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Fantasy Dude, Where's the Bus?


Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
MAY 03 2015

A school bus full of high school students and a smattering of faculty disappeared while returning to Lafayette High School. Part of the wreckage was found – the front half of the bus was lying in a ditch off the interstate, metal mangled. However, not a soul was to be seen, not even a drop of blood or any footprints. Bad weather was determined to be the main cause of the crash as there was a heavy thunderstorm that evening, but the search for the survivors continues.


Several dozen humans appear along the south beach of the Lady’s Light as dusk settles in. The remnants of a gaudily decorated metallic chariot are strewn about in what was presumably one a carefully curated flower garden. At the other end of the small island, about a half mile away, on a rockier beach, is a tall white lighthouse with stucco cracked from where the chariot bounced off it during its descent. A half dozen young ladies in matching white robes are being shooed inside the lighthouse by a knight in full armor, who is at least twice the height of any other man around.

All is quiet for several minutes, until a shadow stirs in the water and a massive darkly-colored sea serpent lifts its head out of the water. It curiously regards the carnage and the visitors with glassy red eyes and lowers its head a couple meters to get a better look at the humans. Translucent blue and green fins reflect the lowering sun.

What will you do next?
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A fresh, salty sea breeze blew over her face as she opened her eyes blearily, blinking at the sky above. It was blue, yes, but it was also orange with the beginning of sunset, and the stars – the sun wasn’t even down yet, and there were lots of stars out, big ones and little ones, like someone spilled glitter across the sky.

Garnet blinked a few more times, until her eyes could bring the world around her into focus. Last she recalled, the hobbit had just seen some odd-looking boulders in the forest, there was generic screaming from behind her on the bus that she was patiently ignoring and… that was it, actually. And now she was laying in sand, staring up at the kind of sky that you had to be a rich tourist to see.

She pushed herself up, and looked around – there were her classmates, and over there, a teacher – but why were they all laying in sand? This wasn’t part of the trip’s itinerary. She tilted her head, confused. There were little clouds of mist that were quickly receding from everyone, disappearing like fog on a sunny day.

A great shadow loomed over them all, Garnet realized, and she turned around – staring straight up into the bright red eyes of something that wasn’t a fish, but wasn’t a snake either. All the color drained from her face, and she would have screamed, if a seagull hasn’t landed on her head right then, its talons digging into her headband.

“Wh… what?”

She was so confused. Since when were seagulls friendly?
Rosie was in a state of shock as her green eyes gazed up to the sky with the falling sun and stars that painted the sky. Her mind was in panic mode. The girl thought of what happened before her stargazing and all that flashed from her mind was a bus and a perverted boy sitting by her on the bus. She didn't remember ever stepping off that bus, nor did she remember laying down to catch the setting sun in her eyes.

With a glance around her she saw the sand that rested around every student. The other students were just as confused as she was. Then the mist seemed to vanish before her eyes and what awaited her vision was some kind of beast. A beast she was scared of, but then her mind was distracted by the sight of a seagull land on the head of a girl. Rosie was confused on why the bird landed on her head, but fear to over her once more as she looked a the creature and muttered. "Holy......Shit....."
There was a sharp pain in the side of Charles' head and a loud ringing in his ears. He groaned loudly and put his hands up to his ears to try and block out the sound, only to find that it didn't work. He opened his eyes to bright and painful light, and then closed them again, squinting the light away. Pain. Everything was made of pain. He opened his mouth to call out, but there was no sound. Or, perhaps, he simply didn't hear the noise coming out of his mouth. Was he talking? Was there sound? Or... was he screaming? His throat hurt. Had he been screaming before? He was cold and he felt wet. Where was he? After some struggle he opened his eyes again to see mangled metal before him. With time the ringing went away and was replaced by what sounded like water... specifically, waves.

