Echoes in the Stars [Inactive]

Shadow looked down at his mate grinning madly with happiness. "Indeed he does." The dark colored wolf crouched down over the tree pups nuzzling them with his black nose. "What shall we name them my love?" His words were soft and comforting, for she had been through so much already. That and he didn't want to speek loudly and startle the pups.
"I say.. Xena,.. Willow and.. Midnight." She said grinning also. She licked her first born daughter then her other daughter and finally Midnight. She licked Shadow's muzzle as he crouched down.

Carel looked at the five, smiling. She walked over to Shadow and smirked. "Ah.. You are going to be a great dad." She looked at he pups again, just looking at them made her smile.
Shadow looked at the elder, his mother in law, out of the corner of his eye. She had praised him and he was proud of it, but he would not beam like a pup would, instead he smiled. It wasn't the same grin he'd been wearing before, but a smile all the less. The dark wolf turned his attention back to Akira, nuzzling her with the love he knew they shared. All three of their pups nursed quietly, and he couldn't help but worry for them. They were so small in a world full of hatred and cruelness. Silently he blessed them with hope that each of his children would life and grow to become fine warriors.
Akira smiled and licked the pups again, worrying the might become cold quickly. She smiled at Shadow. Xena squirmed a little, shaking her tiny head. Willow slightly felt the bump of her sisters head and she decided to squirm too. Midnight was nudged many time but was not annoyed, he just quietly kept nursing.

Carel smiled once again, "I'll leave you all alone." She said grinning one last time at Akira's pups. She left and she saw many wolves gathering the entrance of the cave but none dared to enter.
"Xena and Willow. Beautiful names for our daughters. And Midnight. For that is what his fur shows him to be. They are a fine litter. You did amazing Akira." Shadow carefully made his way around to the backside of his mate. There he laid himself down with his head resting on her shoulder. She was beautiful, strong, caring, brave. How could a wolf as magnificient as she have chosen someone who was forced to flee his own pack. Shadow removed his head from her shoulder, distancing himself from her.
"Thank you Shadow." She smiled. She licked the litter again, her muscles were still tense but as her mate laid his head on her shoulder she relaxed but then when he removed his head from her shoulder quickly, she became confused. "Are you alright Shadow..?" She said concerned. She noticed most wolves from her pack began to get going because they knew that the family needed to be alone.
"Yes." He replied, but by the look on her face he knew she wasn't buying it. "No not really." Shadow was hesitant about telling her of his past but they were mates now. The leaders of a pack. Most importantly, they were parents. She needed to know. "You. You are a brave, courageous, awonderful canine. You lead your pack with dignity and kindness. How could you have chosen to be mated with someone like myself? Akira you don't know of my past. Of the things that I've done." His voice shook slightly, remembering everything from before. His uncle. The cruelty in which he had first led his pack. The rage he had felt against his uncle, the rage that led him to wanting to kill. It was not a feeling he wanted to repeat.
Akira was silent. "Everyone needs second chances, the ones who do not believe that, they had never had second chances." She said looking out of the cave. "What matters now is the present." She said smiling a little. "You are a wonderful mate and you are going to be a wonderful dad. Don't look in the past. Don't stay in the past, live in the present and look forward to the the future." Once she said that, she laid her head down.
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Slivermoon walked around the camp. Everyone had pups now, and she was beginning to feel lonely. She had no mate. She was alone. She sighed and padded around, looking for something to do.
Aidan took a risk and went into the Seraphim territory and he went closer and closer he saw a beautiful she wolf. Looking sad, and lurking the camp. He watched silently, his eyes wide. His tail started to wag. "Wow.." That was all he could say.

Carel didn't feel so good so she laid down in her den. "Ugh.. Being old sucks.." She sounded like a kid. Her head gently laid down on the ground and she closed her eyes, trying to push aside the sick feeling and go to sleep.
Kole sighed and looked around the camp, not really sure what he could do. The hunters and warriors were all out doing who knows what, and Sky was no where to be seen, so that only left a few wolves back at camp. Standing up and stretching his legs out, Kole yawned before going over to Heaven. "Good morning," he greatest politely, bowing his head down slightly to show respect before sitting next to the Alpha. "How's your pup doing?"

