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Fandom Durarara!!: The Dullahan Hunt - Additional IC


Pierre La Font: Oh of course, if you believe normal diesel bikes neigh like horses and climb up walls. It really does take the concept of horsepower to the extreme, oui?

Pierre La Font: But to tell you the truth, I don't think anybody can know for sure.
[FP: 13]

Rolling boy: Ok, ok I get it. I was just wondering. Would you know where I can find her?

Pierre La Font: You're better off not finding her to be honest. I've heard some less than elegant means of how she handles unwanted fans. But I guess if you just run into her on your travels in Ikebukuro, you'll probably see her.

Rolling boy: I'm sorry but I can wait for "fate" to let us meet eatch other. If you know of a way to meet her I would like to hear it please.
[FP: 10]

uwagi: ya'know

uwagi: most of this info is stuff that you can find on the streets

uwagi: and arrbee, if it were that easy to find her

uwagi: i'd be rich right now

Rolling boy: That is true but gathering information never hurt anyone. Might as well use what I have to the fullest, right?

Pierre La Font: Oh hahaha hon hon! Okay, Pierre might know a few tricks to finding the Black Rider, but they don't come cheap, y'know?

Pierre La Font: Well of course you can find this on the streets, but I'm far more reliable. For instance, you can also hear on the streets that the Black Rider shoots fire out of her eyes and lightning out of her arse. Or that she's somehow affiliated with the Slasher. Or any number of lies. I, on the other hand, know the facts from fiction. So unless you wanna pro

Rolling boy: What is your price? And I plan on gathering everything I can about her then comparing fact from fiction. Anything you can do to help would be nice.
[FP: 11]

uwagi: i mean yeah sure

uwagi: but this is basically like

uwagi: the internet street isn't it?

uwagi: you're not much more trustable than a drunk guy

uwagi: not yet at least

(FP: 5)

Pierre La Font: You two seemed to have big issues with trust. Pierre understands. A city like this, trust is your biggest weakness.

Pierre La Font: However, perhaps Pierre can alleviate that with some trust of his own. I don't imagine either of you are at all associated with the various gang outfits in the city, so perhaps we can have a meeting, person to person. I'll tell you what I know, and in exchange, you two will owe Pierre a favor.
[FP: 12]

uwagi: ...

uwagi: hmmm

uwagi: mmmmmmm

uwagi: hm

uwagi: hoooooo

uwagi: sounds like fun!

uwagi: unless you're like, fifty

uwagi: that'd be weird
(FP: 6)

Pierre La Font: Excellent, Pierre knows a great a sushi restaurant that serves some of the best. When the time comes, you'll be given the address and when and where to meet.

Pierre La Font: Hmm...

Pierre La Font: As for favors, Pierre simply asks that if you two continue on your quest to find the Black Rider, you bring Pierre along with you. He too has always wanted to meet the infamous rider in black, and discover the secrets of their motorcycle.

Pierre La Font: Who knows, perhaps Pierre can be an excellent tour guide to top it off as well!

Rolling boy: I dislike unnecessary contact. Pierre... Fine, I'm in. Give me the address when you are ready to meet.

Pierre La Font: OoooOoooo, you would love France, uwagi. There, we do more than just hug. Pierre will take you one day. We try the fine wine, and the beautiful people.

Pierre La Font: Oh, but you must forgive Pierre. It is rare to meet people who are so excited to go to Ikebukuro. Tell me, why are you so curious about the Black Rider?"

Rolling boy: Why??? Ah whatever.



Rolling boy: I have a few questions for her.
[FP: 15]

uwagi: they eat like frog legs in france

uwagi: don't they?

uwagi: ...

uwagi: that sounds like fun also.

uwagi: but yeah like, that hunt thing

uwagi: sounds like a lot of fun tooooooooooooooooo!

uwagi: (ノ^ヮ^)ノ*:・゚✧(ノ^ヮ^)ノ*:・゚✧(ノ^ヮ^)ノ*:・゚✧

uwagi: also arrbee

uwagi: bashful is cute~
(FP: 8)

Pierre La Font: Ahhh, adventurous! Excellent! Pierre will take you on an adventure indeed. I must gather my facts before we do!

Pierre La Font: Oh, what kind of questions? Pierre asks the question about your question.

Rolling boy: I want to know why she is being hunted like this. She has a big bounty on her head.
[FP: 16]

uwagi: wouldn't you want to catch

uwagi: a headless dude?

uwagi: i mean like,

uwagi: it'd be like catching a dragon

uwagi: think of the implications!

(FP: 9)

Pierre La Font: Besides getting your head chopped off? Hmmm, though unagi does have a point. Think of the fame and bragging rights. The better question is why there hasn't been a bounty on her sooner.

Pierre La Font: Of course, there's plenty of reasons why the rider would want to be captured. The various crimes they've been accused of. The various parties they pissed off. Any number of those reasons can get a person captured, not including the legend around her that's got everyone curious. There's more you're not telling Pierre. C'mon, lay it out.

Rolling boy: I'll tell you my other reasons but first. Tell me about this legend surrounding her

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