Charles laid there, listening to the waves and staring at the metal before him. His mind was jumbled with memories of the last few days, but almost nothing related to today. Had he hit his head? Charles removed his hands from his head and realized one of them was wet and sticky. He looked to see that there was blood on his fingers. His left hand...his implant! There was a brief moment of panic where he thought that perhaps it'd been torn out from the accident, but when he checked - it was still there. And fine. The thought came to him again, "...an accident." That was it! There had been an accident! He had been in an accident... his heart raced as panic came to him again. Was he okay? Was anyone hurt!? Charles sat up, becoming dizzy at the quick movements, and steadied himself. He could wiggle his toes and he had no back pain. His hands worked and he could hear the waves. Though, everything was fuzzy. His glasses were gone.

Charles groaned again as he started trying to find his glasses in the area around him. He was okay, clearly. Just a head wound...but, was he alone? Had he been alone? There was a voice, suddenly. It echoed faintly, but caught his attention. Who had that been? Had there been someone else in the accident? Charles didn't move. He listened intently for the voice again, but heard nothing. He tried to speak out, but his throat was dry and it hurt. He cleared his throat a few times and tried again, successfully, "H-hello? Is anyone out there? Are you okay?" His heard his voice echo, much like the other's voice before. That was a weird noise to him. It wasn't like a normal echo. It was more like something he was hearing... "In my head?" He finished the thought, only to find it echoed the same. The echoing was weird, and he couldn't explain it. He felt out to the metal he'd woken up to, to find it was actually a large rock. Charles moved to it and sat up against it, looking out. He couldn't see anything, not truly. It was a blurry would of different shades and sounds. It was all confusion and loneliness until he heard it.


A voice in the darkness! He reached out for the voice and found memories. A bus. A crash. Students. Teachers. It all came rushing back to Charles in a wave of more pain. For a moment his world was thrown back into pain and suffering. He tried to find a solid point to bring him back to reality and he found it in another voice. It was a feminine voice. She was confused and shocked. There was a hint of worry in there, too, as she said, "How are you all not dead? How did you get here? Where are you from? This is a private island. You aren't dressed like you're from here. What is that THING that landed in my flowers?" The woman's voice echoed in his head, and he reeled as he came back to the world that was. "Help? I can hear you, but I can't see you. I've seen to have lost my glasses...I've been in an accident. Are my students okay? Please call an ambulance for us! We need help!" Charles said weakly. His voice echoed in his head again, drifting off into darkness. All he could really do was sit there and hope someone helped, or cared. He thought he heard another voice, a third, but he couldn't be sure. "Did someone say 'holy shit'?" He wondered in his head, only to find more echoes.

[OOC: The echoing in his head is his telepathy being all wonky and him not being in control. So, if you wish, you can hear Charles in your head! :3 Because he was in yours at some point, probably.]
Kyle was dreaming of what had happened on the bus before being taken to this realm. He awoke with a start and clenched his hands. He realized there was a great deal of sand in his hands for some reason. He propped himself up and examined the ground around him. Their were students everywhere, but at first glance no one seemed to be hurt.

It seemed some students had woken up before him and he examined them. He first noticed Charles who had a wound on his head, but nothing fatal. Kyle stood and was about to go over when he heard Garnet then Rosie speak. He didn't hear them, but noticed Garnet looking up. She also had a seagulls on her head for some reason. Kyle looked up himself and saw the beast looming overhead. He was speechless, however, his body moved on its own running forward. He stopped when he was between the beast and Garnet, throwing his arms out to either side. He would protect the students even at the cost of his life.
Darkness and sand. That was all Johnathan could both see and feel as he awoke. He could hear murmurs around him, but could not make out what was being said. He assumed that he had fallen asleep on the trip and that one of the teachers or students thought it would be a brilliant idea to just bury him into the sand...It wasn't the first time this had happened before. Although last time they at least had his head above the surface of the sand. Maybe this wasn't a prank and something had actually h-AP


A muffled whine came from below the teacher as where he had landed had been on the top of one particular student's head. Johnny's arms flailed weakly in protest as he remained planted into the sand, acting as Kyle's platform of sentient pain. Today was going better than Sunday had.
Discordant sounds met Levi's ears, distant and odd. Was he dreaming? There was the distinctive roar of waves as if he was on the beach, but Levi hated the beach. Why would he be dreaming about it? His vision was blurred as he began to awaken, and the light of the sunset played tricks with his eyes. He was seeing double. And then... he was seeing monsters.