Deep in the forest, Sky laughed happily, sprinting at full speed swiftly and smoothly through the trees with a practiced ease. He was a Hunter now since he was so fast, and was extremely happy when he'd been put in that rank and Kole had almost glowed with pride. Letting out a quiet howl, Sky gracefully kept over a fallen tree and splashed into a stream, playfully kicking the water and snapping at fish.
Haven watched as Kole aproached her, smiling slightly at his presence. "Destan is doing fine." She gazed out over the clearing at her mate and pup playing happily together. "What about Sky? He must be exuberantly happy with his new rank." Her cloudy eyes sparkled with amusement. The white wolf remembered all to well how happy the pup had been when he was promoted to Hunter. She had seen great potential in the pup and figured that he should be encouraged to do his best.

Essence walked cautiously over to the white wolf lurking in the shadows. Her mother, Malinia, was not faring well these days. Slowly her mind was withering away. Being eaten by insanity. "Mom?" Her voice was strained. She loved her, but sometimes it was hard to be her daughter. "Mom is everything alright." The wolf turned her yellow eyed gaze onto Essence and snarled, charging at her own daughter. Malinia pinned her to the ground and held her there with the only foreleg she had. "Leave my daughter alone! Stay away from her!" She felt tears sting at her eyes. "Mom! Mom its me, Essence." Something in the old wolf's eyes changed. "Essence." Malinia backed away from her, seemingly shocked at her own actions. "I-I'm sorry. D-don't come near me." The crippled wolf loped off, leaving her daughter standing there.

"The future..." He echoed, laying his head back down on her shoulder. Shadow moved closer so that their body heat mingled together, and their fur was pressed between them. This is why she was his mate. Akira was a wonderful wolf, a wonderful mother, and a wonderful leader. She was amazing, and saw the best in everyone. "I love you." He whispered into her ear, smiling as he did so.
She smiled as he relaxed by her. "I love you too." She said, her voice soft. She turned her head enough and she licked his muzzle a little. Then she bent down and licked there new born pups.
Shadow closed his eyes, smiling happily from ear to ear. He had a family now. A beautiful mate, three wonderful children. It was a family. And it was with those thoughts that he drifted off into sleep.

Essence held back the tears that had begun to well up in her eyes. Malinia was loosing it. She couldn't even tell the difference between her daughter and a rogue. There was only one person she could talk to right now. Carel. Essence turned away from her retreating mother and padded swiftly over to the elder. "Carel? May I speak to you." Her words wer tight, as if she were on the verge of breaking dow. And in truth she was. How could a daughter live with their own mother drifting off into insanity. Something had to be done.
Akira smiled and licked her pups every other minute but eventually she drifted off asleep with her mate.

Carel wasn't feeling good, but she heard Essence. She got up quickly wincing. "Yes you may." She started to feel pain a little deep in her chest but tried to push it aside. But she smiled a little at her.
Essence avoided the elder's gaze and sat down slowly. What was she supposed to say? My mother is going insane and I need help? No. It'd sound like she was complaining. "Carel I-" Then the tears came. She couldn't stop them. "I don't know what to do. Malinia is loosing it. She can't think straight anymore, and she couldn't even tell who I was. She's loosing it and I'm loosing her, Carel. I don't know. I just...I don't know." The warrior bit her lip in embarassment.
Carel got up without a word and started nuzzling her. "Essence.. Your mother.. I.." Carel panicked. She didn't know what to say or do. She always had to help Essence, especially now. ".. Essence your mother.. She.. Had a rough past. A very rough past. And.." She cursed under her breath, she really didn't know what to say.
Essence looked up, meeting the elder's gaze with her own. "A rough past? What do you mean?" A million thoughts raced through her mind. Never before had she thought about what had happened to Malinia as a youngster. It just never clicked that her mother had once been young like she was. "Why did she turn out like this Carel?" She was desprate now. Desperate to know the truth.
"Your grandmother was losing too... It seemed your mother have picked up on her mother. Also she was the only surviving pup in the litter and her mate.. Just disappeared..." She said quietly.
((Just as a heads up, I am prone to writing a lot. My apologies. xD ))

