Dreams of the Third Age

Goddamnbatman said:
You would be starting in the East, toward the savage lands. The Goblin King Filial Wisdom is preparing a full on assault against Rakshi, Some Lunars elders are concerned about preserving Rakshi but her current conquest of the nearby tribes make many people wary of the upcoming bloodsheds.Of course it would be up to you how you deal with the situation whether by alliance or if you are feeling bold enough assassination.
I'm going to assume that we're considering Raksi the lesser evil here? Anyone prefer to support the Goblin King and god of cannibalism?

Would it be a bad idea to write Raksi into my backstory somehow?
WarDragon said:
I'm going to assume that we're considering Raksi the lesser evil here? Anyone prefer to support the Goblin King and god of cannibalism?
Would it be a bad idea to write Raksi into my backstory somehow?
I prefer the Book of Three Circles, but maybe that's just me. We're Exalted, we don't have to pick the lesser evil.
Raksi is a cannibal too. Also, it's not impossible to separate Filial from Han-Tha. We did that in Sherwood's high-Essence game in a single scene. :P
Smite both, worry about the consequences later. xD (I'm for siding with Rakshi until as such a time its not good for us to do so, fighting both at the same time might be bad and insane. oO)
Myllinnia said:
Smite both, worry about the consequences later. xD (I'm for siding with Rakshi until as such a time its not good for us to do so, fighting both at the same time might be bad and insane. oO)
This works for me. I was considering having some diplomatic relations with her, despite her... distasteful hobbies.
WarDragon said:
This works for me. I was considering having some diplomatic relations with her, despite her... distasteful hobbies.
Canonically she's not much for diplomacy, but your character could always be her long-lost Solar mate. >_>
Myllinnia said:
Smite both, worry about the consequences later. xD (I'm for siding with Rakshi until as such a time its not good for us to do so, fighting both at the same time might be bad and insane. oO)
Carpet bombing with a Skyship, anyone?
How can I not like sky ship bombing tactics. xD

But... recovery of special book might be something to consider not have blown to kingdom come. (Not sure if artifact that survives kabooms or not)
Myllinnia said:
How can I not like sky ship bombing tactics. xD
But... recovery of special book might be something to consider not have blown to kingdom come. (Not sure if artifact that survives kabooms or not)
Artifacts N/A like the Book of Three Circles usually does. The Manse it is housed in blowing up may be a different matter.
None of you are making Solaroids look good whatsoever in the eyes of my recently-ex-Bronze Sidereal. >_>
It's Filial Wisdom and Rakshi. I thought you would be down for removing them from the playingfield.
Of course I am. That doesn't mean I won't judge you for your lack of virtue. I'm playing a Sidereal after all, these things come naturally.
Rakshi is a step away from being Chimera, and the only reason she has not been put down by the Silver Pact is that she has such power on her side. I'll support the airship carpet bombing.
I say we ally with Raksi and put her on a metaphorical short leash until we can extract her knowledge and/or cure her madness.
Dragon-Blooded as with the retainers background from Dotfa, for followers having dragon blooded would be significantly less of them.
Hm, I'll have to redo my background dots then. I want me some loyal Dragon-Blooded minions! :D

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