Levi had been flung a little further from the others in the wreckage, and when he finally sat up, he was facing the water. What looked to be an immense sea serpent was casually glancing down at all of the kids and teachers that were on the bus with him. The creature had glowing red eyes like half of the demons in the RPGs he was used to playing. Levi shook his head to try and clear it, but that was a mistake. He felt like a brick had hit him at the base of his skull. This had to be part of his weird dream, he thought. Sea monsters did not exist. It would make a great image for an album cover, he thought... Maybe that was it. He was stressing over the art class project that he had to complete by Friday, and this was all a way for him to brainstorm ideas.
It was no surprise that Mondays sucked. And to Charley, this was no mistake. She was actually underneath the teacher to start her morning, squished by assignments. She had no particular idea of where she was, although she had heard familiar voices, bells ringing in her ears.

"Oh, shit. The teacher!" Charley dusted the sand off her dress, and went to help him. His glasses lay near him, and she squatted down to hand Charles his glasses. "Hey, Charles, calm down! We're right here." She got up, and looked around to see the wide-eyed students on the barren beach, and sighed, "Wonderful. I guess we're all lost, then." She hadn't noticed the beast as she helped Charles up, back to the creature in question. As it looked at them, she handed Charles his glasses and cracked her back as she turned. "Guys, calm down, it's just the oceeeEEAAANN!" She turned just to see the beast staring her right in the face.

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Chai, who was previously enjoying adjusting his hair ornament, looking into a small handheld mirror, on a seemingly safe and secure bus, was rather surprised to find himself lying on...Sand? Which considering he had just taken his morning shower and was trying out a new type of shampoo, was a very uncomfortable situation to be in, hair covered in sand and all.

It took him a moment to fully get his bearings on the situation, it seemed the bus had vanished, along with his mirror, and as he sat up and attempted to glance around realized they were quite definitely not in...Well, anywhere familiar to say the least.

The other people on bus seemed to not have vanished, and they seemed to be just as confused as him some had even landed on other people from the looks of it, he counted himself lucky and decided to lay back down in the sand, perhaps he was dreaming, and to be completely honest he felt rather out of it, which was fair considering he suddenly woke up on an island, completely nonsensical truly. Panicking was the first thing on his mind, but he could do that just as well lying on the ground.

Milly Dawlish

Sitting on the bus daydreaming about fantastical places was one thing, but this was all so real! Milly wasn't a stranger to daydreams, sometimes they were passing thoughts, and other times they were much like this, being realistic enough to lose yourself to your thoughts. Sitting on the sandy beach, Milly ran her fingers through the grains as the warm air brushed her hair against her face. The surrounding scenery was so beautiful and strange, everything looked like it had a little bit of magic about it, nothing was quite "right" so to speak. The nearby grass was shockingly lush, the sky glowed with a warm light, and the sea sparkled like it was made of sapphires and diamonds, it was wonderful.

Hearing some commotion nearby, Milly's eyes met with those of the large serpent. A smile spread across Milly's face and she felt her heart skip a few beats, the sight of the giant snake rising from the water was out of this world, something one could only experience in their wildest dreams. Getting up onto her feat with a slight jump, Milly ran down towards the waters edge, her shoes splashing lightly on the sand made damp by waves before she took a few paces back to keep her toes dry.