The dark figure that was curled up next to a rock could have passed for a shadow, if it hadn't been for the piercing yellow eyes that peered intently out; locked on a herd of moose. Or, in particular, at the one straggling elder with a lame leg that seemed to be falling behind the rest. One paw laying over the rock she had chosen, Rya laid tense, waiting for the right opportunity to run the moose she had chosen away from the herd. It would be a tough kill, but the pack always needed plenty of food at this time of year - it was pup season, after all. She knew that her alpha female Akira very well might have given birth to her pups by now, while Rya had been away stalking this herd. Turning her attention back to the hunt, the yellow-eyed black wolf realized that the whole herd had moved behind one of the large rock formations that the Shaitan territory was built upon.

Growling softly, the fae got up and started to lope forward when the sudden thundering of hooves started to crash through the air. Tensing, Rya watched the outcrop that the herd had disappeared behind intently. Surprisingly, the elder came pounding out, hobbling as fast as it could with its bad leg. It appeared as if the rest of the herd had scared in the other direction. Rya took the opportunity, shying to the side to avoid the moose's detection. Once the animal was ahead of her by a few paces, she turned after it and took it down with a powerful leap that had the force of her whole body behind it. The moose didn't stand a chance and crumpled underneath her weight, and she easily killed it with a sharp bite to the neck. Panting softly from the brief rush of adrenaline that she had felt course through her, she sidestepped off her kill to examine it.

Unfortunately, the moose was scrawnier than it had appeared from afar, but it would still be enough to feed the whole pack for the day. Sitting back on her haunches, wondering how she would drag the moose all the way back to camp by herself, Rya became aware of a presence behind her. Quickly looking around, she spotted her brother Haruki standing just behind her. The pieces of the puzzle clicked into place, and Rya thumped her tail once at him in appreciation. "How did you manage to scare the whole herd off?" She asked him, but the other black wolf just gazed back at her evenly. Sighing, Rya stood back up. "Help me drag this back to camp." She commanded, and Haru got back up as well, grabbing the moose's midback while she pulled at the animal's head.

That was how Vehiron found them, after they had pulled their kill nearly all the way back to camp. He sat back and watched them struggle for awhile, before deciding that they had use for his muscle and walked over. "Good timing. Akira had her pups a little while ago." He commented placidly - having been present at the camp when it happened, lurking around the corners of all of the others and keeping to himself. Then he bit down at the moose's neck, sandwiching himself between Haru and Rya, and assisted them as they pulled the moose back into the Shaitan's pack area. They were greeted by an emptied clearing, and Vehiron frowned. "Well, it seems like everybody cleared out." He said placidly, before dumping his load once they had pulled the moose into the area. Haru and Rya followed suit, with Rya quickly scampering off to her alpha's den. Quietly peering in, she was greeted with the sight of the two sleeping alphas and their new pups, and she savored the image for a few seconds before quickly withdrawing and making her way back to Haru and Vehiron.

"I should have been here with them." She said bitterly, cross with herself for missing such an event. What kind of beta was she, leaving her alpha at such an important time? "But the pups are beautiful and look healthy, so I suppose its all well." Looking at Haru, she realized her brother was gazing to the far side of the clearing where Carel and Essence seemed to be conversing, but as he sensed her gaze, he focused his eyes on her. Vehiron was nodding. "Yes, it all went rather well." He said easily, his attention split between acknowledging his sister and gazing longingly at the moose. Rya growled. "I won't let you eat any kill of mine before the alphas give their assent." She said curtly, and to her surprise Haru started to growl softly as well. Vehiron turned to look at his brother, who was staring intently at Rya. The beta puzzled over this for a few seconds, before snorting. "Fine. I won't let you eat any kill that Haru and I took down before the alphas give their assent." She amended her statement, and Haru's growling ceased abruptly.
Slight growing awoke Akira. She winced as she woke up. Akira sighed and looked down at her pups. She licked them a few times and looked out of the den to see Rya. Her soothing voice spilled out. "Hello Rya, Haruki, and Vehiron." She smiled and licked her pups again. She looked back to see her wonderful mate sleeping soundly.
At the sound of Akira's voice, Rya's ears shot up. "Oh, I'm so sorry - did we wake you?" She asked, concerned, shooting a venomous look at Haru as she spoke. "Also, I'm sorry for not being here earlier, I got a bit caught up in the hunt." She continued, aware of Haru's indignant response to the look she had unjustly dished out to him moments ago. "We brought back meat, if you feel hungry." She finished, looking back a the moose and wishing that it was just a little bit fatter. Haru was still glaring at her, having moved a little ways away and laying his head down on his paws - but with his eyes looking at her sideways -, and Vehiron had stayed put and was sitting next to the moose, looking at the den where Akira's voice was coming from.

