Dreams of the Third Age

Not me... I avoided followers representing ... things because... troublesome xD So instead a 5 dot Past Life became a thing.
Having followers will cramp my style. I take on the occasional student, but that can come later on.
Does Natural Hardness stack with Armored Hardness? There really was no such thing in the Core book, and some sources since then (mainly Alchemicals) are worded ambiguously.
Considering how easy hardness is to bypass, I don't think it'll hurt anything if it stacks.
First off, lots of Ox Body Technique. That is a must.
Shield of Destiny for sidereals and probably some others, Solars have some resistance charms taking care of that and for infernals, probably something in Malfeas. Lunars most likely something in Stamina, even if Lunars can just heal the damage, worst come to worst.
Meanwhile in Malfeas... gentleman demon with tea!

"13 drops of purified, diluted vitriol to 6 gallons to purified water from the seas of Kimbery, and finely brewed with szoreny's leaves. Enjoy."
Goddamnbatman said:
Investing in post soak defenses is more than recommended.
Huh... I just now noticed that Infernals don't seem to have one. The two Shintais that included damage limiters were errata'd to just give more soak. They have things to get more HLs, and not take wound penalties, but nothing to actually reduce post-soak damage.

Could I make one? And where would be a good place to put it? Malfeas, SWL, Kimberry, my DT?

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