You're so big!!" she sang, staring upwards at the beasts glittering jewel like eyes with a beaming smile on her face. Any sense of danger that should have been present on seeing a giant snake like beast seemed to be absent, after all, what harm could come her? This was her dream after all, no?

Kyle heard something beneath him and he dared to glance down. Arms were flailing about and he quickly realized he was on top of someone. He stepped back and helped the boy up from the sand. Kyle brushed off the sand on Johnathan and apologized, "Oh no I'm so sorry Johnathan!!! I didn't mean to step on your head! Are you ok?!?!?!" Kyle gave up trying to get all of the sand off of Johnathan and waited for his forgiveness.

Just then Kyle noticed another student run by, Towards the beast?!?! He thought to himself and acted without thinking. His legs lurched him forward and his right hand stretched towards Milly; as if to catch her shoulder and stop her. That was when a very odd feeling swept through his head to his right hand. An invisible force shot out of his hand towards Milly and hit her. She was only hit hard enough to be shoved and send her to the ground. Kyle stared open mouth, shocked at what had just happened. He couldn't even move to go help poor Milly up. It was just not Mr. Jumal's lucky day whatsoever.
The serpent stared, befuddled, at the chaos unfolding below it – no, her. She looked at all the little humans, and her red eyes flicked briefly up toward where the lighthouse was, and the yellow metal chariot lying mangled in her flowers.

Tonight was a very odd night.

Her attention was drawn to one human in particular – a man, standing in front of her, his arms spread to protect the younger ones behind him. How odd. Was that driftwood he was standing on, or another person? Oh. A person. There was flailing. How unfortunate. She remembered being buried in the sand once, it was unpleasant.

It seemed order was needed here. A commanding voice of authority, to organize the masses.

The serpent roared and slammed her tail down into the shallow waves, sending a curtain of ocean spray over the humans.

Whoops. Maybe that would have sounded better in a person-language.

More voices. Lovely. Well, at least the weight on his head went away. The comfort was short-lived as he felt a hand on his head. Johnny gave a groan as he lifted his head out of the sand in a daze. Clearly he was still adjusting to the concept of not being an ostrich with its head in the ground...Only to be met with the sight of a massive snake and a wave of water that flung him onto his back with a resounding thud. Well, at least the force hadn't knocked him into a bad area or anything...

As he began to notice his head was now resting on Garnet's lap...

Perhaps existing wasn't the best idea at the moment.
Charley stumbled back, as a small wave hit her, soaking her to the skin. Pulling seaweed out of her hair, she narrowed her eyes, "Alright. Got it. Not exactly a happy snake thing." She started to back up, almost tripping over a piece of discarded log. She thought to herself how she'd rather be reading a book, writing a novel, hell, receiving a strict scolding from her mother, anything but this. She surveyed the area. A cave was nearby, not large enough for the monster to reach into the cave and eat them, or kill them, or whatever. "Guys, there's a cave." Charley started to sidestep towards the cave. "If we somehow make it to there, we'll be safe..."
Suddenly the world was a lot louder. There were people all around him. He could hear them, but not see them. This simply brought more confusion into his life. "Hello? Can someone help me?" He called out at the ruckus. He felt around the area before him and still didn't find his glasses. At least he hadn't stepped on them or something. That was good. He could hear a few voices specifically, but he wasn't sure who they belonged to. Specific words were repeated: monster, snake, thing. Monster snake thing? Charles had no choice other than to be even more confused! Was there a snake and they were scared of it? That was simply outrageous! It's just a snake! He scoffed to himself before putting his head against the rock and groaning in a tired and agitated way.

A voice came to him, followed by a blob of movement. He squinted to see who it was, but was greeted with a familiar voice before any identifying traits could become visible. "Hey, Charles, calm down! We're right here." Charley said, and with that he felt his glasses come into contact with his hands. A sigh of relief left him at that moment. She remarked that they were lost, which frightened Charles, and then helped him up. Now standing, he started to clean his glasses before putting them on.

