Dude, Where's the Bus? [ooc]

:) hey, thanks for that, Wells! And xD thank you too, Taoka. Ill miss ya too!

EDIT: oh, it will, Girou, it will :D *sparklez be le horn*
I can just imagine Loki with a unicorn horn yelling KNEEL BEFORE HORN!

(Not that he hasn't gotten involved with horses before) :3
...Oh, yeah. that...

You can get a horn for $199.99 mail order!

I don't own one of those I don't know what you're saying ha hah aha...
If anything, I'd rather have a unicorn hair inside my Harry Potter wand instead of a unicorn horn. I mean come on, Harry Potter is freaking awesome. ^ ^
For stabbing people, maybe. o3o But it's goofy when you do it, it's like you're charging like a bull.


But seriously, brb so I can get ready for class. (^.^)
Dude, I'm an alien ghost thinga mabob that kidnaps cows and that one time a child, if you didn't go to the field to help her - or if you just suck at video games in general. I'm pretty freakin' creepy. :P
Not as creepy as creepy herself, I was trying to summon her. Nyeh!

Wasn't talking to ya, as an not evil evil overlord you cannot scare me!

Just because I may partake in messing with dangerous chemicals, being in love with a evil necromancer, and one accidentally fed people poison apples at a party, those don't make me evil!
No they don't, cause I'm not evil, I like...Don't like to be mean and stuff, so I'm not evil.

I'm just an evil overlord.

Guys, wiki making is hard!
Jeez everyone was posting off the wall yesterday. What happened? I know welian is at school, but idk about everyone else. Oh well I guess it's better than having to read a lot of posts to catch up haha

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