over the details from the dossier, before summoning the nerve to ring. This place was swimming with low-grade bounty hunters. Most ended up dead before long, and of those that didn't, even fewer were known outside of Eluvian. She always worked under the principle that if you want to be the best, you have to learn from the best. She knew Shaun had a mixed reputation, but his name was the one that kept coming up in conversation. Some people said he was cruel or untrustworthy, others that he was worth every dollar he earned. What everyone agreed on was that he was always professional, and always efficient.
Roman sat behind a nearby boulder. He sighed a little before peeking over the rock. "I don't see it... Maybe it is on a different route." He said quietly. He then reloaded his pistol and cocked it. "Sync, I want you to scan the area, use the comm system I installed the other day if you see anything." He ordered. "Sasumi, keep my map updated on any nearby encounters and be ready to fight if I say so."

@Daniel reaver @BlueHawk @WeirdPrincess
The beast ran on all fours through the woods his breathing heavuly as its blood worked making it so it was hard to show up on any modern day scanner while its natural armor made it nearly invisible from above as it ran through the woods knowing it was being hunted. Making it that more aware as it picked up the scent of the man that hunted it then ran towards a rock field with in the woods
Roman said:
Roman sat behind a nearby boulder. He sighed a little before peeking over the rock. "I don't see it... Maybe it is on a different route." He said quietly. He then reloaded his pistol and cocked it. "Sync, I want you to scan the area, use the comm system I installed the other day if you see anything." He ordered. "Sasumi, keep my map updated on any nearby encounters and be ready to fight if I say so."
@Daniel reaver @BlueHawk @WeirdPrincess
Sasumi projected out a map,"Of course sir. I'll do that right away." She said as she projected herself out of the eye and looked at the map. She stared at the map as a red dot glowed on the map, far away from where the stood."I found something. I'm not sure what it is, but there's a creature on here."
Roman said:
Roman sat behind a nearby boulder. He sighed a little before peeking over the rock. "I don't see it... Maybe it is on a different route." He said quietly. He then reloaded his pistol and cocked it. "Sync, I want you to scan the area, use the comm system I installed the other day if you see anything." He ordered. "Sasumi, keep my map updated on any nearby encounters and be ready to fight if I say so."
@Daniel reaver @BlueHawk @WeirdPrincess
Sync floats up behind Roman and up toward the sky. "Affirmative, scanning area..." He says in a robotic tone. A blue light erupts from his left 'eye' and he does a 360, the light passing over everything around him. Sync suddenly stops and zooms in on a small section, before floating back down to Roman. "One large figure roughly 30 meters out." He says, keeping his light in that direction. "Probably going to kill me a second time." He says jokingly as the light fades away.
WeirdPrincess said:
Sasumi projected out a map,"Of course sir. I'll do that right away." She said as she projected herself out of the eye and looked at the map. She stared at the map as a red dot glowed on the map, far away from where the stood."I found something. I'm not sure what it is, but there's a creature on here."
BlueHawk said:
Sync floats up behind Roman and up toward the sky. "Affirmative, scanning area..." He says in a robotic tone. A blue light erupts from his left 'eye' and he does a 360, the light passing over everything around him. Sync suddenly stops and zooms in on a small section, before floating back down to Roman. "One large figure roughly 30 meters out." He says, keeping his light in that direction. "Probably going to kill me a second time." He says jokingly as the light fades away.
Roman chuckled, "No one is gonna kill you Sync. We got your... Back? I don't know... we have your panel? Forget it! I want you to stay high and see what is you were picking up. Remember: Radio me if you see it." He said. He then looked at Sasumi, "Good. We're gonna let Sync head that way over there. Since I need some sort of support, you're with me. If anyone sees anything, we return and reunite with one another. Got it?"

@Daniel reaver
Roman said:
Roman chuckled, "No one is gonna kill you Sync. We got your... Back? I don't know... we have your panel? Forget it! I want you to stay high and see what is you were picking up. Remember: Radio me if you see it." He said. He then looked at Sasumi, "Good. We're gonna let Sync head that way over there. Since I need some sort of support, you're with me. If anyone sees anything, we return and reunite with one another. Got it?"
@Daniel reaver
"Oh boy! I get to go first and get turn apart first. Lovely." Sync says sarcastically, floating up and beginning to move toward where he scans. He radios into Romans helmet. "One large object, roughly 15 feet tall, maybe 300 or more in mass. Some sort of primal beast we should be moving away from instead of toward." He says jokingly as he continues to head toward the beast.

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