That was when it happened. The world shook and there was a thunderous clap as something large and heavy hit the group, the waves picked up and there was a monstrous roar, but with it - a feminine voice. The same one as before! She said, "Attention everyone, please! I'm going to need you to calm down for a moment!" Charles' heart skipped a beat at this. She wasn't one of the students or teachers. So that meant she was there to help! "Hey! We're in need of help! We've been in a terrible accident, and someone us may be hurt or injured!" He shouted at the voice, an echo following in his head. He was sure that the owner of the voice could see this, but he wanted to make sure she knew loud and clear the stakes.

Charles put his glasses on, now clean and able to help him see - only to find that they were one a beach.... with a serpent monster in the water. His heart sank as he whispered out, "Oh."
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Garnet had read about many things in her books. Mysterious islands, sea monsters, lost children… but this wasn’t one of her books. She pinched herself, trying to make sure she was only dreaming. She wasn’t.

“Oh, no. Oh no no no no…”

The majestic guardian seagull took flight as the monster roared, and trashed its tail, sending a wall of mist over Garnet, and catapulting Johnny Thompson over her way – in fact, his head landed right in her lap.

She stared in shock at the boy – not that it was his fault, it’s not like he had the gall to touch her or anything. It was Johnny. He didn’t have the gall to do anything. Still, out of instinct, she raised her hand – and heard a tiny little splat, as Mr. Seagull left Mr. Thompson a parting gift.

“… Oh,” she said quite simply, as though she had said anything more substantial in the past ten minutes. “I’m sorry about that. I think the bird had the right idea.” Garnet gently pushed Johnny’s head off her thighs, and stood up – a little shakily, from shock, but up all the same. Being near the sea monster seemed like a bad idea.

“I – I think the cave is a good idea.”

But a little thought buzzed in the back of her brain. Were there no other people on this island?
Chai, suddenly realizing full force what was going on, as his eyes flickered back open from lying down in the sand, which he didn't actually understand why he did in the first place, he had just woken up in the middle of a strange beach, and he hadn't noticed that there was a fairly large snake staring them down, of which had just caused water splash on him... Circling back to the first sentence of this about him waking up, he honestly had no idea what was going on, but he thought it best to stand up, perhaps groggily walk in a general direction away from the large sea-serpent.

He heard someone say something about a cave, and since these people were his classmates, and one of them was a teacher that he would assume he should know, and certainly did, but it seemed this sand in his hair was making him a little fuzzy on the thinking side.

Regardless, he decided it would be best just to follow everybody else, as he had no reason to really speak up, and a piece of logic would dictate that he should get as far away from whatever strangeness was going on as possible.

It also occurred to him that he was thirsty, and had meant to bring a bottle of grape juice with him in case of situations identical to this.
Milly Dawlish

Offf!"With a less than ceremonious winding, Milly found herself face down in the water, had someone run into her? She wasn't sure, it was rude of them anyway! Now a little damp and soggy, and with sand stuck to her nice green jumper, Milly had just managed to get up onto her hands and knees when a resounding splash soaked her from head to toe...

UAAHH!!" She yelled as the cold water soaked through to her underwear. Were dreams not meant to be fun? Sure Milly didn't mind going swimming, but when she was still dressed in her clothes it wasn't the best idea. The force of the sudden wave threw her back slightly, landing her on her bottom in the shallow surf, which quite readily seeped through her shorts and tights.

With the water now lapping around her thighs, Milly looked toward the serpent in front of her in the water, it must have been source of the splashing, although admittedly she had missed the action thanks to being pushed over by someone. Carefully she got back to her feet, her long golden hair sticking to her shoulders and arms, water dripping from her everywhere, and her skin coming up in light goosebumps from the wind.

Don't splash! That's rude, and I wasn't ready for it! I don't even have a change of clothes with me!" Milly shouted, pointing at the giant snake with a huffy look on her face.