Rya looked at him, wondering if he had anything to add, but he remained silent; returning her gaze with one that said 'don't expect me to say anything - I wasn't included in this' quite clearly. Rya lifted her lips at him, revealing her teeth in a position that would have been a snarl if she had dared to make any more noise, but her bigger brother just looked at her and tilted his head quizzically; attempting to look hurt that she was treating him in such a way. Rya sighed softly, noting that she would have to have a word with both of her brothers at a later time, and as she looked back at Haru, she saw that he had maintained his quiet glare. Feeling outnumbered, she sighed again under her breath.
Axel looked at his anxious pack with stern eyes. "We will make our appearance known. I know many of you disprove of joining Sepheram.. But we have no choice." Axel nodded toward toward his two advisers. They lit the large pine tree. It went up in a blaze and thick smoke filled the sky.

((Sorry its so short))
Near the edges of the Seraphim Pack's territory, a familiar lithe figure could just barely be seen slinking through the tall trees and undergrowth. Flicking her rusty ocher ears, Aurora carefully, and expertly stalked a young doe who was busily stripping the leaves from a tree nearby, completely unaware of her presence, and it's own impending doom.

Normally she would never even consider attempting to bring down a young-and completely healthy-animal, but she'd felt like a challenge today, and wanted to test her skills, hence her current hunt.

Now if she could get a little closer, she would be at the ideal attacking distance. Just one more paw step, and-Go! She shot forward with a low growl, startling the doe into a panic. Locking on to the agile animal, she ran hard on it's tail, not letting its sharp turns throw her off.

A few more long strides, and she'd have it! Oooh, the other hunters were never going to believe it when she shows up with it. Lifting her lips in a grin, she put on an extra burst of speed, coming up just behind the fleeing doe.

Opening her jaws, she lunged forward, intending to latch on to it's rump and pull it over, but in her excitement-and overconfidence-she wasn't as careful as she should have been around such a healthy target, and before she could sink her fangs into the fleshy bottom of her prey, the doe suddenly bleated and bucked, it's sharp hooves landing a nasty blow against her chest and cutting deep.

With the breath kicked out of her, the only sound she could make was a breathy yelp of surprise as pain sliced through her, followed quickly by the sweetly metallic scent of her own blood. The blow had knocked her clean off her paws, and she went down hard, having no choice but to lay in the dirt for a moment with her face pressed into the soil, gasping desperately to reclaim lost air as she helplessly watched her prey disappear through the trees.

The wound it had left her with bled freely, staining the white fur of her chest red, and it stung something fierce. Unconsciously, she flattened her ears in shame. This had been a foolish idea, as she was sure the senior hunters would tell her, but honestly, where was the fun in only hunting the young, old, and injured all the time? Well, the other hunters would never hear about this little hunt, not from her anyway.

When she could breath easily again, she let out a deep sigh, only to suddenly grow rigid and shoot to her paws as a none to welcome scent flooded her mouth and nose, making her fur stand on end.


The smell of them was everywhere, and when she took a frantic look around, she realized that she didn't recognize a single tree or bush around her, and with growing dread, she finally realized that her 'hunt' had taken her clear across the border, and quite some distance into her enemies domain. Pinning her ears to her skull, she couldn't fathom how she made such an error. "Just how in the great name of Hope did you let yourself miss crossing the border Aurora!" she growled lowly, disgusted by her own carelessness. If her Pack's foes discovered her here, well, who knows what they would do to her.

Wheeling on her heels, she started back the way she had come at a brisk trot, painfully aware of the blood trial she was leaving, courtesy of her steadily bleeding wound.

(Whoa, that was long for a starting post, and I still have to do Stag 0.0)
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