Dude, Where's the Bus? [ooc]

I feel like such an oddball I just finished reading the Confucian Analects, and working my way through The Doctrine Of The Mean
Alright guys, important question.

Do I make my practice site for my web design class a boring old blog, you know, play it safe... OR

Do I make it a fake news blog for one of my roleplay settings?
You should make one for my roleplay.

Because I need more stuff for that to make it cooler.

Or you could do it for your roleplay, I mean, ya know not helping a person out and all...-Sniffles-
xD -pats Giro- Wordpress is free, dawg.

You think I have time for that? I have school work too, and...Well...No...I kind of don't....

Well, I thought you were offering. Hmph.

Screw it, you've inspired me! I'm going to go make a wiki for my roleplay!
Hi Tao!

And Giro, that's gonna sooo worth the effort, especially if you're like me and like to reuse settings.
Awesome! I definitely want a link to that when you get it going.. All the writing you've all posted are reinspiring me and my writing :D
Well, ya know. I'd like to put a lot of effort into a wiki with setting stuff if people would post a tiny bit more

wink wink /s

To tiddlywiki I go!
lol! Sorry Giro, I can only do OOC posts at the moment because I'm keeping an ear out for my professor whenever her lecture starts up again, but I'll see about a Benny post between classes.

Tao, no new roleplay (yet), more like Daft and Giy encouraging me to make a fake news blog for a corrupt government from a past roleplay we were in together.

Actually, that reminds me - I've been RPing with Zahzi, Daft, and Giyari for so long, that if I'm ever not around, just follow their lead. It might get you killed, but at least they already know what I was probably going to do anyways.
No, you must take everything seriously!

Also, I'm cool with the slow posting, just would like to get one in every now and then so I have something to do.

Aw, so cute, a close-tight knit group of roleplayers and friends.
By the way, Charley is going to open the door. :) Whoever wants to come with, go right ahead. Unless you want me to wait?
Chai will probably just follow whatever anyone does, he's not a very interesting character when not interacting with people, but I hope my posts with him humor you anyway.
Go right on ahead! I trust you Tao, after all, I was telling you like, half my plans last night.
Chai is a cool character ^ ^ Can't wait to see what he does next....though maybe I should wait for more people to make a decision.
XP Ive read all the posts -- my main difficulty is both not being able to write fast enough to keep up and not being sure where to apply myself. Also, I'm realizing Ollie might be too difficult to make socialize with others than I'd first anticipated.

It may be preemptive, but I dont want to hold you guys back once school starts, so i think its best that i back out now. Even so, I wish all of you the best in this rp!
  • Q: What will Chai do next?

  1. 1. Stand around
  2. 2. maybe walk around within around 4 feet and think about how he could maybe stand around more.
  3. 3. Think about cookies, Sand, Or Skyscrapers.
  4. 4. All of the above!
Awww, you sure Killigrew? Oh well - you can always come back later, if you want. Once you're in with me, you're in 4LYFE.

Also consider this an open invite to hang around in this OOC and chat, if you want to keep up with us.

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