Charley was amazed about what balls the young girl had for talking to the serpent, and ran to grab her hand. Suddenly, she had realized...she took a few steps, and she had already been in the ocean, grabbing the girl's hand. "I...wha..." Charley was amazed, looking at her feet. Was she dreaming? Was she crazy? Was she high? Whatever it was...she had no time to lose.

"Run towards the cave! Now!" Charley pulled the strange girl towards the cave, let go of her hand, and sped towards the cave with haste. Suddenly...she was there in only a few seconds. She looked back at the beach. "Hurry the fuck up!" She called to the crew.
"Would you all just kindly SHUT THE HELL UP?! I'm trying to sleep, here!" Levi exclaimed as he sat on the beach and watched everything unfold before his eyes. This was the weirdest dream he'd had in awhile, and that was saying something. He scanned the beach and saw the mayhem, thinking it was actually kind of amusing. And was that... Chai Maiara? There was no way in hell it could be. Sand in the hair, all wet and mussed. He hoped he could remember enough of the dream to write it down. There was a song in this, somewhere.

Then he was splashed with water, and was sure he had finally awakened. He heard his friend Charley screaming something. That was her distinctive voice, and equally distinctive foul mouth. He laughed, and stood up to brush the sand off of his pants. "C'mon now, Chuckles," he teased. Chuck had been his nickname for her for the last two years. "What's all this about, hn?" he turned towards her voice, and saw many of his classmates running for shelter. His handsome brow furrowed, then his line of sight shifted towards the thing that they were running from. "Christ on a candlestick!" he yelled, falling back down on his rear onto the beach. He seemed to think he could crab-crawl his way away from the huge serpent-like creature.
Sabrina felt like she was dreaming. One minute she was calmly sitting on the bus, and the next minute she was lying on the ground, eyes closed. She opened them, looking at the darkening sky. She sat up and rubbed her temple lightly, trying to remember what the heck just happened.

She got up and looked around her and she noticed that everybody was running towards a cave. She was actually quite far from it, being right next to the water. "What's happening..." she whispered to herself as she jogged towards the cave to not look like a idiot standing in the middle of nowhere. She also didn't notice the two horns on her head.
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It took a few moments for Johnny's brain to start working again after the realization that he had landed on a rather intimate area of one of his classmates..Far longer than most should take if survival is on their mind.


".........." Johnny just stared up at the sky as a blob of what he could easily assume the origins of remained on his forehead. It was only as it began moving downward that reality kicked back into operation. Giant snake. GIANT. ASS. SNAKE. Aaaand there was that little bit about how he may or may not have just assaulted a female student. Grand.

His attention was then drawn to what Garnet had said. Surprisingly, it had nothing to do with how deplorable or sick Johnny was. Instead, it was about a cave. Slowly getting to his feet and wiping the ever-so-lovely material off his forehead with his hand, he looked around to see this cave she was speaking about. Sure enough, it was close by, but so was the massive snake that was clearly going to try and eat everyone in there. His gaze became locked onto that of the snake's. Stiff as a board, an audible swallow could be heard as he slowly backed up towards the cave, his eyes not leaving the snake's.
Sabrina got to the cave. She walked towards the closest person in proximity. "Hey, what's happening?" she asked. The person didn't answer, and just turned away and ran screaming for help.

Sabrina looked out of the cave and saw the giant sea serpent. Slowly, she took out her phone from her pocket and quickly snapped a few pictures before shoving it back into her pocket. "WTF is that thing?!" she exclaime.
"She totally hates you."

"Give it up, man!"

No, he said he was going to enamor whoever sat next to him on that bus -- male or female, who cares! Ollie had sworn he'd manage it.

"She's just shy!" Ollie shouted back.

He could solve that with one quick gesture, with the unveiling of his secret weapon. Knee propping him up on the seat, Ollie stretched out his arms wide as a hush fell over that row on the bus.

His hands slowly went down, fingers wrapping around the lower end of his shirt. "Hey, you! Girl, look!" Ollie said and ripped button from fabric, exposing the proud, muscle-etched stomach.

Screams deafened his ears. He thought that was all for him, and a wide grin split across his face.

Then the world lurched and roared.

It spun, flipped, flew. Ollie was thrown like a ragdoll. His vision went white.

Ollie spat sand.

Everything hurt. His arms were aching, his legs felt like a thousand needles were poking them, and his head could very well have been split open. Ollie raised a shaky hand to his forehead, and withdrew blood.

"That f***ing driver..." Ollie muttered.

He could hear screaming. Again. He was sick of screaming. "Just leave me alone," he moaned.

"......the Cave!" Incited a stampede. Feet almost trampled over him.

He wanted to lay there and groan and cry, but he knew his friends would laugh at him if he did, so Ollie forced himself to his feet.

He trudged after the migrating classmates, until one turned around and called back to him.

"Ollie! Ollie! Giant snake! Run! RUNNN!"

Giant snake? He'd killed snakes just for fun -- why was everyone acting like girls? Sighing, Ollie turned around, and saw exactly what his friend meant by 'giant'.


With newfound energy, he raced for the cavern and tripped over a stone, barelling into the wall.

"This trip sucks..." He groaned, picking himself up. He was sure someone was laughing at him.
Milly Dawlish

What? But I, where...?" Milly asked as Charley grabbed at her hand, and then was... gone... It wasn't unusual for people to be able to do things in dreams they couldn't do in reality, but wasn't it usually the person having the dream that did things like disappear? Milly stood looking a little confused, the waves sloshing at her ankles as everyone else on the beach made their way off towards a cave further along the beach. Should she go with them? It wasn't exactly far away, but it wasn't close either, and with her clothes soaking wet getting there would be a hassle too... A cave didn't seem like the best place to dry off at.

Looking around herself, Milly took note of a few things. One, her History teacher, Charles, was still on the beach, and he didn't seem to be going anywhere in a hurry, he was also closer than the cave. Two, the giant snake had had plenty of time to eat her, and it had not done so, so that meant the snake was fine, right? Three, there was a lighthouse on the hill, and that meant there would be people up there, right? Maybe they had a radiator she could hang her clothes on to dry off! As the details fell into place, Milly formed a plan, it was full of holes and assumptions but it was a plan, and it was better than running off to a cave that's for sure!

Excuse me Mr Snake, I have to go see my teacher for a moment. Remember, splashing people is rude, so try not to make any more water wash towards me, alright?" the young girl shouted towards the massive beast as she ran up the beach towards Mr Ward. When you thought about it, a young tiny girl giving advice to a sea serpent was more than odd, considering there was little chance the beast could speak, never mind understand what she was saying. Even if it could, the being would no doubt be decades older than her, so any advice would be useless, especially considering it was a sea serpent, and not a person.

Milly's feet padded softly through the sand as she got close to Mr Ward, water still dripping from her drenched clothing. At least she was still cheerful, that was always a plus.

Mr Ward!" Milly called out in between breaths as she ran towards him. " Mr Ward! Everyone's ran away... But I don't think they need to! That snake's big, but it's not done anything and it was there before we even woke up and it still didn't eat us, but the lighthouse looks warmer than the cave." She rambled, mashing two different thoughts into one sentence and puzzling as to whether it still made sense. Milly cocked her head to the side a little, trying to decipher her own words back into relevant statements again, but she couldn't do it.

What I mean is, I think the snake is safe! And everyone would be better heading to the lighthouse instead, because caves are cold and dangerous, right?" Milly said, reaffirming her thoughts in a clearer way. She smiled at her words as if to congratulate herself on saying something smart, although given the situation the very fact that she didn't run like the devil towards the first and closest shelter she could find was a total contradiction to any smartness she was feeling at this moment.

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